Shenmue the Animation
Adult Swim
Based on the Iconic Game Franchise, Shenmue the Animation follows Ryo Hazuki, a martial arts trainee, on a quest of vengeance against his Father's murderer, Lan Di, aided by Shenhua, a mysterious girl with whom his destiny is intertwined.
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Shenmue the Animation Season 2 is yet to be announced by Adult Swim

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Shenmue the Animation Season 2 — not renewed yet
Next Episode Sorry, no dates yet for Shenmue the Animation. The show is either on a break or the new season is yet to be scheduled. We’ll keep you posted.
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Comments 2

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0 0 Amir Mohammad  May 7, 2023
I am very sad to hear that season 2 has been canceled
Why should it be made from a game?
Why make this beautiful anime from something that doesn't work?
If this anime had a manga, the second season would have been released
Why do I have no luck?
If there is new news about it, tell me
0 0 Antoinne  May 16, 2022
This is a great show, the story must go on. I have taken a liking to this Anime. Please bring more back. [smile]

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