Escaping Polygamy
4 Seasons
38 Episodes
Escaping Polygamy is a popular American documentary and real-life TV series that chronicles the dramatic work of three sisters who managed to escape from the polygamous cult known as the Kingston clan.
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Season 5 of Escaping Polygamy Isn’t Picked Up by A&E

Current Show Status
Escaping Polygamy season 5 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Mon 4/22/2019 Top Ten Escapes Season 4: Episode 14
Next Episode Show ended 39 episodes total
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Since the fourth season aired, Jessica Christensen, one of the three women on the show, said on Instagram that she would not be filming a fifth season of the show and that if the show were to be renewed it would have to feature different people. However, there has since been no official announcement from Lifetime regarding the future of the show.


Season 4 Season 3 Season 2 Season 1 Specials
#NameAir Dates
1Exposing The Cult Jun 18, 2018
2Escaping Wedlock Jun 25, 2018
3The Prophet's Daughter Jul 2, 2018
4Rebel With A Cause Jul 9, 2018
5Sons of the Prophet Jul 16, 2018
6A Risky Reunion Jul 23, 2018
7Forbidden Love Jul 30, 2018
8A Father's Secret Aug 6, 2018
9Confronting The Faith Aug 13, 2018
10A Daughter's Revolt Aug 20, 2018
11My Cousin, My Lover Apr 1, 2019
12Mommy Dearest Apr 8, 2019
13Sister From the Same Mister Apr 15, 2019
14Top Ten Escapes Apr 22, 2019
#NameAir Dates
1Family Under Fire Aug 7, 2017
2Give Me Back My Daughters, Part 1 Aug 14, 2017
3Give Me Back My Daughters, Part 2 Aug 21, 2017
4The Prophet's Son Aug 28, 2017
#NameAir Dates
1Father's Wrath Jul 10, 2016
2Not Without My Sister Jul 17, 2016
3Crossing Enemy Lines, Part 1 Jul 24, 2016
4Crossing Enemy Lines, Part 2 Jul 31, 2016
5Trouble For Mom Aug 7, 2016
6Not Without My Daughter Aug 14, 2016
7Fight Like a Mother Aug 21, 2016
8The Cost of Temptation Aug 28, 2016
9Honor Thy Father Sep 4, 2016
10The Insider Sep 11, 2016
11After the Escape: Struggling to Survive Jan 31, 2017
12After the Escape: Fighting for Freedom Feb 7, 2017
13After the Escape: Temptation to Return Feb 14, 2017
14After the Escape: Broken Family Feb 21, 2017
#NameAir Dates
1Melanie Jul 14, 2015
2Kathy Jul 21, 2015
3Rachel Jul 28, 2015
4Priscilla Aug 4, 2015
5Little Sister Aug 11, 2015
6Yolanda Aug 18, 2015
#NameAir Dates
1Leah / Hannah Dec 30, 2014

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0 0 Ihatechildmolesters  March 19, 2023
Let's talk about the incest. Brothers marrying half sisters, first cousins marrying????? Children marrying uncles. There already is laws against most of this. How about these backward states enforcing the law??? I refuse to even visit Utah! 14 year old marriages????
0 6 Rita  August 19, 2022
How do the police allow this to exist?
0 4 KIO Rita  April 2, 2023
Because they are the police.
0 24 Maggiesmom  December 2, 2021
I can’t believe this show was cancelled! These girls are amazing, they do so much good for the people that want to leave. It’s too bad Jessica moved away she was a real asset to the cause. I hope this show gets picked back up because I can’t get enough!
1 5 Missi Maggiesmom  March 15, 2023
I completely agreee I’m obsessed with this show
1 11 Hailey Kinsey  October 25, 2021
Polygamy. i hate it. after watching every single show, [sad] it made feel that not one of them thought it was easy at all. it made me realize how horrible it was for some of the people to not to be able to see their family ever again. and what i think is, is that the girls( Jessica, Andrea, Shanell, and kollene ) and others , are not trying to earn being a tv star, but trying to help those in need. and that is just amazing. order, watch out. these girls plus the insider, unstoppable!!!!!!!
1 19 Kathryn beal  September 30, 2018
I live in upstate ny...almost canada..I'm a social worker. Teacher...I am the perfect place to hide. And start over ....6 colleges within 45 minutes..I would feel honored to help
Phone..518 317. 0422
4 18 Justin kase  September 7, 2018
The FBI destroyed the Black Panther Party but allow THIS to exist? Hmmmmm wonder why?
3 4 Julia Stephanie Justin kase  February 17, 2019
Delicate balance involved. Black Panther is not a religion. Problem with the Freedom of Religion act is many oppressive and repressive situations are allowed to hide behind the guise of calling certain rituals "religious observances". Many of the things we know are only shared to us because the escapees have bared "all" that goes on. There's no real proof outside of what they've said and lived that can pinpoint without storming in illegally. The area the compounds are in are surrounded by members that man points by taking over the local police stations, banks and businesses, creating quite a large barrier to pass. For instance when you get to Colorado City, you're in their territory miles before you hit the compound. You are on your own basically once you pass a certain point because if you get pulled over by the police, they are part of the FLDS and if you disappear..... they won't know who you are and guaranteed no dash cam's gonna remember you there either! So yeah, good luck!
1 1 Nancy Kohlman Julia Stephanie  April 24, 2019
Drones, Satellite Images and plant listening devices (bugs). I've done some research on different Mafia's... There any many controlling groups as you said, that have not only infiltrated banks & law enforcement but, the CIA and the FBI because they prefer hiring employees that do not smoke, drink or do drugs.
I understand from my own personal experience that the men in control, just like my former husband would outright threaten neighbors by shooting at them. In addition to threatening me with the same and throwing me in a canyon (at #TheKendallRanch in #LimonCO) never to be found again. Yes, he belonged to the #WorldwideChurchOfGod cult and brainwashed me for most of the 20 years that we were married.
When I called the former Police Chief in town to accompany me to retrieve my daughter's in the midst of a drunken Cowboy event he refused & said to go get them by myself.
Some rural communities are flat-out manipulative and oppressive!
1 0 Nancy Kohlman Julia Stephanie  April 24, 2019
Drones, Satellite Images and plant listening devices (bugs). I've done some research on different Mafia's... There any many controlling groups as you said, that have not only infiltrated banks & law enforcement but, the CIA and the FBI because they prefer hiring employees that do not smoke, drink or do drugs.
I understand from my own personal experience that the men in control, just like my former husband would outright threaten neighbors by shooting at them. In addition to threatening me with the same and throwing me in a canyon (at #TheKendallRanch in #LimonCO) never to be found again. Yes, he belonged to the #WorldwideChurchOfGod cult and brainwashed me for most of the 20 years that we were married.
When I called the former Police Chief in town to accompany me to retrieve my daughter's in the midst of a drunken Cowboy event he refused & said to go get them by myself.
Some rural communities are flat-out manipulative and oppressive!
0 8 Tammylynm  August 21, 2018
I think my question is... Why has this continued since the 1800s? In the '60-'70s cults and communs were a big thing but dont exist anymore. I know, i know, one pops up here and there. But in general.....! So why... Again... does an extremist mormon CULT continue to exist AND THRIVE still to this day? You can not tell me that there isnt enough proof that would hold up in court to take every single child away from these people. As a country we take in thousands of children at a time from other countries but we cant take thousands of our own children? You can even take future children from a dangerous parent. Yes its a huge undertaking. But once its done, its done. The men go to prison so theres no financial gain to be had so therefore it doesn't have a future. Even if you just take away the men and keep the women and children together so they can all be reassimilated. I could go on, im sure so could others trying to think how to just get this done already. Totally absurd!
3 1 hiyauriah Tammylynm  February 7, 2019
The "mainstream" Mormon church has protected and allowed these groups to flourish, because it's one of their foundational beliefs. Brigham Young said it could not nor would not ever NOT be one of their precepts. Mormons believe that "Father God" was once a man who lived on the planet Kolob (with a star/sun of the same name). He lived a good enough life to become a god of his own planet (Earth), and he has innumerable goddess wives that he is continuously impregnating who then give birth to spirit children who grow to adulthood and choose which Earthly family they want to be part of. And it get even crazier than that.
0 4 Julia Stephanie hiyauriah  February 17, 2019
Hmmm, wonder where they find THAT scripture :-(
0 19 Brian Goins  August 21, 2018
I would like to know why more people aren’t helping these young women get more people out of these cults? Our Government should be doing something look at how the kids are being physically and mentally abused. As a American I’m sick of hearing Hollywood talk about helping kids of other countries when we have kids right here in the good old USA that need help and there’s only 4 young women risking there lives to help. I hope these ladies see this comment and contact me cause I want to help in one way or another. May god bless these young women and their families for the great work they are doing.
0 11 Tammylynm Brian Goins  August 21, 2018
If you go to the shows Twitter page Andea has it posted. There are 2 groups that help. One to help them get out and one that helps after they leave. Plus they are doing an ad campaign to raise money by purchasing tshirts with "Hope" on them. Theres a start for you.
0 8 Brian Goins Tammylynm  August 21, 2018
Tammylynm thank you for the info
1 7 JonGrant  July 24, 2018
Last night's episode with Isaac and his mother was the most powerful and emotional episode yet. This is religion at the level of mental illness. Isaac has not yet escaped. I hope he fully recovers, and that his mother eventually sees the light. You only get one chance at life.
0 5 Rici JonGrant  July 25, 2018
Isaac acted as though he was on the edge of a breakdown, and Brenda doesn't seem completely healthy (mentally). It was a sad example of what deep religious belief can do to a person. Isaac needs to find a significant other; someone to show him love on a regular basis. I don't know that Brenda will ever leave the FLDS, or that she could deal with the outside world.
0 1 Rici  July 14, 2018
Do you think that Warren Jeffs is actively trying to destroy the FLDS?
0 3 LMCasey Rici  July 16, 2018
Sometimes is seems that way doesn't it. At the very least, he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about the members of this church. Splitting up families, often with no rhyme or reason. Unnecessary restrictions regarding food, clothing, hair, music, toys, socializing etc, etc, etc. He apparently wants his people to share in his suffering. Some of the FLDS members have decided to leave; the population of the 'Crick' has declined substantially since Warren has been imprisoned.
0 13 Trucker  July 12, 2018
Great show, my wife and I watch it together. I drive between Kaman and Richfield It a lot, and I see these places and the people. I can't help but wonder if they are trapped or want out.
One aspect of the show that bothers me though. When you are helping someone escape, why on earth are they existing time with boxes of [censored] and furniture? Just get out with a back pack full of some pics, important papers, and personal items. I'm gonna have a heart attack watching.
0 7 Wassup  June 19, 2018
Is this still a viable show? A third season consisting of only 4 episodes before going silent for 9 months, and then they come back with an "enhanced" episode from season 2 as the premier of season 4.
0 18 Verna Hebert  June 19, 2018
I wonder why we never hear anything about this abuse from the Governor of Utah and other politicians ???? Why isn't the U.S. involved in this !!!! This is a national disgrace .
0 7 gateway girl Verna Hebert  July 13, 2018
Our government officials in Utah & parts of Arizona need to see the women, underage girls and sometimes boys, as important citizens who are reaching out for help because they are being abused emotionally, physically, mentally & spiritually! These victims have rights too! They have no freedoms to move around as they wish. It's sick and so sad to watch how they are forced to live. My praises go out to the fearless and strong survivors trying to help these victims!! You are truly doing God's work! ❤
0 1 Julie Verna Hebert  June 12, 2022
Because weather they admit to it or not most of the government in UT is lds and wants to keep the religion. The only reason main stream lds, stopped polygamy is to get protection help from the US Army. When they stole the UT lands from the Ute and other native tribes. When they came to Utah in the 1800s
0 17 Consuelo  April 26, 2018
This program has shaken me to my core. I wrote to Senator Feinstein to ask how should could help stop the sex trafficking of young Mormon girls in cult clans: no response. Now, I'm asking the victims to join the "MeToo" movement and get support for past and future victims.

This is America.........this cannot be tolerated.
0 25 Bernadette  January 19, 2018
It would be nice if they would tell us if this show is cancelled. Four shows, and then nothing for 5 months? Not a good way to keep viewers if indeed the show is coming back. Hello A&E and Rivr media: What's up?
0 25 CanadianGirl  November 21, 2017
Please bring back Escaping Polygamy. This show really opened my eyes to the world of polygamy. P pile never really know what is happening in the next town, down the street or even next door. They girls have helped so many people escape the order. I love this show and all the work they do.
0 4 Newfie girl CanadianGirl  March 15, 2018
Waiting for season 4 Escaping Polygamy
0 0 Kelly CanadianGirl  May 30, 2023
I hope they bring the show back. I've watched every episode many times. I wish I lived closer and could of helped in some way. But I live in Florida.
0 34 Tiffany Messick  October 2, 2017
There needs to be more episodes in season, I just can't get enough of this show. I'll even watch the reruns again and again if they come on. ❤ ❤ ❤
0 16 Patricia Cramer  September 28, 2017
I love this show, why don't the governor get involved in shutting down., since this cult is hurting children that have no Voice
3 8 Bernadette Patricia Cramer  September 28, 2017
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes: uag at agutah dot gov
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich azag dot gov/contact-us
1 16 Cory Boi  September 25, 2017
I enjoy watching this show. I have also learn a lot as well watching and learning about the practices of Polygamy and the different religious cult out in west that are practicing polygamy and seeing the damage that is harming young girls as young as 12. I see how polygamist marriages also are destroying families and knowing why people from polygamist families are escaping into the outside world.
2 5 Mary Guffey  September 20, 2017
Does anyone know if they even televised season 3 Episode 5 and 6?
0 4 Cylah Mary Guffey  September 21, 2017
They have not. Last episode to be shown was episode 4, the prophets son. ?
0 4 Bernadette Mary Guffey  September 26, 2017
I don't know if there is any truth to it, but I heard there almost wasn't a season 3 because their source of escapees dried up. They had a difficult time finding people who wanted to take part (especially from the Kingston group). I also heard that the producers were trying to cut costs, and that is why the show has changed in other ways. Have you noticed how the show feels different? There is almost no involvement from anyone other than Jessica and Matt. I know Matt is important to the work, but its not adding much interest to the show. Jessica has now moved to Texas due to her husband getting a job there, and I'm afraid that means there will not be a season 4. I just hope that the rest of season 3 is interesting and worthwhile.
0 15 Claude Lucier  August 6, 2017
Thanks and congratulations to A+E for keeping track of these most courageous young women. A+E thus insures that those monsters of the FLDS could and will some day have to face the consequences of their atrocities.
0 14 Elizabeth Bailey Claude Lucier  August 7, 2017
I love this show and have been waiting for it to come back on, it is unbelievable that people could force people ( women and children) to do what they do and the control is terrible. Those men need to be fixed to the point that they no longer are able to produce children ever again.
Being CONTROLED isn't right in this day and age. Those men are monsters and the FLDS should be disbanded permanently.
0 11 Claude Lucier Elizabeth Bailey  August 7, 2017
Mrs Bailey,
I totally agree with you on everything and mostly on the fact that the FLDS should be disbanned forever and should be registered as what it really is: a criminal organisation of pedophiles who benefit from lacks of laws.
0 12 Bryan Brown  July 8, 2017
Love the show and the girl's who help the helpless. Its crazy to me what these secret culture's will do and/or say "in the name of the Lord" (talk about using the Lords name in vain). Anyway, a huge thank you going out to everyone involved in this show and for bringing awareness to the masses. Cause God knows Utah law enforcement will do NOTHING about these group's until outside pressures force them to.
0 8 Kendel  July 4, 2017
Please, I love this show. I live in Utah and it's so interesting.
1 8 Maryann  July 3, 2017
I too, love this show, and not only because it is interesting and thought provoking, but it is necessary to open the eyes of the rest of the world, and hopefully our legal system. I got hooked on books by "escaped" former FDLS victims. Now, this series has reached many television viewers who have not seen written reports on the evils of polygamy. Sister wife's gives a exception to the the rule. Apparently, these people are not members of an insidious cult as depicted in this show. Please, help these people. It's the children who need help. The women can't help them because they can't even help themselves.
0 20 Jan king  June 4, 2017
Please bring this show back. One show that is worth watching. My favorite show
0 9 LMCasey Jan king  June 4, 2017
This was on the Escaping Polygamy FB page since January 13. It would be extremely strange to post this if they weren't doing another season. My guess is that it will premiere on July 9 or 16.

"We are STILL here and we are STILL documenting
courageous men and women who are ESCAPING polygamy! Reach out! Call (757) 266-7801 or email escapingp at gmail. We would LOVE to help YOU find your way to FREEDOM!"
1 2 Elizabeth Bailey Jan king  August 7, 2017
My favorite show and it should be left on and keep coming on all year round , definitely worth keeping on TV , Someone needs to really help these women out with housing and jobs and education for them as well as the children, also to help them mentally to get that life out of their minds .
0 3 Jan king LMCasey  September 14, 2017
Do I know why escaping polygamy has quit airing after only 4 segments
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