The Chosen
In this ground-breaking first season of The Chosen, see how Jesus reaches each of these people and more as He works His first miracles and embarks on His ...
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The CW’s The Chosen Greenlit for Season 4

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The Chosen Season 4 — officially renewed
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n a significant milestone, The CW will be the first U.S. broadcaster to bring the popular Biblical epic series "The Chosen" to its audience. Starting on July 16 at 8 p.m. ET/PT, the network will begin airing the three existing seasons of the series. The show will maintain this timeslot throughout the year, culminating with the Season 3 finale on Christmas Eve. Excitingly, a fourth season is currently in production, and the series has plans for a total of seven seasons.

(Provo, UT - December 4, 2022) Angel Studios-the platform empowering creators to crowdfund, create, and then distribute films and TV series globally with full creative control and backed by thousands of Angel investors-is proud to announce that its signature original series, The Chosen: Season 3, will be released globally for streaming on the Angel App beginning with Episode 1 on December 11th.

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Comments 8

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0 1 Conspiracy2Riot  April 24, 2024
I have no idea why Premiere Date is saying 'The Chosen' has not been renewed for a Season 4 when I just watched the first 4 episodes of it online last night. With a word that the last 4 episodes would be released between May 21 and May 30.
So if this information isn't accurate, what else is not up to date here?
0 0 Carolyn B. White-Ham  July 12, 2021
When will Season 2 Episode 8 be available on BYU TV/
0 0 Edison Moura  June 20, 2021
I am also very happy that the BYUTV has chosen to air the Chosen. It is the best documentary on the life of the Savior I have ever seen. Our family loves it. Thank you BYUTV for this wonderful gift.
0 0 Richard Connerley  May 23, 2021
We’re enjoying chosen very much. Hope everyone joins to watch. It is so needed in today’s secular world.
0 0 Lynda Lehr  April 19, 2021
I absolutely love the series The Chosen , so happy to hear that it has been renewed !! Can't wait to see the Second season . When will the second season be shown ?
0 1 Marilynne R Pugh  April 17, 2021
This is the best documentary about Jesus I have even watched. Can't wait to watch Season Two. I am very happy that BYUTV will be showing this series.
0 1 Leonard Phister  April 5, 2021
Please notify my when BYUtv will be airing The Chosen, Season 2 episodes

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