Navajo Police: Class 57
"NAVAJO POLICE: CLASS 57" is a three-part documentary series following Class 57 recruits through the Navajo Police Training Academy and into the field. In the sweeping backdrop of the Navajo Nation, they combat rising crime and historical neglect, striving to preserve their community and sovereign nation's future.
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Navajo Police: Class 57 Season 2 is yet to be announced by HBO

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Navajo Police: Class 57 Season 2 — not renewed yet
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In the expansive setting of the Navajo Nation, NAVAJO POLICE: CLASS 57 unfolds as a compelling three-part documentary series. It shadows a dedicated group of recruits through a transformative year, from their challenging journey within the Navajo Police Training Academy to their vital roles in the field.

As they navigate the rigors of training and emerge to face a world marked by increasing crime and centuries of neglect, these recruits shoulder the responsibility of preserving their community. For Class 57, the pressure is unrelenting, and the stakes are monumental, as the future of their sovereign nation hinges, in part, on their success within the academy.

Join us in exploring this gripping narrative, where determination, sacrifice, and resilience converge to shape the guardians of the Navajo Nation, forging a path towards the community's unity and security.


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