Gut Job
When pro athlete turned all-star builder Sebastian Clovis discovered the ‘dream home’ he had just purchased required a total nightmare gut job, he tackled it like he has everything in life - all in!
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Gut Job Season 3 is yet to be announced by HGTV Canada

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Gut Job Season 3 — not renewed yet
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Off the heels of their series premieres, Sebastian Clovis will offer more empathy and experience to overwhelmed homeowners in Season 2 of Gut Job (8×60), while the cross-Canada renovators from Hoarder House Flippers (8×60) will return to tackle a new batch of disaster houses in a brand new season. (Source:

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0 0 TeenGirl crown  March 31, 2025
🍓Hі) Мy nаme іs Pаula, Іm 23 yеars оld) Bеginning sex mоdel 18+) І lоve bеing phоtographed іn thе nudе) Plеase ratе my phоtos аt ➤

0 0 Carol  October 1, 2023
Hello. Do you do a floor addition that would incorporate 2 bedrooms and a studio? The property is a circa early 1960 back split. It desperately needs to be brought into the 21st century (kicking and screaming). The original purple and pink/slash orange sinks are still present in the bathrooms! 🙄🤭. The remainder of the house would require a serious update. Thank you.
0 0 Mark George  September 9, 2023
Haven’t seen season 2 on HGTV. I s it not offered here on a different network or ??
Just wondering.
0 0 Diane Davis  August 3, 2023
Truly enjoy the show. Amazing talents. Great looking cast [kiss]
0 0 Anne  July 15, 2023
oops, typo, should read: only "seen" 3/12 episodes...
0 0 Anne  July 15, 2023
I shared the info abut the Bio-Ethanol Chimney-less fireplace with my friend who wants to warm up her basement space. Now she doesn't have to get a chimney built.

I have only send 3 / 12 episodes and I really enjoy the approach to rebuilding and restoring the homes.

I need lots of information as my father has a century home that will need lots of upgrades someday soon (?)
0 1 Linda L.  May 16, 2023
Best ever! Love, love, love everything about Gut Job! I’ve learned so much! Sebastian Clovis is so talented and refreshing! Finding out the show has been renewed made my day! Can’t wait to tell my husband!
0 5 Sandra Thompson  November 17, 2022
I am so so glad to hear there will be a season 2 of Gut Job. I love watching Sabastian and the great work he does. He is so caring and passionate about his work. You know its done properly if everything is plum, level, and square.
0 4 Connie  October 31, 2022
❤ Love, love, love this show. Absolutely love Sebastian Clovis. Looking forward to the new season. Thanks for appreciating his talent as remodeling contractor and just a great guy.
0 2 Jenny  October 18, 2022
Amazing show, watched with my husband. Which don’t usually happen, entire team is talented and Sebastian’s talent and teaching is sick…… love it
0 3 Judith  October 10, 2022
I streamed the first season In one weekend. It was so heart warming. Truly enjoyable. Cant wait for season two.
0 2 Joan Graham  May 19, 2022
[love] Sebastian Clovis is such a personable and thoughtful presence ?. He makes you feel invested in his projects. Really enjoy his family and friend interaction. Appears to be very sincere. ?
0 1 Ben B.  May 6, 2022
Great show, great personalities, particularly Clovis. Thoroughly enjoying Season 1 thus far!
0 0 Margo Webb  May 1, 2022
Just wondering how you go about picking your home owners for this show? My daughters home is in need of help. The home may be cursed, something is always wrong, broken.... She's also had different contractors for different areas in the house, but one took her for more than $25,000.00 so unfortunately things are done on the cheap now. It's her and her three daughters ages 8-12 and
they deserve a home that doesn't feel it like it's falling apart. If there is information you can provide me with, that would be awesome. We're in London, Ontario, so you probably don't even come out here, just thought of that. Well I'm an idiot, sorry to waste your time.
Margo Webb
0 0 Connie Margo Webb  October 31, 2022
Have faith there might be someone listening. Prayers your daughter funds someone. Maybe send Mike Holmes a letter too? Canada has such great people that care. Glad we are neighbors.

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