Snake Boss
Julia Baker Has More Tricks Up Her Sleeve
(13 votes)

Snake Boss Series 3 is yet to be announced by Animal Planet

Current Show Status
Snake Boss Series 3 — not renewed yet
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Series concept and production info

Snake Boss (a.k.a. Snake Sheila) is a popular Australian documentary series executive produced by Michael Tear and Edwina Thring, written and directed by Mandy Lake and narrated by Jamie Dunn. Flickchicks and Wildbear Entertainment are behind the production. The program originally debuted in 2015 and launched its second chapter on October 24, 2016. Both seasons contain 10 episodes each and feature snake catcher Julia Baker.

Julia Baker is a rare female in this business in Australia, and most of her work entails rescuing residents from unwanted reptile visitors. They sometimes crawl into children's bedrooms, and once in a while have to be taken off the buildings' roofs, and Julia has extensive experience with the most unusual situations. Her team also includes her colleague Johny Gallacher and their dog Bonnie.

Excellent reception and future prospects

The current season features some big surprises, such as an encounter with the dangerous Coastal Taipan, catching a poisonous Eastern Brown and taking a trip to the rainforest to see the snakes in their natural habitat. To the surprise of the experienced snake catcher, the freshman installment of her show became the highest rated program ever on Animal Planet AU, which also covers New Zealand and the Pacific Rim. Mrs. Baker is especially happy that her show is catching on with families with kids. There seems to be a lot of potential in the show as far as positive viewer reception and ratings, so hopefully there will be another series commissioned in the future.

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