Born This Way
4 Seasons
34 Episodes
This very successful, earnest and groundbreaking documentary won Emmy for Best Unstructured Reality Series
(150 votes)

Born This Way Cancelled by A&E — No Season 5

Born This Way will air a Special in December 2019Current Show Status
Born This Way Season 5 — Canceled
The release date for Born This Way Special — PENDING
Latest Episode Aired Wed 12/18/2019 A Very Born This Way Christmas Season 4: Significant special
Next Episode Show ended 36 episodes total
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A&E Network has set a holiday finale special for “Born This Way,” the Emmy-winning reality series that chronicles the transition to adulthood for eight young men and women with Down syndrome. A&E plans to air the hourlong finale in December for the docu-reality series that ran four seasons, starting in 2015. (Source:


Season 4 Season 3 Season 2 Season 1 Specials
#NameAir Dates
1Pursuit Of Happiness Aug 15, 2018
2Till Dress Do Us Part Aug 15, 2018
3Don't Limit Kitty Aug 22, 2018
4Home Alone Aug 22, 2018
5One Small Step Aug 29, 2018
6Joyride Aug 29, 2018
7Our Best Friend's Wedding Sep 5, 2018
#NameAir Dates
1The Times They Are a Changin' May 16, 2017
2The Love Boat May 16, 2017
3New Man in Town May 23, 2017
4One Giant Step May 30, 2017
5The Blindside Jun 6, 2017
6Fallout Jun 13, 2017
7What Love Means Jun 20, 2017
8It's Complicated Jun 27, 2017
9Homecoming Jul 11, 2017
10Red Carpet Wars II Jul 18, 2017
#NameAir Dates
1Game of Love Jul 26, 2016
2Vegas, Baby! Aug 2, 2016
3Breaking Away Aug 9, 2016
4Rites of Passage Aug 16, 2016
5Bachelor Pad Aug 23, 2016
6Great Expectations Aug 30, 2016
7Reality Check Sep 6, 2016
8Rough Waters Sep 13, 2016
9Dream Come True Sep 20, 2016
10Oh Baby! Sep 27, 2016
11Unlimited! Oct 4, 2016
#NameAir Dates
1Up Syndrome Dec 8, 2015
2What's Normal? Dec 15, 2015
3Dream Makers Dec 22, 2015
4Love and Chromosomes Dec 29, 2015
5Fears and Gears Jan 5, 2016
6Don't Limit Me Jan 12, 2016
#NameAir Dates
1Where We're At! Aug 24, 2016
2A Very Born This Way Christmas Dec 18, 2019

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Comments 111

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0 12 Shannon  June 13, 2022
Please bring this back! This was my feel good show. I loved it!!! Whenever life was feeling too stressful I’d switch this show and feel calm and happy. It warms the heart and the world needs more of that…
0 39 Mary Miller  September 1, 2021
❤ please bring this show back it is so inspiring and I love the young ladies and gentlemen that were on the show
0 33 Amanda Wyatt-Amerman  August 27, 2021
I am trying to understand why this show would be canceled over some of the other stuff on TV. Everyone I know that watched this show not only LOVED it but was also inspired by it. It made women out there see down syndrome in another light. Some women terminate pregnancy with that diagnosis but after watching this might think differently. Its an important show that needs to continue. That cast was golden too. They deserve to be seen !!!
0 10 Cindi Amanda Wyatt-Amerman  January 3, 2022
You couldn't be MORE RIGHT!!!! I never looked at it like you did, but women would have LESS abortions through watching this show. Why it was canceled is beyond me. These young, brilliant people were BEAUTIFUL to watch on TV!!!
Happy New Year to you!
0 21 Tere  August 17, 2021
Why would you cancel such a well done show? We found it on Prime and were disappointed to see that it had been cancelled. It was so well done, we enjoyed seeing the accomplishments and downfalls that each of the young men and women had endured these past years. There is nothing else on like it which is a pity. I really wanted to what the cast, both the young men and women as well as the parents have been doing. My husband and I will miss this show. I had even gotten our son and daughter in law hooked on it when they stopped over one day after a trip they took. [sad2]
0 17 David Randall Tere  August 23, 2021
I totally agree! This is one show that deserves to be continued!!
0 20 Karleen  May 22, 2021
I loved watching these people grow, having grown up with a brother who has disabilities I would like to see how they did with the pandemic, I would like to me brother can see he can do what he wants. My parents never showed him he can do more than he can. This is great show and should be renewed.
0 11 Karleen  May 22, 2021
I loved watching these people grow, having grown up with a brother who has disabilities I would like to see how they did with the pandemic, I would like to me brother can see he can do what he wants. My parents never showed him he can do more than he can. This is great show and should be renewed.
0 13 ROSE ANN GREINER  May 18, 2021
Why did they end the show Born This Way? It was such a nice show..
0 16 Christine Kerr  April 25, 2021
I really enjoyed watching this show as the Megan, Christine, Rachel, Elena, John, Sean, Stepehn, and Angel grew within this show. But what are they doing now as they got their independence. I loved the challenges the young adults and parents went through and are still going through. It's a shame they cancelled this show which I shouldn't be surprised - it seems networks cancel shows that viewers enjoy but renew ones that in my opinion should be cancelled.
0 0 Gloria Parker Christine Kerr  December 26, 2021
Parkers [sad]
0 39 KAYC  April 8, 2019
0 35 Solieme  February 12, 2019
Would love to see Born this way return for season 5. This is such a great show. It's the only show I watch on A&E
0 36 Melissa  December 24, 2018
Please bring the show back! It is a feel good show and the cast is just precious. The parents are absolutely the best parents ever! The kids are so amazing and the stories are fabulous. Hoping for a season 5!
0 31 Kristin3644  October 3, 2018
I love this show!! Its wonderful! Please renew it! I love the whole cast!!
0 38 Patra Rudd  September 6, 2018
❤ ❤ ❤ Born this way PLEASE return for a 5 season best show on television I DVR this so I can rewatch it over and over again. Angel and Christina wedding had me laughing crying and clapping simply beautiful please return to A&E
0 24 Dale Patra Rudd  May 21, 2019
Please renew this wonderful show. I have learned alot,and it leaves you with a feel good sense.
Please don't cancel!!!!!
0 20 Eddie Irvin McKinney  August 14, 2018
Thank you for bringing Down Syndrome people to A&E. Having adopted my 1st grandchild, a precious DS babygirl I know how truly special they are. LeeAnn was so smart, witty and funny. She was the beat of my heart and when she passed in 2009, 1month before her 27th birthday I felt like my heart died. She had a severe heart & lung disease. Life goes on but it has not been as bright?
0 5 Vickie Okelley Eddie Irvin McKinney  April 17, 2021
I am so sorry for your loss I have a son with ds he just turned 32 but hes getting the shakes and his breathing is getting bad I'm getting worried about him and cant see my life without him. I was 16 years old when I had him so he had me grow up and I appreciate every moment.
0 12 Vicki outlaw  June 4, 2018
I love the show! When is season four starting?
I keep hearing June but still no word.
My sister Amy who’s Downs love this show too!
0 15 Brenda718  February 2, 2018
HUGE fan of the show and now I'm sharing it with my moms and dads I work with to show them their child can do anything they want to do! #nolimits
1 12 Stowersj  October 11, 2017
I am so glad there is a show about down syndrome because my stepdaughter has it and my first daughter that was my 11yr olds twin sister had down syndrome but she passed away from health complications at birth
0 2 Vickie Okelley Stowersj  April 17, 2021
That's really sad
0 3 Vickie Okelley Vickie Okelley  April 17, 2021
When my son was born n 1989 with down syndrome there was a show that came on and meant alot 2 me called life goes on. It was a great show and then born this way it really helps even though there's different types of downs.
1 16 Barbee  October 4, 2017
I absolutely love this show! This is the best reality show on tv! My family and I have become so invested in the cast! I can't wait for the new season!
1 17 Rox  September 10, 2017
Gee I love this show. My daughter talked so much about it so thought I'd give it a chance. Glad I did.
❤ Each individual brings their own special characteristics which makes the show so interesting. Only one comment - Megan, do not feel it's so important to get married and have a baby. Enjoy life! You're such a beautiful adult woman and alot of life is ahead of you.
My whole family loves dancing to "Shake your booty booty"! Look forward to episode 4.
0 0 Mama Rox  June 14, 2023
I agree....Megan is too pushy, jumping from one of the guys to the next and she definitely knows how to play them against each other. Sbe would scare me off in a heartbeat. Her Mom seems to give the impression that its ok and its not. Its not the guys breaking up with her without cause...she scares them into committing to marriage and a baby. Mom needs to sit her down and teach more appropriate relationship behavior.
1 23 Min  August 15, 2017
? What an AWESOME show!
Thanks for making it. Our family LOVES the entire cast & everyone associated with this show! So inspirational.

The show makes us laugh, cry, & cheer for the cast!

So wonderful to meet everyone! Incredible families.

It's probably difficult to keep living ur lives in front of the camera, but we can't wait to see new shows. Thanks for the exciting 10 episodes in S3.
1 17 Christina Valdez  August 12, 2017
Hurry and put on the next season of born this way. I was disappointed that the season went by so quickly. I had it to record and seen it was the last one ? . Please renew the show
0 13 Debbie Ann Long  August 12, 2017
They r beautiful young ladies n men love to ? watch how they progress love this show ?
0 16 Becky W  August 9, 2017
Best show on television. They are people who are truly inspiring and dont let there disabilities define or limit them. Kudos to the wonderful parents behind these confident children, for you are the ones who helped mold them into the strong adults they are today.
0 15 Carlos  April 25, 2017
We've been lucky to meet Rachel, Steven, and Sean and their parents Amazing families. This show has brought our family together. Can't wait for Season 3
0 19 Kimmy  April 24, 2017
Love this show because its nothing like the other "reality" shows I have seen

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