Steeltown Murders
"Steeltown Murders" is a gripping series set in both 1973 and the early 2000s. It delves into the hunt for a killer in the Port Talbot area of Wales. In this unique case, the mystery was eventually solved nearly 30 years after the crime, thanks to modern DNA analysis.
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Steeltown Murders Season 2 is yet to be announced by Acorn TV

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Steeltown Murders takes you on a journey through two distinct eras, 1973 and the early 2000s, as it unravels the quest to unmask a killer in the Port Talbot region of Wales. This exceptional miniseries delves into the extraordinary circumstances surrounding a case that remained unsolved for nearly three decades until modern DNA analysis shed new light on the mystery.

By contrasting the law enforcement techniques of the 1970s with the forensic breakthroughs of the 2000s, the series provides a poignant portrait of a town grappling with the enduring consequences of an unsolved crime. It challenges the notion of whether true justice can ever be achieved when time has cast its shadow over a case.


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0 0 faxeholm1234 crown  November 22, 2023
BBC One aired the show in May and June of 2023

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