Lockwood & Co.
1 Season
8 Episodes
A girl with extraordinary psychic abilities joins two gifted teen boys at a small ghost-hunting agency to fight the many deadly spirits haunting London.
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Lockwood & Co. Season 2 Isn’t Happening

Current Show Status
Lockwood & Co. Season 2 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Fri 1/27/2023 Not the Eternal Season 1: Episode 8
Next Episode Show ended 8 episodes total
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Netflix has decided to cancel "Lockwood & Co." after only one season. The series, which was based on Jonathan Stroud's young adult novels of the same name, was developed by Joe Cornish under his Complete Fiction banner and debuted on the streaming platform in January of this year. It followed the story of Lucy Carlyle (played by Ruby Stokes), a teenage ghost hunter with a tragic past, who forms a ghost-busting agency with Anthony Lockwood (Cameron Chapman) and George Karim (Ali Hadji-Heshmati) to deal with deadly ghouls.

According to sources, Netflix was pleased with the show and the effort that went into making it, but the viewership numbers did not meet the threshold required for a second season to be greenlit.


Season 1
#NameAir Dates
1This Will Be Us Jan 27, 2023
2Let Go of Me Jan 27, 2023
3Doubt Thou the Stars Jan 27, 2023
4Sweet Dreams Jan 27, 2023
5Death Is Coming Jan 27, 2023
6You Never Asked Jan 27, 2023
7Mesmerised Jan 27, 2023
8Not the Eternal Jan 27, 2023

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Comments 5

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0 0 Sverige är mitt hjärta crown  May 14, 2023
I saw it advertised a great deal on Netflix so I thought I would check it out. I am not big on teen shows, but I enjoy UK shows and supernatural things. It was just ok. Not bad but was really missing something. And had some really well worn themes that made it a bit dull overall. They were appealing to an audience that was not there in my view. But that said I did feel it had enough bases to have a 2nd season and maybe improve on things a bit. So I would of liked to see a 2nd series.
0 1 Carol Pearce  May 14, 2023
We came upon this series, completely by accident, whilst looking for something to watch. It’s not like it was very well advertised - which might account for the poor viewing figures. Hubby doesn’t often watch ‘kids/teenagers” saving the world (he finds them sappy), but he really enjoyed this. It was very well written, cast and executed. We, both, were looking forward to what the second season would bring after the revelation at the end if the first.
What a shame it’s been cancelled.
0 0 Sverige är mitt hjärta crown Carol Pearce  May 14, 2023
Netflix here in Sweden advertised it heavy! So here at least that was not the problem. But then I think that also hurt it as it was advertised heavy and then ended up being a bit less than expected. The criticisms here and I also will say this, is they did not explain the setting well! It just jumped into things with out telling a backstory or setting.(Like what year was this in, why were their ghosts, when did the ghosts start, how long from that was the show, etc.) I wondered so much in the first ep I had to google to look up things. That should NOT happen on a show!

Most people here liked the supernatural parts, it was the non supernatural aspects that were a bit tired.
1 0 Solieme  May 12, 2023
Netflix just cancelled it!
0 0 Mike4jesus  February 8, 2023
my daughter and i love this show! original and interesting storylines, very like-able characters !

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