Sons of Liberty
History Channel
1 Season
3 Episodes
(49 votes)

Season 2 of Sons of Liberty Isn’t Picked Up by History Channel

Current Show Status
Sons of Liberty season 2 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Tue 1/27/2015 Independence Season 1: Episode 3
Next Episode Show ended 3 episodes total
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About the series

Sons of Liberty is a three part miniseries that features the events during the early years of the American Revolution. Directed by Kari Skogland, the series chronicles the start of the revolution, the negotiations of the Second Continental Congress and the ultimate drafting and signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The first season of Sons of Liberty premiered on January 25, 2015 on History.

Focusing primarily on the historical figures and pivotal events of then British colonies, the series explores events that ultimately led to resistance of the royal crown and formation of an independent nation. The Sons of Liberty are a group of men who would eventually become America’s founding fathers, including Samuel Adams, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Paul Revere, George Washington and Thomas Gage.

Reviews and ratings

With just three episodes in season 1, Sons of Liberty drew in a steady average of 3 million viewers. Billed as a dramatic interpretation of events and work of historical fiction, the series gained a following and fans are hoping for a quick return for a second season. Scoring 7.6 out of 10 on IMDb, it’s likely that the series may be green-lit for another round of revolutionary drama. Fans will have to stay tuned to see if History will renew Sons of Liberty for season season 2.


Season 1
#NameAir Dates
1A Dangerous Game Jan 25, 2015
2The Uprising Jan 26, 2015
3Independence Jan 27, 2015

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Comments 19

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0 1 James  September 21, 2023
This movie was really done pretty good. Staying as close to our history of how we stood against tyranny and oppression. We fought for freedom, which mainly consisted of religious freedom. So many people have forgotten how America was born. God gave our founders wisdom and strength to fight for freedom. Why would A&E cave in to stop production of our history? As Christians we need to speak out against those who have turned against America. It is time to pray for guidance from God our creator! We are very close to the Rapture time and those who stand against God will face the 7 year tribulation. Please pray for all people to turn to God. May God Bless you
0 5 Bryon  March 8, 2023
I watched this when it first aired. Just finished watching it all again. So disappointec there still is only 3 episodes. Our Govt done everything they could to shut this down. They don’t want us to see this. They are scared that we may do it again. They certainly deserve it. Make the dang movies and sell DVD’s out of the trunk of your car. Our country is hungry for this! It is time we take our country back. Grab them by the belt buckle
3 0 Danny Kitchell  January 13, 2022
Apparently, it's not noticed that John Adams was 15 years older than his cousin's son Samual Adams. And that Pres Adam's Abigail was
24 years younger than Samual. Interesting that this show could actually expect viewers to believe either of these 2 persons would have been any the position to advise this most important person in our continents history? Not even the history teacher caught it. [thinking]
0 8 Kimbalee63  July 9, 2021
I guess I’m late to the party! We went for lunch Independence Day weekend at the Green Dragon in Boston & our friends were telling us about Sons of Liberty. We just finished watching the First Season & we’re very disappointed there’s no Season 2! I can’t believe you left off like that! It’s not too late for Season 2!!! History is history!!
2 4 David Hutchens  March 20, 2021
Just binge watched all (sadly only) 6 episodes of Sons of Liberty. Was pleasantly surprised how good it was- fine actors, historical accuracy, well flowing screenplay. The History Channel missed an opportunity to have a magnificent program in their arsenal, but then they have fallen off the mark steadily after their creation. With this treasure of a FIRST season now under control of Starz network, hopefully they will realize how this production's excellent ensemble exceeds anything they now own and will produce more seasons. This show combines everything that makes a story GREAT!
0 2 John E Loveall David Hutchens  March 24, 2021
I only saw 3 episodes, I can't seem to find 6...
0 0 David Hutchens John E Loveall  March 24, 2021
From what I can tell, SOL was originally broadcast as 3 episodes on History Channel. Those have now been split in half on Starz network as the 6 episodes available. I had put this on my Netflix wishlist a couple years, which I've now unsubscribed, but I don't remember if 3 or 6 episodes there or if even still available there. False hope that there were more episodes ready now.

Was also excited about the possibility that 'Good Omens' on Amazon Prime would be continued, but sadly apparently not.
1 12 Holly Zimpleman  March 14, 2021
Please pick up season 2. Our history is more important then ever. Our children certainly doesn't learn it in school. With a hint of socialism being introduced to our country. Freedom is not to be lost. Our history must never be forgotten or changed..
1 12 Diane61  February 18, 2018
I taped this series and recently got around to watching. I loved the characters and agree it would be a wonderful way to bring history to life for many people. I know many say there are inaccuracies, but I found myself researching the events on my own. Why can't more shows like this be done? Please bring on Season 2!!!
0 9 Kevin Sullivan  September 22, 2017
As a rabid History buff, please ,please bring season two to the air! It will give our younger generation a lesson on our nations history, something they can relate to, rather in a classroom or a textbook!
1 6 Paul Reveres Horse  September 13, 2017
? I love this miniseries. The founding fathers portrayed in some cases as attractive and rebelous people-not saintly heroes. Paul Giamati's portrayal of Ben Franklin is humorous and charismatic. Mara as George Washington captures the true icey stoicism of the General and again, this actor never missed a handsome lesson in his life. Paul Revere in particular is inspired and inspiring me to want to watch more episodes- I really hope another channel picks this up- even after a two year hiatus this is still doable. War ages a man- so it would be realistic. Starz currently has viewing rights- make this show.
I was taken for a ride when I purchased this series on Amazon- I had no idea I was getting only three episodes for &19.99 ouch. Make my missing six episodes and heavily feature Paul Revere and all is forgiven.
0 0 PRH Paul Reveres Horse  September 13, 2017
****opps ment Dean Morris as Ben Franklin and Jason O'Mara as George Washington- but I'm just a horse people all look alike to me.
0 8 Pam22  July 4, 2017
Just finished watching Season 1. Really hope there is a Season 2. Great shiw.
0 8 Conniesue  July 1, 2017
When will we see season 2. Everyone needs to see the history on how we gained our freedom and became the United States of America. Just returned from a week in Philadelphia and the history of the brave men and women who fought for liberty should be told over and over again. For those who can't get to Philadelphia to see in person what our forefathers did your show is the next best thing
5 1 J75j  August 6, 2016
I have watched S.O.L and have read up following articles which says S O L can't be taken seriously in a historic way to many half truths and inaccuracies. Just seems that it's just another Brit bashing drama like Vikings and the new [censored] Executioner.
0 7 Aj  August 5, 2016
I thought the show was awesome. I really hope there are more episodes to come.
1 5 Rhonda  July 11, 2016
I have recently found the show The Sons ofLiberty. Iam a history teacher and was teaching The American Revolution. One of .y students told me I should wargchtch this show. He was excited about it and now excited about hisory. I loved the show. I sincerly hope there is a season2. The rest of the story needs to be told!
0 4 Jenn Barry  July 6, 2016
I was not aware of this show until recently where I binged through all on Amazon Prime. I agree with the Eddie's comment.... Too many uninformed people who have no idea what our Independence is and the founding fathers who made it possible!
0 5 Eddie  June 20, 2016
Sons of Liberty should be renewed for season 2. This series brings the history of the founding of a nation to life. Far too many Americans are clueless when it comes to the Founding Fathers of America. This series brilliantly recreates all that transpired to end the tyrannical grip of the 13 original colonies by King George of England.

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