Candice Renoir
Cécile Bois portrays the endearing Candice Renoir, a newlywed who cuts her honeymoon short to dive back into solving crimes. Balancing her detective work with trips between Paris and a cold case investigation, Candice finds herself pondering challenging questions about her true desires.
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Candice Renoir Season 8 is yet to be announced by Acorn TV

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The eagerly awaited seventh season of this captivating crime drama returns with Cécile Bois reprising her role as the endearing and newlywed Candice Renoir.

Even though she cuts her honeymoon short, she quickly returns to solving crimes. While shuttling between Paris and the scene of a cold case, Candice finds herself pondering some tough questions: What does she truly desire? Is it to build a joyful blended family with her husband or rekindle an old flame? Should she pursue a more challenging and prestigious job, or savor the one she already has?

Candice approaches these dilemmas with the same pragmatic approach she uses to crack intricate cases: a blend of common sense, sharp observations, and the practical wisdom of a busy mom.


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