Portals to Hell
4 Seasons
39 Episodes
Jack Osbourne and Katrina Weidman investigate the world's most sinister haunted locations they suspect are gateways to the spirit world.
(102 votes)

Portals to Hell Season 5 Axed by Discovery+ Channel

Current Show Status
Portals to Hell Season 5 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Sat 7/2/2022 The Enchanted Church Season 4: Episode 13
Next Episode Show ended 41 episodes total
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Jack Osbourne and Katrina Weidman's Discovery+ series Portals To Hell has been axed after three season, it's been confirmed. The series aired on Really in the UK.

Michelle Belanger said: "By now you have probably heard the news that Portals To Hell has been cancelled. We will not be coming back, Jack, Katrina, or I, on Portals To Hell. I'm definitely proud of my time with that show, I had a really good time, and it was delightful getting the know Jack as an investigator and as a person. And of course, it's always great working with Paranormal State friend Katrina Weidman."


Season 4 Season 3 Season 2 Season 1 Specials
#NameAir Dates
1Hill View Manor Apr 9, 2022
2Eloise Psychiatric Hospital Apr 16, 2022
3Taylor Trask Museum Apr 23, 2022
4Savannah Theatre Apr 30, 2022
5Fort Mifflin May 7, 2022
6Missouri State Penitentiary May 14, 2022
7Malco Theatre May 21, 2022
8Kreischer Mansion May 28, 2022
9Ernestine and Hazel's Jun 4, 2022
10Victoria's Black Swan Inn Jun 11, 2022
11Hotel Paisano Jun 18, 2022
12Pamplin Historical Park Jun 25, 2022
13The Enchanted Church Jul 2, 2022
#NameAir Dates
1McCormick Farm Mar 20, 2021
2Hotel Monte Vista Mar 20, 2021
3Grant-Humphreys Mansion Mar 27, 2021
4The Stephenson Building Apr 3, 2021
5Captain Grant's Inn Apr 10, 2021
6Pennhurst Asylum Apr 17, 2021
7Fulton Theatre Apr 24, 2021
8Lake Shawnee Amusement Park May 1, 2021
9The Padre Hotel May 8, 2021
#NameAir Dates
1The Old Paulding Jail Mar 13, 2020
2Fort William Henry Mar 20, 2020
3The Shanghai Tunnels Mar 27, 2020
4Iron Island Apr 30, 2020
5Thomas House Hotel May 7, 2020
6Haunted Hill House May 14, 2020
7The Croke-Patterson Mansion May 21, 2020
8The Ohio State Reformatory May 28, 2020
9Cary House Hotel Jun 4, 2020
#NameAir Dates
1The Alaskan Hotel Apr 26, 2019
2Twin City Opera House May 3, 2019
3Bobby Mackey's Music World May 10, 2019
4Eastern State Penitentiary May 17, 2019
5Emerald Hill Hell House May 24, 2019
6Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum May 31, 2019
7LaLaurie Mansion Jun 7, 2019
8Strawberry River Inn Jun 14, 2019
#NameAir Dates
1Watching with the Osbournes Apr 30, 2020
2Frightmare in Connecticut Oct 30, 2020

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Comments 36

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0 2 Connie Evans  May 4, 2023
Very upset that they did not renew this show. I loved it! I know they had a great following so what happened???
0 1 Nita Connie Evans  June 12, 2023
This isn't proof but Zack from Ghost Adventures has had Paranormal Lockdown, Paranormal Lockdown UK,Destination Fear and now Portal To Hell and I'm sure others . Whenever he feels threatened by shows doing good on Discovery or Discovery plus he gives them an ultimatum they pull the plug on the other newer shows or he is out. They need to pull his plug Ghost Adventures is good but it's getting old. It's nothing new it's still the same and they never help anyone they walk away with not saving anything but leaving questions. I dont like that kind of investigation.
0 0 Nita Nita  June 12, 2023
Ad Ghosts of Shepherds Town to the list.
0 0 Mike Nita  July 15, 2023
Ye, Zack's a real P O S
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0 7 Vernon Hokeah  April 7, 2023
I hate that Discovery Plus cancelled "Portals to Hell", this is my favorite of all the paranormal shows. Discovery Plus you [censored]ed up. I hope all the cast & crew are blessed in finding the paths they choose to follow. For those you who don't know, Katrina Weidman & Heather Taddy have a Youtube channel called "Travel the Dead". "Destination Fear"was also cancelled, and they also have a Youtube channel called "Project Fear". Check these two channels out.
0 4 Armourdheart Vernon Hokeah  April 15, 2023
I don't know if you follow Nick on YouTube too, but he's made it clear that Zack got rid of paranormal lockdown, who's to say he didn't have a hand in this show as well. A lot of good shows like these are no longer airing. Hozier files is gone as well.
0 3 Mike Armourdheart  July 15, 2023
Holzer files was great and Haunting in the Heartland with Steve Shippy also mysteriously vanished. Steve's a much much better investigator than those clowns from GAC, that shows become such a joke. "I'm feeling angry, i'm getting angry, feel how cold it is, oh man it's ice cold". Literally every episode of GA with king clown Bagans at the helm as the ringleader.
0 3 bharrelson63  April 6, 2023
Oh no!! So disappointed that the series has been cancelled! I love this show. Does anyone know why the show was cancelled?
0 0 1203Angel  March 8, 2023
Why are there 4 seasons listed here but only 3 on discovery plus? Would really like to watch the shows from 2021 if possible. Thanks!
0 0 Ginger Adlai Chapman 1203Angel  March 8, 2023
Never mind. I didn’t realize they added it to the end of season 2 lol. I know what I’m watching for the rest of the night. [smile] [smile] [smile]
0 1 Heath  January 14, 2023
Did anyone else watch season 4 episode 3 Taylor trusk museum? If so did you see the strange black shape appear from the top left corner of the painting straight after an orb shot towards it? The clip was just a couple of seconds long right when Jack started playing the music box 20mins in. Wtf?
0 4 Teresa  July 30, 2022
I just watched s2e4 of fright club and Jack had stated Portals to Hell has been cancelled. This episode aired 7/21/22. I hope it isn't true.
0 0 Christina Elizabeth Zabawski  April 19, 2022
Would like to see the them investigate he’ll house and take me
0 0 KathyB  March 14, 2022
Thought the show was interesting, and know of a local hellmouth in Ontario. Would give them the info if filming in the future.
0 3 Charles Burch  March 2, 2022
Love the Show!
Would hate to cancel Discovery+
To chase show to different Media. [confused]
2 5 Quinn Brownlee  September 19, 2021
Love the show. Just hate that everything is now on discovery plus and I'm not paying for it lm paying a [censored] load of money for cable tv already so if they are gonna put it and other shows that I watch then go ahead but just know I say [censored] off to you discovery plus
4 8 John Poore Quinn Brownlee  November 4, 2021
Cut the cable and stop being stubborn ,you have to adapt, you are really missing out on discovery plus
2 1 SlKy John Poore  April 9, 2022
I agree with John Poore, get rid of cable and switch to Discovery +, it has so much more and a heck of a lot cheaper. you don't have it, you have no clue what you're missing out on, all the great paranormal shows are on there. Cripes, Discovery+ is only $4.99/Month with ads, and $6.99 without; MUCH cheaper than cable.
0 2 Kelly R Quinn Brownlee  August 13, 2022
I agree! I pay for direct TV and now they want me to pay again for.each channel.
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1 12 Rachel Huntley  August 4, 2021
I love the show. I hope they will bring it back plus fright night I think it is. Jack Osbourne is very good n the rest of the people are too. They have very goid shows. I like when they use the shadow box I think it is...please bring back the show....
0 0 Deeann Rachel Huntley  September 15, 2023
I've heard that Zak from GA threatens to quit his show( I saw let him and good riddance. GA has gotten old and stale), unless shows he feels by are pulled. GA has run it's course. They always say they are called in to help but I don't see that they help anyone. They sweep into someplace. Do an " investigation" and leave without answering any questions or solving any problems. Let other investigative shows have their chance. You are old news, Zak Bagans. The rest of your crew, Aaron, Jay and Billy could do a show without you.
I do have to disagree with you about Jack, though, Rachel. With out Katrina, his is nothing but a wus. If not for his name he wouldn't be nothing. Katrina is a skilled investigator. There's very little that she's afraid of. Jack is scared of his own shadow. But I do wish the show would be renewed. Katrina can carry the deadbeat Jack who just gets by on the Osbourne name and influence.
0 9 Bolser42  July 28, 2021
[smile] I love this show. Jack has always had an interest in the paranormal. Whether it be ghosts or big foot! His family has had personal experiences with the super natural and his sister is actually a sensitive. Katrina has grown up ghost hunting and even went to college and joined that paranormal team at her college. I like that they are not acting, they are just being themselves. I strongly recommend you check it out for yourself if you haven't already!
24 6 Jesse  May 27, 2021
Jack is funny and seems like a genuine guy and I like the locations. But Kat is insufferable . How someone not attractive got that level of arrogance or finagled multiple tv roles is mind "blowing." We want to see ghosts not a condescending, swarmy know it all whose been everywhere 10 times making kissy faces to the camera she has to hold 3 inches from her face. She will hear a gruesome story of death and then smile and laugh like it's all just good for her ratings, use innocent ppl as a conduit for demons without warning, and seems to have zero empathy. Talks to Jack, audience and ghosts like they're toddlers and she's a princess with her dumb questions. And they use nothing to gather evidence but the utterly cheesy and discredited Geoport . She was a charlatan on the totally fake Paranormal Lockdown and this show is only bearable when that other benign girl is on.
0 0 Mike Jesse  July 15, 2023
Katrina Widewoman
1 7 LeslieC  May 12, 2021
Love the show!! But do not have Discovery+ and cannot afford another service. Please put it back on the Travel Channel or somewhere accessible without paying another fee.
0 0 Mike LeslieC  July 15, 2023
Torrent or scene release group.
6 6 Casper  April 17, 2021
I am a fan of Katrina W. She is fearless! I wanted to really like the show. However, I can't stand watching Jack get scared every episode and run away.
Give Katrina her own show! Let Jack sit in the van and watch the monitors. Sorry Jack, this isn't the profession for you.
Best to all,
Love & Light
0 0 Deeann Casper  September 15, 2023
Right? I totally agree with you. Jack is such a wus. He can't to hold a candle to Katrina. He is afraid of his own shadow while there is very little that scares Katrina. If it wasn't for the Osbourne name financing the show he wouldn't even have a show. It makes me sad to see Katrina teamed up with such a loser. She is such a talented investigator. I al really sorry the show has not been renewed. All my favorite paranormal shows have been cancelled and I've read that Zak from Ghost Adventures threatens to quit his show unless they are all cancelled when he feels threatened. I think they should let him walk and give Aaron, Jay and Billy their own show without him. His ego has gotten too big and although his says they have been called to a location to help someone, I never see evidence that they have actually helped anyone. They swoop in. "Investigate." Leave. And that's it. Leaving a lot of unanswered questions behind without really providing any help whatsoever.
2 9 pooh  March 21, 2021
I refuse to pay for another + show. I loved Portals a lot. Maybe I'll eventually find reruns of season 3. Damn, I hate you Discovery.
1 4 daniellef pooh  May 2, 2021
Same here. I already pay for these channels via my cable bill. I REFUSE to pay twice for any channel.
2 12 Caleen D Nale  March 14, 2021
2 9 Rebecca Yokoyama  March 11, 2021
I absolutely LOVE this show, but unfortunately don't have Discovery Plus and don't have/can't afford the equipment needed to get it.
8 9 Crymeariver Rebecca Yokoyama  May 27, 2021
So pathetic. It's $5-8 a month. Zero equipment. Seeing grown adults throw an embarrassing tantrum cuz they are getting snowed by a cable company and can't afford the price of one sandwich a month. Discovery plus does not care if you whine, life luxuries aren't given to you for free. Meanwhile in other countries kids don't have water..
1 22 dwarfstar55  August 30, 2019
Loved the show. People may think Jack is a show off, but I like the way he let Katrina take the lead and show him things which he may not know. I have just started in the paranormal field and I wish I had someone to work with and learn from. I am a skeptic-believer and I use my science background to help me out ❤ .

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