100 Days Wild
Discovery Channel
1 Season
8 Episodes
Seven strangers are giving up the comforts of the modern world in an attempt to build a self-sustaining colony in the Alaskan wilderness in the 100 Days Wild.
(108 votes)

100 Days Wild Season 2 is yet to be announced by Discovery Channel

Current Show Status
100 Days Wild Season 2 — not renewed yet
Latest Episode Aired Fri 10/2/2020 And Then There Were None Season 1: Episode 7
Next Episode Sorry, no dates yet for 100 Days Wild. The show is either on a break or the new season is yet to be scheduled. We’ll keep you posted.
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Season 1
#NameAir Dates
SOff Grid & Under Pressure Aug 20, 2020
1Entering Wild, Wild Country Aug 21, 2020
2Rogue Rage Aug 28, 2020
3Under House Arrest Sep 4, 2020
4Zombie Fish Apocalypse Sep 11, 2020
5Frozen Out Sep 18, 2020
6Hangry Days Sep 25, 2020
7And Then There Were None Oct 2, 2020

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Comments 17

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0 0 Carol Gurrieri-Iaccino  August 6, 2023
More kind sirs more! All kidding aside I cannot wait for another season. Please pretty please lol.
0 0 Isaac  August 29, 2022
Recently got Discovery plus, been watching and loving discovery channel my whole life basically. I really loved this show, Animal Farm was on full display lol, and it was a microscopic image of why society in general falls apart over time...sadly. I want to see more of this show ASAP, with 10 versions of naked people on their channel pushing smut basically at this point yet a show like this just gets ignored. Geezz...this is what it has gotten to
0 5 Vickie  July 11, 2022
My household LOVED 100 Days Wild! Have been checking on updates and season number 2! Please bring it back. We watch all Alaskan reality shows. We ALL WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAST!!! Are they still in Alaska?? Only 1 season is NOT FAIR!! We WANT ANSWERS! Let us know YEAH OR NAY ON ANY OR MORE SEASONS IN THE NEAR FUTURE!!! We DESERVE TO KNOW NOW! Very Worthy of Watching!!! Thanks
0 3 shalonda caril  May 25, 2022
Yeah we want more [sleep] :(((: hurry please like yesterday!
0 16 Jen72  April 9, 2022
Andrew and Jennifer were horrible! Imagine having food doled out to you in such a begrudgingly passive aggressive manner! Not to mention being belittled for building skills when no direction was given on the build! Another example was Jennifer snubbing her nose at how they diced the salmon to be hung in the cold storage. This community was doomed from the start. So glad they got out and formed their own!
0 13 Amy Jen72  May 22, 2022
I feel like Andrew and Jennifer weren't so much interested in a community as they were having people come live with them so they could help them do all the work it takes to live that lifestyle. When the other members started doing their own things which was actually part of the original idea to expand the community oh, they seem to get irritated at the fact that they weren't right there under there thumbs and at their beck and call for whenever they actually needed anything. I don't think they were really honest when they said they wanted to create a community... They just wanted people to come help them do what they want to do.
0 7 Melvia McKinley Amy  June 7, 2022
I believe you are right. They wanted to deligate jobs, didn't approve of the way jobs were done while they fished, cooked and hunted. All the building they did not take much part in. Then they wanted to rule over the food instead of giving everyone their part. Each person had their own specialty area and should be allowed to use that . Meetings could have devided deligated work up. They needed to all work together. It seems to me that Jennifer and Andrew wanted more of a cult than a community of thriving people.
I love this show and I hope discovery channel will have more seasons with the ones in the first season a part of it. I hope eventually they all come together to thrive as neighbors.
0 1 Ngatia Jen72  June 25, 2023
Honestly, they could have made more episodes. Seems like it was really lazily put together by the producers, also definitely their own narrative twist on it. You can see in a lot of episodes and scenes they've cut things in that weren't even said in the same sentence or day.
0 21 Debbie L  December 2, 2021
I agree with other comments about Andrew and Jennifer. They are hypocrites. These people are working their butts off to help create the community or should I say facade that Andrew and Jennifer created. They earned their meals and should be able to take as much meat and fish to new camp that they need to finish the job, not for 3 days because Andrew and Jennifer want them back in 3 days lol
0 19 Israel  November 2, 2021
Andrew and Jennifer are passive aggressive bozos.They are the worst type of people.No one is going to get along with them two.I see why they fled society.I like all the other members I hope they make it and live out their dreams and I hope for season 2.Best show on discovery.
0 15 Laura  September 24, 2021
Loved season 1 of 100 days wild. I did not like how it left us hanging though. We need to see more. I want to see Adam, Evan, Oliver, Gerrad, and Christine in a big community. They all got along very well and had fun. Jennifer and Andrew, not so much. They were bossy and always had to be in control of everything. Tired of them [censored]ing about everyone else and pretending there were no leaders all while bossing everyone else around. They have no people skills and are very hypocritical. They wanted everyone to help them but did not want to go to the other camps to lift a finger all while hoarding everyones food. They should have split the food all up in groups evenly and made each geoup ration their own. Seeing Andrews meat portion was pretty comical. He had a massive slab of meat on his plate while complaining that he didnt want to share food with the others after they had basically starved for days.
0 11 Deborah Drescher  August 21, 2021
I loved the show and I have continually check to see when it was going to be on. I have watched the first season about 4 or 5 times please bring it back. Thank you.
2 14 Bfuse  June 3, 2021
I really enjoy the show and all the drama. Cannot wait for next season. Hopefully it returns.
0 1 Harry  February 21, 2021
How can anyone go eating meat, fish, bear only? For 200 odd days? No carbs as bread, rice.
Even early Americans going out west had flour for biscuits, rice, salt for salting meat
0 0 Richardh Harry  February 28, 2021
They had rice! Adam and Evan had to eat only rice for a couple of days :). I am very confused about the lack of vitamins though...
0 0 D Richardh  April 10, 2022
Carbs are not required for your diet. Protein, fat, and fiber from occasional plants are all that is necessary. Eating animals from "nose to tail" give pretty much all the vitamins and minerals required for survival. Carbohydrates are actually converted into a type of sugar when they enter the body and spike blood sugar and insulin and cause inflammation.
0 0 Mali D  September 30, 2022
U do in fact need carbs. Specifically for proper brain function. The brain requires 150 grams of glucose per day. There are of course good and bad carbs and the old food pyramid was not accurate with ur carb requirement but the current recommendation for a healthy diet is 45% of ur calories from carbs (that still seems like quite a lot). But please people do not deprive ur brain of what it needs to function!!!

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