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Tarek El Moussa and Christina Haack both took to Instagram with the news their home renovation series will conclude after 10 seasons (154 episodes) next Thursday, March 17 at 8:00/7:00c.
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Comments 31
I read Izzy was now on Christina on the coast. I haven’t seen him. The current contractor looks so uncomfortable on tv. You can tell he is either shy
or is trying to adjust. It is to bad Izzy is gone for good
because he was my favorite contractor and thought he did a great job. Now flip or flop is boring.
Maybe someday HGTV can get Izzy Battres back.
It is quite a loss.
HGTV Season 7 of flip flop starts
Decemeber 1 2016 at. 9pm
don't kneed a watch
Less of Tiny Houses, cute although not practical for most.
We want to see more Flip of Flop follow-up to see what happend to flips that did not sell by the end of the show. HURRY BACK FOR A NEW SEASON!!!
By the way....are U related to Privettes from Michigan?
Thx, Deb Fudge
He really is the best contractor for the El Moussa's.
The chemistry between the 3 is the best.
Why they do not use him more is a myth.
I think Tarek and Christina would sell
more properties if people knew it was one
of their flip flop homes.
cause a short season. The show has
Braydon as a baby but he should
be close to 2yo by now.
He is great and makes the show so much more interesting to watch. Please listen to your viewers and bring Izzy back ASAP!!
to bring Izzy back on a regular basis forever
bring back Izzy their regular contractor
for season 1234.. They had izzy on twos
in season 4. Fans want him back he was fired off one job all they have said he is
too busy. Fans have asked for on several chats like Facebook Twitter People and discus. Bring Izzy back to Flip or Flop
Does anyone have any ideas.