Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper
"Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper" is a captivating series that follows birder Christian Cooper as he explores the fascinating world of birds. From stunning natural landscapes to bustling urban environments, Christian's passion for birds takes him on thrilling journeys to uncover their secrets and showcase their beauty.
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Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper Season 2 is yet to be announced by Nat Geo Wild

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Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper Season 2 — not renewed yet
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Join life-long birder Christian Cooper on an exhilarating journey into the captivating world of birds in this thrilling new series. Christian takes us on extraordinary adventures, whether it's navigating challenging terrains, exploring lush rainforests, or scaling towering structures, all in pursuit of observing and understanding these remarkable feathered creatures. From the volcanic terrain of Hawaii to the rainforests of Puerto Rico, and even the bustling streets of New York City, Christian goes to great lengths to uncover the secrets and beauty of birds and share them with us.

Each episode promises a unique and immersive experience. In "Puerto Rico," Christian embarks on a kayaking and hiking expedition to discover the rare and colorful birds that call the island home. In "New York City," his hometown, he encounters peregrine falcon chicks, tends to a pigeon's footbath, and releases a streetsmart kestrel. "Hawaii" takes us to the Big Island, where Christian explores the island's lush rainforests and rocky lava terrain, encountering a majestic Hawaiian Hawk, feeding adorable baby white terns, and joining a wild goose chase.

Get ready to be captivated by the incredible diversity and beauty of birds as Christian Cooper shares his passion and knowledge with us. Tune in to Nat Geo Wild for the premiere of each episode and embark on a thrilling bird-watching adventure unlike any other.

(Source: natgeotv.com)

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Comments 3

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1 1 Marie  September 8, 2023
As a birder myself I loved this show! It was very informative and interesting! I put a couple places on my want to visit list. And I thought it was a great way to present birding to a mass of people. I also thought it was a great way to highlight keystone species of birds. I especially loved the enthusiastic host! I really hope there are many more seasons in the future!
1 2 Rosemary  September 3, 2023
I'm looking forward to Season 2 of the Extraordinary Birder. Chris Cooper's enthusiasm for experiencing birds in wild places, even when they are in the midst of our over developed landscape, is an inspiration. His joy in sharing the world of birds and birders is contagious. I can hardly wait for the next season. [smile]
1 3 Jeff  August 16, 2023
Wonderfully entertaining and an authentic personable host! Love his show and the fact that National Geographic picked up on how this gentleman is a great asset rather than a victim. Kudos to NatGeo!!

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