Pit Bulls & Parolees is an American reality TV series that follows the lives of paroled felons at an animal shelter as they confront people’s misconception of the pit bull breed.
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Pit Bulls & Parolees Will Not Get Season 20
Current Show Status
Pit Bulls & Parolees Season 20 — Canceled
Latest EpisodeAired Sat 11/26/2022The Story of VillalobosSeason 19: Episode 7
Next EpisodeShow ended253 episodes total
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For over 30 years, Tia and her family have gone above and beyond to give a second chance at life to pit bulls at Villalobos Rescue Center, the largest Pit Bull rescue center in the U.S. while also offering parolees a new start as staff and volunteers. Now, in the final season of "Pit Bulls & Parolees," dedicated audiences will witness higher stakes as Tia and the Villalobos crew strive to give every dog an opportunity to find their forever home and a second chance at life. And while this may be the end of one chapter, the story of redemption and rescue continues for Tia and her Villalobos family in their never-ending battle to save man and man's best friend. The final season of "Pit Bulls & Parolees" premieres on Animal Planet Saturday, Oct. 22 at 9PM ET/ PT.
When Hurricane Ida hits Louisiana, Tia and her team face one of their biggest challenges yet. Rescuing these dogs is all that matters.
I can't believe they took off such a awesome show as pittbulls& paroles this was reality of Pittbulls & the Paroles & the care & compassion they had in the care they give these dogs & what the dogs done for them but I'm truly glad they still get that just not the fans don't get too see it& frankly that just sucks
OMG !!! Best show ever & have been watching for years .. God Bless Tia & her family for ALL they have done & still doing not just for the dogs but for the parolees .. she is amazing & should get more support than she does … I have been ready for next season & found out there will not be one !! Hate it & sure hope to go to La & get a pit bull for me .. love the breed & they deserve a good life & thank God for Villalobos to help them .. hope the producers & Discovery will make a change & bring it back
I'm deeply saddened there will be no season 20. I've owned Pitbulls for 30 years. I live in Colorado and fought to have Pitbull ban over turned in Denver. It was a mindless, cruel, discriminatory law that saw thousands of wonderful dogs unjustly put to death. Pitbulls & Parolees, Bad Rap, and Best Friends have been on the front lines fighting to save these dogs and show the true reality of what they are and how horrible the fate of so many has been. The Michael Vick nightmare proved the courage, loyalty, forgiveness and stoic nature of Pitbulls. In a world full of violence, uncertainty, and continuous bad news the last thing we need is to lose Tia. From this day forward I want nothing to do with your station.
I can’t tell you how annoyed I am at you canceling this amazing program! Best show on Animal Planet! I did find out that they will continue filming this program on a webpage just for them! You’re loss, viewer’s gain!
I absolutely HATE that you’ve cancelled this amazing show!!! Best show on Animal Planet!! What’s wrong with you people?? I have found out that they will continue this program on their own website!! You’re loss…viewers gain!!!
I love you guys and I am so happy you are back for another season. While I am happy you are back, I am so sad that this will be your last season on cable TV. Animal Planet will lose me as a viewer because you are the main draw for me!
I can't seem to get pitbulls and parolees on. I have Animal planet, but the show isn t showing up on the Saturday times it's suppose to. I'm from Canada and I love this show. Been watching it forever. But for some reason its not on like it says . Is any one else having this problem . Please help.
I am so blasted sad this is the end of pit bulls and paroles. I'm a 69 year old pitbull mom. They are so loving and gentle. I hope Tia and family continue to save these beautiful dogs.
I have watch this show for a a long time I have enjoyed it alot.I'm going to miss it alot.I have waited for it to come back on.Love Tia and her family.They do a awesome job with the dogs.They have alot of love for them.This is not fair.Going to miss the pit bulls and paroles.Bless each one of them.
Finally a new season. I love Pitbulls and Parolees. I love what Villabos does. I am sad that the network is not picking you guys up for season 20. I know that is how you network for donations. Still sponsoring Kenai. I will watch and always looking on your website for more hoodies. Love you Tia. You are a Gods gift to all animals especially to rescuing Pitties and the Parolees.
Like the previous comments, I look forward to season 19 of Pitbulls and parolees. I hope Tia and her family will be able to work out a contract that works for them and the network that picks up her show. While not filming, I hope all afilliated with the show are able to get some down time to take care of regular family matters without the cameras filming their every move.
I'm so disappointed that it's been almost a year since a new episode has been released. This family does so much good for dogs and we watch the reruns every single day waiting for a new episode! Please do not take this slow away from us after 18 seasons!
Hi my name is angelparker, , I’ve been watching pit bull & paroless since they started . So please don’t take this way from all of us that do watch , them grow and changes everyday! We love u pit bull & paroless family keep going u guys rock from ply mouth Indiana!
I have been watching the show sonce day one. The last episode I saw was the one where tia was wanting to move to a new location because of all the flooding at the location where they were at which was the season 18 finale. I hope they did find a better location but I hope due to the move and covid that the show doesn’t end. I have learned alot from the show. Love everyone at villa lobos
I only discovered Pit Bulls & Parolees a couple of years ago watching TV during a visit to the US. Then I added Animal Planet to my cable to watch this show in Canada. I am slowing seeing bits and pieces of prior seasons and, like many others who commented here, record the shows to watch again. I hope it isn’t cancelled, it’s one of the very few worth watching reality television shows to see. This show is good television!! Please continue.
@Chris Walsh, I'm a fellow Canadian and I stream it on CTV.ca. I can only do that because I subscribed to Animal planet but since you have Animal Planet you should be good to go. Cheers.
Does anyone know if Villa Lobos, all the animals, Tia, her family, staff, and facilities are okay after Hurricane Ida?? So scary, we hope and pray they're all okay and safe. Keep us posted if they need help or support. They do amazing work for the all the dogs and animals, we love that show. Hoping it will return soon.
I follow all of them on Instagram they are fine all the dogs are safe, everyone is still together! They made it through the storm now their just doing the steps of getting everything back right.
Thank you for the update! Glad they're ok. I see Tia has setup a gofundme account to help with repairs. Love the work they do for pit bulls and all dogs.
I thought I was the only crazy person watching and rewatching the same episodes and anxiously awaiting every new season. Love the show. Love what they do for these dogs and parolees.
I really do not understand why it’s taking so long for season 19 to come on. People in for all he’s a great shell and it stands for a good cause it’s always great to see Tia and her family and what great work they do and it makes people a better understanding about pitbull’s and animals dogs in general. I don’t only the fact that it helps these poor animals find homes. I always look forward to when it comes on But it hasn’t been on my day and there’s no announcement about season 19 it’s still on hold what’s there to on hold so many of us out there love to show you have a big audience why would you take this off and put some gonna find some other thing like cricket we don’t care about that over there yeah it’s cute OK so this is a good American show about real life situation we love this and not only do people benefit watching these But these dogs fine homes in fact my daughter was stationed there she actually adopted a dog from there She met Tia Her baby is now seven years old
The reason the new season hasn't come out is because they are moving to Texas according to my research. Watch the last episode in Season 18 and Tia says they will be moving. Hope tis helps. I'm anxiously awaiting also.
They are not moving to Texas, Tia stated in her live news feed that they are staying in New Orleans. They bought the land in Texas so they wouldn’t have to move the wolf dogs
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