Set in the 1920s and inspired by real events, the series follows the true story of railway workers from both Canada and the United States joining together in the fight to give birth to the world's first Black union
I knew a bit about the Porter's Union struggles, being a UAW member. This is a fantastic,well acted,well written show! Looking forward to seeing many more seasons !!
This was an amazing cast of actors and actresses who are all incredibly talented. I loved the first season…from the acting, storylines, scenery and realism—had me completely connected with the characters and left wanting more after each episode…did not want it to end. It honestly felt like a big budget movie or miniseries. I hope for a season two and for it to come back to my city (Winnipeg) for filming. The Porter needs to have more publicity to reach more people.
This is one of the best series on television!!! I knew nothing about the origins of this Union or this time in organizing history. The actors, writers, set design, cinematography - amazing! This better get renewed for another season CBC exec's! Cannot wait for Season Two!!!
'The Porter" is one of the best shows to come along in ages. I am hopeful there will be a season 2 announced shortly. A ton of talent on display there!
Comments 8
Looking forward to seeing many more seasons !!