The L Word: Generation Q
3 Seasons
28 Episodes
A sequel to The L Word, Generation Q follows Bette Porter, Shane McCutcheon and Alice Pieszecki alongside a new generation of diverse, self-possessed LGBTQIA characters.
(163 votes)

The L Word: Generation Q Will Not Get Season 4

Current Show Status
The L Word: Generation Q Season 4 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Fri 1/20/2023 Looking Ahead Season 3: Episode 10
Next Episode Show ended 28 episodes total
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Showtime has opted not to renew The L Word: Generation Q for a fourth season. However, the franchise may continue on the network — The L Word: New York (working title), a reboot of the groundbreaking original series, is in development with the 2004 series’ creator Ilene Chaiken expected to be involved in some capacity, I hear. (Source:


Season 3 Season 2 Season 1
#NameAir Dates
1Last Year Nov 18, 2022
2Los Angeles Traffic Nov 25, 2022
3Quiz Show Dec 2, 2022
4Last to Know Dec 9, 2022
5Locked Out Dec 16, 2022
6Questions for the Universe Dec 23, 2022
7Little Boxes Dec 30, 2022
8Quality Family Time Jan 6, 2023
9Quiet Before the Storm Jan 13, 2023
10Looking Ahead Jan 20, 2023
#NameAir Dates
1Late to the Party Aug 8, 2021
2Lean on Me Aug 15, 2021
3Luck be a Lady Aug 22, 2021
4Lake House Aug 29, 2021
5Lobsters, Too Sep 5, 2021
6Love Shack Sep 13, 2021
7Light Sep 20, 2021
8Launch Party Sep 27, 2021
9Last Dance Oct 4, 2021
10Last Call Oct 11, 2021
#NameAir Dates
1Let's Do It Again Dec 8, 2019
2Less Is More Dec 15, 2019
3Lost Love Dec 22, 2019
4LA Times Dec 29, 2019
5Labels Jan 5, 2020
6Loose Ends Jan 12, 2020
7Lose It All Jan 19, 2020
8Lapse in Judgement Jan 26, 2020

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Comments 21

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0 2 Brenda  January 25, 2023
I feel that there will be A season 4 because too many doors were Left wide open. [kiss]
0 3 Katherine Scott Brenda  January 30, 2023
There has GOT to be a fourth season, please!!!!! There are too many loose ends. This is a great show for our community and it’s also Positive!
1 0 Artemis Brenda  February 20, 2023
Yes agreed. I hope Bette remains on the show. I'm still actually more into the older characters. It's not the same with the younger ones and I don't see a reason that they're writing them in less and less :(((:
0 0 Kristy Brenda  April 10, 2023
Také doufám že bude pokračování není to ukončené a to vůbec miluju tenhle seriál a každý den kontroluju jestli se to pohlo nebo ne prosím další sérii 🤞💘
0 3 Beach  January 23, 2023
Hello to cast & crew of TLW then & now. It's been an incredible journey and I've loved it all. Thank you for what you've given to us all especially the community, please keep it going, we need you. A special thank you to Showtime for the courage to go forward with the L Word series soo many years ago, bravo! We're all keeping our hopes up for the continuation of the L series 🤞
0 1 FarmFreshTrees  August 10, 2022
Here is a source saying season 3 episode 1 will be 11/20/22
2 0 Patty Lorenzo  February 11, 2022
Love the L-Word Gen Q, but, can someone please give Finley a razor... [confused] I thought not shaving your armpits went out in the 80's!
Bette and Tina need to get back together and want much more of Dani & GiGi!! [love]
0 1 Justice Rizzo Patty Lorenzo  January 14, 2023
Many women don't shave their body hair it's a CHOICE. Did you not see Shane's armpit hair? It's not as much but it's there lol. I myself don't like body hair but it's a decision one is able to make for themselves plus thiers plenty of ppl that perfer it. Again not me but I won't knock other ppl decisions.
1 7 Jazz  October 12, 2021
Absolutely loved ❤ the L-Word Generation Q! I hope there is a season 3, that include the characters “Pippa & Carrie”. Would be fresh & interesting to see those situations *working out* between Bette & Pippa, Carrie & Tina, as opposed to going bk, to what ‘was’. It’s always good to see *new* challenges, growth in characters & revealing new things abt these characters & how they relate with new & different partners etc. Would love to see what the new characters bring out in Bette & Tina… & how they fall in love, upon a completely different level.
0 10 Heleen Joubert  October 11, 2021
The L Word (original) and generation q are the best series of all times. There is no way that this can be cancelled. It just relates to so many people and also have a positive impact on so many people's lives. I would also say that I would like the Generation Q more spicy like the original series. It is as if there are not enough sex, love and romantic scenes in the Generation Q series and that is what our fans are looking for. We are looking for happy romantic couples, yes there must also be a little drama, but gay life should be all about love, happiness and happy ending and happy healthy relationshaips.
2 2 TW Heleen Joubert  December 19, 2021
There has never been once in the entire seasons of The L Word not one lasting, loving relationship. The backdrop is heartbreak, infidelity and lying. Rewind, repeat. Missed opportunities throughout.
6 3 Sandra Mason  October 9, 2021
Bitterly disappointed, superficial storylines, no depth. So many opportunities to expand on some of the storylines thrown away. A poor relation of the L Word.
0 9 Tara  October 8, 2021
Lword/Lword Gen Q … best shows Ive even seen! I would to see Gen.Q become a little more detailed like the original show was but it is still great. Definitely needs to be renewed!!!!
0 0 Inger Marie nielsen  September 26, 2021
Fantastisk serie håber den forsætter et par sæsoner mere den har alt det som sådan en serie skal have ,er ikke langt fra de hverdags problemer der findes i alle forhold
0 9 Beth Craven  September 26, 2021
The L Word Generation Q is a beautiful and powerful representation of trans and queers all over the world. As the original trio (Jennifer, Leisha, and Kate) shared in many interviews about the show, there are so many things that need to be shared, for us older queers and the new generation. Reminds me of my youth ... a lesbian, a career woman, a mother, and having a partner that I could not legally marry. So i hope we have another 6 season series!!! This is the best show in my opinion and I feel the writers and actors need to keep on keeping on!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!
0 6 Simone Dantas  September 20, 2021
I really love the show, everything about this sequeal is right and every week I can't just wait to watch it!
Please renew it!!!

Greetings from Belgium [love]
0 7 Ruth Ann  August 29, 2021
I love this show and have watched it from the very beginning in 2004. I sure hope it shows for several years because it is the only series on TV that is oriented to the lesbian audience and fans!!!
Very spicy with lots of twists!!!!!!!!
0 4 Beatriz Henriques  August 29, 2021
i really loved the show, and all the characters!!
I'm looking forward to there being a season 3 because MY GOD each ep is more spicyyyyy than the other XDD
0 5 Kate Zasetckaya  August 28, 2021
I also love that show ! And I've been watching since the original too. So I'm looking forward for a season 3. [bigsmile]
1 7 Monique Sisto  August 16, 2021
There is no way L word can be canceled!!! I’ve been watching since the original!! It’s the only LGBTQ show out there especially for woman like myself can really relate too! Every other show has maybe one character that is the gay friend and that’s pretty much the extent of it. This show has such a deep connection to our community it would be a shame it it was canceled. Is it bc it’s based around woman and not men like every movie/ show in the world!!! We need to keep it going people!!! And ps I miss Jenny shector!!!

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