The Blacklist is a Golden Globe Award-nominated American crime drama TV series that follows the life of Raymond “Red” Reddington, who is a former US Navy officer turned high-profile criminal.
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The Blacklist Is Ending, Will Not Return For Season 11
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As the tenth and final season of "The Blacklist" approaches its conclusion, the ever-captivating Red (James Spader) continues to exhibit his trademark knack for staying ahead of the curve. This characteristic has been a defining trait of his character from the very beginning, including the explosive season 10 premiere that left viewers in awe.
As The Blacklist, NBC's long-running drama series, enters its 10th and final season, viewers can expect some changes in the upcoming weeks. Starting from June 1, the show will undergo a shift in its airing schedule. Currently airing on Sundays at 10 pm, The Blacklist will now move to Thursdays. On June 1, back-to-back episodes will be aired at 8 pm and 9 pm, followed by subsequent episodes airing weekly at 8 pm.
This scheduling adjustment marks the show's 11th and final move, as it transitions to a night where NBC originally positioned it as a strategic move back in February 2015. After a highly successful debut and impressive ratings during its early run in the Monday 10 pm time slot, NBC made the decision to move The Blacklist to Thursdays after eight episodes into its second season. The move was further highlighted by the show's coveted post-Super Bowl 2015 slot, just prior to its Thursday premiere.
Following a decade on the air and hundreds of masterful James Spader monologues, The Blacklist is officially coming to an end. NBC has announced that the upcoming Season 10 will be the final season of the hit thriller series. (Source:
I LOVE watching Blacklist every episodes I've never missed it season 10 final season comes to the end my question Why Raymond would go for a walk to a ranch but not on the road he's brilliant always step ahead of any one agent Ressler was late to see what happened. On the phone 📱 with harrold. But didn't say I was sad
LOVE LOVE this show !!!! Me & my husband just couldn’t seem to stop watching the best one ever!!! Just can’t wait to see more🤗 we are definitely glued to this show . ❤️❤️❤️
I couldn’t agree more!!!! HANDS DOWN BEST SHOW SERIES IVE SEEN IN YEARS, if not THE BEST!!! Not a fan of Spader in the 80’s 90’s but he REALLY IS MY FAVORITE AND HAS BEEN THROUGH THIS ENTIRE SERIES AND LOVE LOVE doubt! Like the way he incorporates business 😉
My favourite show ever! I miss Elizabeth and really didn’t think the show would be good without her but they succeeded magnificently. Raymond pulled it off beautifully and made it better than I thought possible. I hope it runs for another 10 years.
I think James Spader plays his part so magnificently that we may perhaps forget that he is playing a role other than himself. He fits the role so perfectly that (1) best acting I have EVER seen and (2) NO ONE could play thus role better than James Spader. His rating in one word: Perfection. I'm guessing Season 10 is going to start on (or around) Friday, October 21, 2022 @ 8 pm. Hopefully, they have another 22 episodes for us!! LOVE The Blacklist!!
ABSOLUTELY, I totally agree..THIS character was molded for him . He plays it FLAWLESSLY !! I never cared for him.much in otjer things he played in. He was good but not JAW DROPPING PERFECTION, as this is for him.
Well, came across Blacklist by accident, and hooked from the very first episode, it kept me wanting more, I sat up to 6am some mornings coz cudn wait, now waiting on S 10🥰🥰🥰
I kept thinking Blacklist would expose that Elizabeth's death was a ruse. She was again kept safe by Red or The Old Cleaner,Red shot. When the autopsy was performed, they would find out it was not Elizabeth. Boy was I fooled! No worries I'm still hard core Fan. Watching til the End, V
Thought the same thing!! Didn’t think she was really dead..unfortunately, it was true! Came across on Netflix and decided to watch it and so glad I did!! Best show out!! Waiting patiently (nah)! Hurry up and come on already! Hope to see this for while in the future! ❤️❤️❤️Love you Raymond (Spader)
Yes reddington is defiently Katarina Rostova!! Ever since season 3 they have been throwing in very small clues leading up to the most biggest clues in the last two episodes of season 8 that gave it away. Also "reddington" made Elizabeth No. 1 on the blacklist which made it suspicious but confusing since now we have revealed No. 1, and No. 3 . But still no sign of No. 2 on the blacklist. If you remember reddington said the top 3 people on the blacklist were people he would never do harm too.. The only guess I have is Agnes is No. 2 what do yall think ? Cant wait to see what happens season 9 after this crazy season finale
But remember when they showed the flashbacks both Red and Elizabeth were having, when they showed the real Katarina, they also showed Red going into the house and don’t forget in one of the episodes it showed Reddington with the burns on his back!! And think about it…if he was Katarina, he couldn’t have had an affair with the bird lady he was crazy about!? And what about Elizabeth being shot?? It looked like she died, but somehow she had to survive!? Any thoughts? :)
I love the storyline of Red and Anne! Please keep them together! It was wonderful to see that side of Red! A part that people didn’t think he was capable of. I always felt there was a part of him that was a loving man. The Black list gets better and better. Keep Red and Annie together.
Love watching the Blacklist, it keeps me interested because the way Raymond Redington tells the story and always has an interesting explanation for any unforeseen circumstances. Can hardly for the 6th Season to start. what is the premier date ?
LOVE THE BLACKLIST... GREAT DRAMA...INTERESTING STORYLINE...EXCELLENT ACTING!!!! Blacklist is so refreshing compared to ALL the stupid and cheap to make REALITY JUNK on is too pervasive on nightly television. ..
Surely cancelling this show is not going to happen! This is one of the best shows I have seen and am wondering when it is going to start again for 2016/2017 season. I even signed up for a different carrier to see from the first episode!
So true gramaof8...I was thinking the same thing a while ago.Lets hope it comes out to be true. Red is too over protective of them.Something has to give
I never missed an episode of The Blacklist.This is the only show I can't wait to see a new episode.I LOVE IT.Please don't kill any of the present characters: Red, Dembe,Tom,Ressler, Aram,Harold,Navabi,Mr. Kaplan BRING HER BACK WITH RED-she is a super character,bring back Liz's grandfather and the woodsman who saved Mr. Kaplan,I bet he can be let in this show as a former specialist of some sort who returned at home from a war and found no room for him in a society full of greed and madness,the pony tail guy from Red's commando, Solomon is a good one too,Edi is playing it excellent, those guys Red is using when he is looking for somebody or wants to make them talk,I find them utterly funny...I don't have time to continue,my boys need the computer for homework...anyway,I can write days about this show...I love it so much.Sounds crazy but is true,I love this show.
I have always loved this show and red’s unwavering loyalty to a very select few, which not only completely through me through a loop as I believed she was his female denbe, when he shot her it completely shocked and devastated me, and to be honest part of me has still not forgiven him
Comments 92
Covid started turned into cartoon
Watching til the End, V
Can hardly for the 6th Season to start.
looking forward to new season in 2023!!!!!👍❤️
Blacklist is so refreshing compared to ALL the stupid and cheap to make REALITY JUNK on is too pervasive on nightly television. ..
Please keep it on the air!!!!
They have got to keep this show alive.