Finding Bigfoot
Finding Bigfoot is an investigative documentary television series that's been broadcast on Animal Planet since May 30, 2011.
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Finding Bigfoot Will Not Be Back with Season 12

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Finding Bigfoot season 12 — Canceled
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Animal Planet’s “Finding Bigfoot” has found new life on Discovery+. The series, which ended three years ago, is getting a new two-hour streaming special, “Finding Bigfoot: The Search Continues,” TheWrap has learned.

Animal Planet’s “Monster Week” 2018 will kick off with the 100th and final episode of “Finding Bigfoot,” TheWrap has learned exclusively. Not a bad way to get things going, or to finally bid adieu to a fan-favorite TV series.

The week-long celebration will be hosted by Rhys Darby (“Flight of the Conchords”), Dan Schreiber and Buttons of podcast “The Cryptid Factor,” and it also includes new episodes of “River Monsters,” “Expedition Unknown,” “Deadliest Place on Earth” and “World’s Scariest Animal Attacks,” along with a slew of specials, we’re told. (Source:

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0 1 Thomas Arambasich  March 31, 2021
Please bring back the BFRO . It was mine and my wife’s favorite show. Now that I’m alone it brings good memories of us watching it
0 0 Sarah Wilson Thomas Arambasich  May 4, 2023
God bless your soul sorry for your loss
0 1 Thomas Arambasich  March 31, 2021
Please bring back the BFRO . It was mine and my wife’s favorite show. Now that I’m alone it brings good memories of us watching it
0 10 Jeff Ellison  May 5, 2019
I looked forward to watching finding Bigfoot every time it came on. I loved that show. I was deeply upset that Animal Planet cancelled it. I've been bummed out ever since. I loved those guys
and wished someday I could have met them with my story of looking for bigfoot. They got me so inspired about seeing bigfoot someday, I'm going to put a team of interested people together, and go looking for it in Eastern Oklahoma which is where I'm from. I feel it was a mistake to remove that show. I have a lot of friends that were very upset when I told them Finding Bigfoot was cancelled. Even my wife had an opinion. I would have liked to had that Bigfoot necklace that BoBo wore around his neck, and have him make me one with his autograph on it. I'd go hunting for Bigfoot with that group any time.Wish Animal Planet would bring them back. They have a huge fan club. Thank you for Finding Bigfoot series when it ran.
0 0 Sarah Wilson Jeff Ellison  May 4, 2023
I’m in NY but I wanna go
0 7 Candy Cortez  February 27, 2019
So sad Finding Bigfoot is cancelled. The show took me to different parts of our country I am not able to travel to. The upside is I was able cancel cable with no regrets. If I find that FB has been renewed, I will have to buy cable again.
0 7 Danny Liang  January 14, 2019
I can't believe they cancelled the show. Was my favorite show on TV.
Not to worry, the UK Top Gear presenters all quit and started their own show that ended up being better than the original. (Grand Tour). Hopefully the Finding Bigfoot Team do the same.
0 9 Jason W McCann  January 11, 2019
AP...this one of dumbest things you've ever done..i will not watch anything else you pit on tv.until you bring back the best show on tv...FB....My family and i would get together just watch your show once a week..apparrently you have know idea what this show does for people and there families..way to go AP....
0 1 Sarah Wilson Jason W McCann  May 4, 2023
0 8 Jason Thieme  January 1, 2019
How ever decided to cancel FB should be fired. This is the only show I watch on animal planet. There is a ton of garbage shows on animal planet and you cancel the best one? SMH.
0 8 Ed Jason Thieme  January 6, 2019
I agree it was the best show every that's why is stayed on for so many years Hope is day it will be back on a different channel
0 7 JoAnn t  December 31, 2018
Gee I luv that show. It was the highlight of my week. I think a poll should be taken to let you guys know how popular it really was. The dinamics between the casts members was great and funny too. Wether BF is real or not is exciting. I guess we will have to watch other channels to get our fix?
0 5 Rick W  December 24, 2018
Please bring back BFRO. One of the best shows on TV. Who was the idiot that decided to cancel it ? I want to join them.
0 13 Oliver Humphrey  September 23, 2018
My wife and I really looked forward to watching BF every wk. Seems like every time something comes on we like, it doesn't last. I think they should take a poll to see if they should keep it or not. The people should have a say in what is on there. BRING BIGFOOT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 6 Karyl smith Oliver Humphrey  September 25, 2018
I totally agree with you Oliver. I miss the show sooooo much.
0 8 JACK KING  September 14, 2018
Why in the world did you cancel BF? I am sure there are a lot us are very disappointed. Why do you all have to mess up a great program for junk??? I wish the best for the BFRO team. God bless and keep looking.
0 7 garbear  September 10, 2018
How stupid to take this show off the air. actually something fun to watch. But [censored] like ncis goes on forever.
0 8 Fan for lG Parzanici  September 5, 2018
PLEASE bring back Finding Bigfoot!!! My mother-in-law actually saw one in Idaho years ago.. We love watching that show.
0 10 G Parzanici  September 5, 2018
I love Finding Bigfoot! Why cancel a show that many people clearly enjoy watching???? Then leave show's on that aren't any good.
Please bring Finding Bigfoot back!! My wife and I love watching this show...
0 9 BILL REED  August 8, 2018
I have seen every episode and was my favorite show on Animal Planet.
These guys represent our best chance to prove they do exist.
0 11 Karyl smith BILL REED  August 9, 2018
I agree with you Bill. I have quit Animal Planet since the removal of Finding Bigfoot. Thousands and thousands are as upset as we are. It was a show the whole family could enjoy. I’ve had a sighting but can’t discuss it with anyone due to ridicule from all who know me. Finding Bigfoot gave us all a much needed voice. I learned a lot from information give to us by such dedicated researchers. I agree some of their tactics needs improving,but by enlarge it was great.......please reconsider AP and get them back on. I’m sure their ratings have dropped since the removal. I say again thanks Bill for your support of the show and vocalizing it!
0 15 Paulette Scarlett  June 15, 2018
I've watched Finding Bigfoot from their first episode. I've even watched repeats several times.
I really miss the show, please bring em back with new episodes. I am still hoping that we are able
to catch a glimpse of the bigfoot that is not so blurry Make us believe again. We have nothing
to watch anymore. Now I've been watching Destination Truth with Josh Gates.
1 4 charlie Paulette Scarlett  July 2, 2018
ive watched this since 2012 the is bs that will not be back on it needs to be
0 12 J.  June 14, 2018
Very sad Finding Bigfoot has been cancelled. Such a fun show to watch. Looked forward to another season only to hear it was cancelled. NOT HAPPY. :-(
0 13 Marla  June 6, 2018
Very sad that Finding Bigfoot was cancelled. I enjoyed this show very much.
0 5 Joniweir  June 3, 2018
Please bring FB back! It's a great show with great people!
All the good shows get cancelled. Way to go.
I do have one question....most of the people that see a Bigfoot see them in daylight or dusk. I don't understand why they go out late at night when it's dark and you can't see them. Maybe because if they did see one and caught it on camera the country would go crazy?? Just never got why they go at night when you can't see them.... Only hear howls. Hmmmmm......
0 8 Evie z  May 28, 2018
Please bring back FB! It was our favorite show and we don't even care if they ever found one!
0 12 Edra P  May 28, 2018
Can't believe you're canceling my favorite show. What would it take to get it back? I feel certain you have the viewers. Love Bobo, Cliff, Matt and Renae. Please reconsider.
0 10 Mr. Smith  May 28, 2018
One of the best TV show's on Animal Planet and it gets cancelled imagine that! Way to go Animal Planet..............
0 6 Bill Shook  May 27, 2018
Just wanted to say that I enjoy watching finding Bigfoot. My only concern is when they are finding good evidence why do they pack up and move to a new location why not stay and keep looking in the same area that your getting good evidence at if I were hunting deer and I had good evidence that they were in the area I was hunting them I wouldn't pack up and leave to look elsewhere
0 6 lyndy  May 26, 2018
Love the show ❤ Could'nt wait for it to come on. PLeAsE !! BRING it b a c k !!! :) This is me now :(
0 5 Roback lyndy  May 26, 2018
Only fitting that Animal Planet starts Monster Week with a marathon Finding Bigfoot airing. It's the least they can do. It's going to be bitter sweet tonight. On one hand I can't wait to watch two new episodes but I also realize that this is the last. Shame on you Animal Planet.
0 8 John a. lyndy  May 26, 2018
I have watched every episode more than once, this was one of the best shows that the animal planet ever had, the pit bull show sucks ,need to be taken off ,Bigfoot needs to be put back on tv !!!! What are the people animal planet Thinking ,I have no idea. The puppy Super Bowl show, what a joke ! Take this one off too!!!!!
! ! ! ! ! ! BRING BACK BIGFOOT !!!!!!
If yoU don’t, I’m calling Donald Trump ! He’ll bring it back !!!!!!
0 5 Karyl smith Roback  May 27, 2018
That away John. You give them WHAT FOR!i agree with you buddy!!! A marathon tomorrow of Finding Bigfoot and the new ones tomorrow night. Can’t wait. Maybe they will see after tomorrow’s showing what a big mistake they made. I’ll watch them all then I’m through with ANIMAL PLANET. Moving Finding Bigfoot to aThursday was a disaster their previous season.
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0 7 David Sherwood  May 26, 2018
Very disappointed that FB was cancelled. Watched.every episode.and looked forward to the new season. Please bring the show back.

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