The Family Stallone
The Family Stallone, starring Sylvester Stallone and his family, has been renewed for a second season after a record-breaking debut on Paramount+. The reality series offers a glimpse into the life of the famous Hollywood family, showcasing Sylvester Stallone as a dad at home.
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The Family Stallone, starring Sylvester Stallone, his wife Jennifer Flavin Stallone, and their daughters Sophia, Sistine, and Scarlet, has been renewed for a second season by Paramount+. The reality series premiered to record-breaking numbers, making it the top original reality series debut on the streaming service. The first season is currently available for streaming on Paramount+ in various regions, with more international markets to come.

The show provides viewers with a glimpse into the life of one of Hollywood's most famous families, showing how Sylvester Stallone is simply a dad at home. Jennifer Flavin Stallone is described as a savvy businesswoman and co-owner of the wellness brand Serious Skin Care. Sophia Stallone, the eldest sister, has no interest in pursuing acting like her father but hosts a podcast called Unwaxed with her sister Sistine. Sistine Stallone is an actress and model, currently working on her first feature film. The youngest daughter, Scarlet Stallone, is moving into her own apartment at college and dreams of becoming an actress.

The Family Stallone is produced by MTV Entertainment Studios and executive produced by Benjamin Hurvitz and Nadim Amiry. Julie Pizzi, Farnaz Farjam, and Jonathan Singer serve as executive producers for Bunim-Murray Productions, with Chris Ray and Jason Williams as co-executive producers.


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