Zoo P.D., an animated comedy created by Alex Carter, executive producer of Family Guy, has secured a script commitment with a penalty from Fox.
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Zoo P.D., an animated comedy created by Alex Carter, executive producer of Family Guy, has secured a script commitment with a penalty from Fox. The show, a collaboration between Carter, Aaron Kaplan's Kapital Entertainment, and Fox's Bento Box Entertainment, explores the challenges faced by a police force stationed within the eighth best zoo in California. As they navigate the difficulties of dealing with troublesome visitors and strive to enhance the park, the series uncovers a profound truth: ultimately, we're all just animals.
The executive producing team includes Carter, Kaplan, Steve Michaels, Diane Galardi, and Matt Alvarez. Kapital Entertainment and Fox's Bento Box Entertainment are co-producing the project, with Kevin Marco overseeing for Kapital.
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