The Donovans
"The Donovans," the latest series takes inspiration from the successful Showtime series that spanned seven seasons, featuring Liev Schreiber as a professional "fixer" in Los Angeles.
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Fans Can Enjoy Season 1 of The Donovans on Paramount+ in Early 2025

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Season 1 of The Donovans will start in Early 2025
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Named "The Donovans," the latest series takes inspiration from the successful Showtime series that spanned seven seasons, featuring Liev Schreiber as a professional "fixer" in Los Angeles.

"Boasting the most influential clientele in Europe, The Donovans will witness family fortunes and reputations hanging in the balance, peculiar alliances emerging, and betrayal lurking at every turn. Although the family stands as London's most elite fixers today, the unpredictable nature of their business offers no assurances about what tomorrow may bring."

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