The series follows "Bee Czar" Walter Schumacher and his mission to save the planet through saving honeybees, all without wearing a protective suit — instead, he "communicates" with bees to avoid being stung.
(48 votes)
Bee Czar Season 2 is yet to be announced by Discovery Channel
Current Show Status
Bee Czar Season 2 — not renewed yet
Latest EpisodeAired Wed 4/13/2022Show Me the HoneySeason 1: Episode 6
Next EpisodeSorry, no dates yet for Bee Czar.The show is either on a break or the new season is yet to be scheduled. We’ll keep you posted.
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Season 1
Air Dates
Welcome to the Bee Biz
Mar 9, 2022
Bee the Tree
Mar 16, 2022
A Swarm is Coming
Mar 23, 2022
Bees, Bets and a Baby
Mar 30, 2022
Bees on Fire
Apr 6, 2022
Show Me the Honey
Apr 13, 2022
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There are so few shows that are family friendly, fun and funny, please keep that in mind and continue with the Bee Czar journey. Every person I recommended it to loved it. We are all waiting for more. We learned while being entertained which seems to be the perfect match.
You should absolutely bring back the Bee Czar for another season, or more than one even. Bees are one of the most important insects to humans, if you like eating food that is not meat, bees likely had a hand it in existing. Please bring this show back, people need to learn to LOVE bees, not have them exterminated, and Walter shows just WHY and HOW we can make that happen.
I was a beekeeper for over 50 years. I find Bee Czar to be both educational and entertaining. His honey removal adventures and his search for new markets are enlightening. I want to see his series continued. Honey bees are amazing and Walter has just begun to tell their story. GO WALTER GO.
Please bring back the Bee Czar! It’s educational and fun family show to watch. I have actually ordered the honey from Epic Honey and it’s awesome! Love the show, and would love to see new episodes episodes!
Please bring back the show. It was very informative to bees and how the make our honey. My family also enjoyed watching the employees on how they handles different situations.
Did you really cancel Bee Czar? It is/was an amazing show and got a lot of knowledge out to the public. Canceling would be idiotic. Isn't the purpose of your channel to help people DISCOVER the world around them?
Please have more Bee Czar episodes. Completely ridic to cancel this series... everything in Season One was on point with what can be good with Reality TV.
Bring the Bee Zar back. He is awesome and needs revenue to keep bee saving alive. Please bring him back. It was awesome seeing the hives and makes me think I want a hive . Go Zar Thank you. NORMAN MONEY $€£¥₩$
I loved the Bee Czar, please bring it back, it was wacky but informative. I have a 9 year old that we had to buy a hive and kit just because of this show. It entertained him to the point he wasn't interested video games like most his age. Please bring it back.
So sad that this show was cancelled. And it WAS on Discovery+. Now it's not even there so I can't even watch those episodes over and over. I LOVE this show! It's extremely important to the human population, that we have bees. Ppl need to be educated about them, not just spray them with poison to get rid of them. The Bee Czar drove all the way down to the tip of Texas to help out a city that had bee issues. I hope he gets plenty of steady work and that Discovery bring his show back!!
love this important, educational and slightly wacky show! However, their 1st season was far too short. That said, the Bee Czar has succeeded in educating a large amount of the public, about the importance of bees, far faster than anyone has in years! Let’s brings the BeeCzar back for another season of educating the public about the importance of bees to keep our planet ALIVE and fed!
I love this family oriented show and the entire cast of Bee Czar. I think Walter Schumacher is a wonderful dad and an awesome boss. He treats his employees as family. In a perfect world, that would be wonderful for all employers-employee relationships. I hope “Bee Czar” is renewed and for a longer season.
Comments 45
and relocate them. Very educational!
Let’s brings the BeeCzar back for another season of educating the public about the importance of bees to keep our planet ALIVE and fed!