Flip Or Flop
When you have money, you can make money! That is a fact. HGTV’s documentary TV series Flip Or Flop capitalizes on this very idea and has done so successfully since 2013
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Flip Or Flop Season 11 Isn’t Happening

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Flip Or Flop Season 11 — Canceled
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Tarek El Moussa and Christina Haack both took to Instagram with the news their home renovation series will conclude after 10 seasons (154 episodes) next Thursday, March 17 at 8:00/7:00c.

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Comments 31

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1 0 TeenGirl crown  March 30, 2025
🍓Hі) Мy nаme іs Pаula, Іm 23 yеars оld) Bеginning sex mоdel 18+) І lоve bеing phоtographed іn thе nudе) Plеase ratе my phоtos аt ➤ ja.cat/id372083

0 2 Karen Harmon  October 5, 2021
Ever since flip or flop began they have never thought of Izzy as a regular. Fans like him a lot. Now he has quit because he cant stand how Tarek and Christina behave. They just had a huge fight filming Season 10.
I read Izzy was now on Christina on the coast. I haven’t seen him. The current contractor looks so uncomfortable on tv. You can tell he is either shy
or is trying to adjust. It is to bad Izzy is gone for good
because he was my favorite contractor and thought he did a great job. Now flip or flop is boring.
Maybe someday HGTV can get Izzy Battres back.
It is quite a loss.
0 3 cuponk@aol.com  October 12, 2020
Looking for next season "Unsellable Homes",
0 0 Donnie Collins  December 13, 2019
i hope hometown comes back , i miss the show as well as the 2 shows in phoenix Arizona and the one in vegas, i has not been on in a awhile either.
0 1 lynelou  May 5, 2018
Wow, just realized all of the above comments are from 2016! I just started watching HGTV when I came across Fixer Upper which I got hooked on and now it's cancelled! Guess my comments are a mute point :0-)
0 0 William Knight lynelou  October 30, 2021
Chip and Joanna have their own network now. It's streaming on discovery plus.
0 7 Kathleen Hassell  March 10, 2017
I really hope and pray that flip or flop stays on the air, I have been watching the show from day one and I love them both, they have such a beautiful family and have been through so much together, they need to see that and try and stay together. They need to realize that in life whether you are in the public eye or not, marriage is very hard and families staying together is very important. Please let their contract be renewed and let them continue to do the great work that they do, they have amazing talent. They can do this, I have faith in them and in the HGTV network.
0 4 Vangie Varthalamis  December 2, 2016
I enjoy Flip or Flop very much and I hope nothing is changed with the new season. Also love seeing the children, beautiful family.
0 4 Kim H  November 13, 2016
How about bringing Izzy back. There were only 7 episodes for season 6 the new season should be ready to stArt
1 0 Kim H Kim H  November 13, 2016
Just saw commercial on
HGTV Season 7 of flip flop starts
Decemeber 1 2016 at. 9pm
don't kneed a watch
0 2 Bill Stevens Kim H  November 14, 2016
I agree Israel is one of the great contractors who is no nonsense and always right on with his estimates. I believe that Tarek and Christina have their own construction company that probably puts Izzy in direct competition with the ElMousa's
0 1 lynelou Kim H  May 5, 2018
I love Izzy also! And I hope Christina and Tarek can make this new season work even though they are exes.....take a queue from Flip or Flop Nashville.....they are exes and they do great!
0 2 LD Matte  November 2, 2016
Bring them back, bring Izzy back = Happy Viewers. Absolutely love most of Christina and Tarek's designs. Brayden is not 2 though, he just made a year, his birth date was Aug 24, 2015

Less of Tiny Houses, cute although not practical for most.
1 0 Connee Sheckler  October 29, 2016
I absolutely love the show; but HGTV's staff need to encourage Christina to take diction lessons. It is not her accent; it is the fast that she talks through her nose. Because of her nasally tones, we watch the show on mute. It is a shame because I love all of her designs. We bought a house in May that we are flipping & we have received a lot of great ideas from this show.
0 1 lynelou Connee Sheckler  May 5, 2018
I never noticed anything wrong with Christina's diction. This is a TV shop for pete's sake, don't make it personal. She talks fine.
0 1 cynthia privette  October 11, 2016
This is my very favorite show on HGTV - Tarek and Christina are the dream couple everyone loves to see! We love all the contractors they work with also. You feel like you know these guys.
We want to see more Flip of Flop follow-up to see what happend to flips that did not sell by the end of the show. HURRY BACK FOR A NEW SEASON!!!
0 0 Joey Bopko cynthia privette  October 17, 2016
On t&c I miss seeing Israel on their program
0 0 Deborah Fudge cynthia privette  October 24, 2016
Hi. I LOVE Flip or Flop too & Tarek & Christina!!
By the way....are U related to Privettes from Michigan?
Thx, Deb Fudge
0 1 Kim Allison  September 24, 2016
Please bring Izzy back for more shows.
He really is the best contractor for the El Moussa's.
The chemistry between the 3 is the best.
Why they do not use him more is a myth.
I think Tarek and Christina would sell
more properties if people knew it was one
of their flip flop homes.
1 0 Linda Stocks Kim Allison  December 31, 2016
Izzy has had his own construction company along with his brothers before the real estate crash. I found out from Google. Since he aired on the show, he got.back on his feet and he is in high demand from a lot of people who are remodeling their homes.
1 0 Li-Li  September 20, 2016
0 0 Corey A Winston  August 7, 2016
This show needs to be an hour long. 30 mins is not long enough for flips that take anywhere from 30 to 120 days. Please sign a contract for another five years. Also the show needs to have 12-16 episodes per season. Season 5 only had 8 shows probably because Christina had the baby.
0 0 Kimberly Allison Corey A Winston  September 24, 2016
Their son is 2 years old now. They film so far behind a 2yo should. not
cause a short season. The show has
Braydon as a baby but he should
be close to 2yo by now.
0 1 Linda  July 31, 2016
Please bring Izzy back on the show!!!
He is great and makes the show so much more interesting to watch. Please listen to your viewers and bring Izzy back ASAP!!
0 1 Kimberly Harris Linda  September 24, 2016
I have been begging HGTV and the EL Moussa's
to bring Izzy back on a regular basis forever
0 0 zoe  July 29, 2016
Yes! IZZY is on today's show! If they don't invite him for more episodes..... maybe he could have his OWN show!!! Love that guy..... :D
1 0 martha kimbrell  July 15, 2016
I sure hope they do renew their contract. It is a beautiful show and I had much rather watch it than those tiny houses. Cannot stand that show. Don't take good ideas away from your loyal viewers of Flip or Flop.
0 0 Linda griggd martha kimbrell  May 30, 2017
I agree I REALLY hate Tiny House shows. Not many people are interested I love Flip or Flop even with their family drama
0 1 Karen Harmon  May 29, 2016
It really is nice to hear there will be a 5th season of flip flop but they refuse to
bring back Izzy their regular contractor
for season 1234.. They had izzy on twos
in season 4. Fans want him back he was fired off one job all they have said he is
too busy. Fans have asked for on several chats like Facebook Twitter People and discus. Bring Izzy back to Flip or Flop
0 1 Milly Karen Harmon  June 11, 2016
I also liked Izzy. Would love to see him back on the show!
0 1 Nana39 Milly  July 28, 2016
My husband and I have been wondering where Izzy has been til now. We just watched the episode where Izzy was fired. Now we see all different contractors There was something about him that we really liked. I hope their friendship (Izzy and Tarek) wasn't ruined by this! or is it strict :business?
Does anyone have any ideas.

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