Jessica's Big Little World
The series focuses on the escapades of Craig's determined younger sister, Jessica. Alongside her imaginary and real friends, Jessica embarks on various adventures, determined to conquer the world, even if she occasionally still sucks her thumb.
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Jessica's Big Little World Season 2 is yet to be announced by Cartoon Network

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Prepare to embark on a delightful journey with "Jessica's Big Little World," the newest offering from Cartoon Network Studios. This animated series centers around Jessica, a young protagonist navigating a world that often appears larger than life to her. Despite being the youngest and requiring assistance with various tasks, Jessica draws inspiration from the grown-ups and older kids around her. She approaches her quest to conquer childhood milestones with unwavering determination, whether it's establishing a bedtime routine or mastering the art of riding a big kid bike.

The talented cast of "Jessica's Big Little World" features familiar voices reprising their roles from "Craig of the Creek." Lucia Cunningham lends her voice to Jessica, alongside Philip Solomon as Craig, Phil LaMarr as Bernard, and Kimberly Hebert Gregory as Nicole. They are joined by Alani Ilongwe as Small Uncle, Byron Marc Newsome as Duane, and Ozioma Akagha as Big Jessica.

Leading the creative team is showrunner and executive producer Tiffany Ford, known for her work on "Craig of the Creek." The series is co-created by Matt Burnett and Ben Levin, the showrunners of "Craig of the Creek," with Sam Register also serving as an executive producer. "Jessica's Big Little World" promises to deliver heartwarming and relatable adventures for young viewers and families alike.


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