The Deep
3 Seasons
52 Episodes
One thing the beautifully made anime series The Deep has in abundance of is the depiction of the tight family and their relationship to one another.
(880 votes)

The Deep Season 5 is yet to be announced by ABC ME (AU)

Current Show Status
The Deep Season 5 — not renewed yet
Latest Episode Aired Fri 3/15/2019 The Sceptre Season 3: Episode 13
Next Episode Sorry, no dates yet for The Deep. The show is either on a break or the new season is yet to be scheduled. We’ll keep you posted.
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Season 3 Season 2 Season 1
#NameAir Dates
1The Treasure Mar 3, 2019
2Off Line Mar 4, 2019
3Friends In Deep Places Mar 5, 2019
4Just Eaten Mar 6, 2019
5Family Ties Mar 7, 2019
6The Circle Game Mar 8, 2019
7The Unicorn Mar 9, 2019
8Purple Tide Mar 10, 2019
9The Race Mar 11, 2019
10Kidnapped Mar 12, 2019
11More Thunder and Lightning Mar 13, 2019
12Lemuria Mar 14, 2019
13The Sceptre Mar 15, 2019
#NameAir Dates
1From The Stars Jul 17, 2017
2The Baltic Sea Anomaly Jul 24, 2017
3Mermaids Jul 31, 2017
4Treacherous Waters Aug 7, 2017
5Kenjis Monster Aug 14, 2017
6Finn Comes Aboard Aug 21, 2017
7Beware the Sentinels Aug 27, 2017
8Hidden Secrets Sep 4, 2017
9The Maze
10Whale of a Time
11The Missing
12Thunder and Lighting
13The Gates
#NameAir Dates
1Here Be Dragons Dec 1, 2015
2Dark Orca Dec 2, 2015
3A.I.M.Y. Dec 3, 2015
4Digging Deeper Dec 4, 2015
5Devil's Sea Mystery Dec 7, 2015
6Lonesome Jim Dec 8, 2015
7Captured Dec 9, 2015
8The Test Dec 10, 2015
9Fossil Dec 11, 2015
10Colossal Squid Dec 14, 2015
11Monster Hunter Dec 15, 2015
12The Phantom Sub Dec 16, 2015
13The Abyss Stares Back Dec 17, 2015
14Junior Nektons Dec 18, 2015
15Treasure of the Islanders Dec 21, 2015
17The Sunken Gallery
18The Field of Giants
19The Proteus Factor
20The Song of the Siren
21Bad Luck Fish
22Strange Migration
24The Twilight Zone
25Loki's Castle
26Tartaruga May 16, 2016

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Comments 87

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0 2 Pool Aguilera  July 8, 2023
Hola les habla un latino gran fan y seguidor de esta gran serie y
La pregunta que tengo es que si van a doblar al español latino the deep.Sigo esta serie desde el 2016 y me enamore de la serie desde su primer capitulo y con todo lo mostrado en sus 3 temporadas pero ahora necesito ver la temporada 4 que no ha sido doblado aun asi que mi pregunta es si van a doblar la temporada 4 de the deep al español latino o esa idea a sido cancelada?no lo hagan por mi si no por toda la comunidad latina que ha segido y aclamado esta serie.
Por favor SI alguien tiene imformacion tengan la molestia de ayudarme ,gracias. ☺
0 7 Eloira  February 16, 2023
I can't wait for season 4 to be on Netflix I love this show ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
0 1 Kooper Eloira  June 17, 2023
How do u know there will be a season four
0 1 Eloira Klinck Kooper  June 17, 2023
Because it is on YouTube, but it is not on Netflix yet
0 9 Ms. Loretta  January 2, 2023
On Netflix in the U.S.- I could only see seasons 1 and 3-but I am still hooked!!! However, just a few days ago-season 1 was removed!!! NNNOOOOOOT happy about that!! I HOPE THAT ALL seasons will be available in the U.S. LIKE NOW!!! TO-DAY would be fine by me!!
0 6 Laksh Ms. Loretta  January 14, 2023
hi! just to inform all the deep fam out there the deep season 4 is now available on youtube at the deep youtube channel, just discovered a few days ago myself, hoping for season 5 release date soon...i myself is addicted to the deep for god knows almost a year
0 3 Laksh Laksh  January 14, 2023
Adding on that my strategy to watch other season's on youtube was just to google up the episode order and individual then watch each episode by scouring it from net (youtube) also by now almost all the episodes are available online (youtube) for free! still waiting on that season 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 1 DBanelle Ms. Loretta  April 23, 2023
You can also go to YouTube if you search for the channel or the show it should give you playlist on all the seasons
0 8 Netflix Canada  June 28, 2022
Based off of our schedule. Season 4 of the deep will most likely be coming to Canadian and American Netflix mid-end of 2022 if there are no delays. Otherwise, it’s a guaranteed release in early-mid of 2023. Sorry for the wait!

Netflix Canada
0 2 Yobhel Mahinay Netflix Canada  August 6, 2022
When will be the releasing date of THE DEEP SEASON 4 on phil.? Been trying to catch up on how will I able to contact you, just desperate to watch it. Gosh can't wait to watch it soonerrrrrr!!!!
0 1 l Netflix Canada  November 15, 2022
when will they put it on Netflix for sees [sad2] en 4
0 0 ishu Netflix Canada  December 16, 2022
hi, I really love the deep it piqued my interest due to my interest in archaeology, science, and marine ecology. but I have a burning question is there: 1) going to be more Fontaine and Finn's relationship? is Fontaine the next queen of Lemuria and are Madeline and ant gonna get more scenes exploring their friendship? and are the orcas part of the royal family tree of Lemuria because they might be on the jug that the ephemeron was placed within in the 24 the episode of season 1
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0 4 Stormy  June 24, 2022
OMG it said season 4 episode 1 would be out June 24th in the US but Netflix has nothing on it and it now says where it said the date "Sorry, no dates yet for The Deep. The show is either on a break or the new season is yet to be scheduled. We’ll keep you posted." So idk.... Can anyone help??
0 6 Noop  June 13, 2022
10 more days in Australia!!!!!!,!,!!!,!!! [bigsmile] [bigsmile] [bigsmile]
0 0 Pradipa Sena Noop  June 24, 2022
Still don't see it in Netflix in Malaysia.....any idea please
1 40 Cyndy  March 24, 2022
My grandkids and I watch this every night. We know it by heart but, we still enjoy watching it together. We can't wait for season 4. I wish there were more shows like this.
0 0 Thesealover98 Cyndy  December 12, 2022
Go on YouTube and search for the deep 4 it all there .
0 45 Deep Netflix  March 18, 2022
Just hoping that season 4 will be out on Netflix soon [love] [love]
0 25 Anonymous  March 6, 2022
I just finished season 3 and I’m waiting for season 4. It took we only a few days to watch the whole thing!
1 26 Conor 22  February 16, 2022
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️THIS SHOW IS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD
IF SESION 4 DOES NOT COME OUT I AM GOING TO DIE ☠️????????????????????????????????????????????‼️‼️ ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
0 14 Hermela  October 27, 2021
Hi i just wanted to say i am in 2021 now and some months maybe 3 months its going to be 2022 so if you see this in the future it would be so cool but anyways i have been searching deep in so long now i have OFC SEEN ALL THE EPISODES IN THE DEEP AND I TRULY LOVE IT AND RELLY ENJOY IT it has only come season one two and three but i heard the season 4 is comming soon NAD IM TRULY HAPPY SO THANK YOU CREATORS OG THE DEEP WE HAVE BEEN WAITIN IN 2 YEARS NOW AND I JUST FOUND OUT THAT TOM TAYLOR MADE AND SOM OTHERS GUY II but anyways im so happy much love from me !! :) ❤ [kiss] [kiss]
1 7 Bird  July 28, 2021
I grew up on Limbs, Speed Racer an Tarzan.. All sought to teach children of My generation life lessons.

With the internet living up to a bad reputation... If not accessed with caution... Your show is one of Very few, I not only look forward to following but Recommend to friends and family alike

We simply Love what you're doing and enthusiastically support your very satisfying animation, The Deep!! [love]
7 11 Mick  April 28, 2019
Season 3 still not on Netflix.
1 14 DoeringFam Mick  April 29, 2019
I know...the wait is hard! Heard August might be the release date?! We can only hope ;)
1 20 Leah Mick  March 2, 2021
Season 3 is on Netflix the only thing that’s not on Netflix is season 4 which I’ve heard on other news sites it was supposed to come out in 2020 of either October or November but it never came so I’m wondering what the heck is going on because I am very interested in watching season 4 because this is finally where the show starts to get really interesting.
1 9 Amber Doering Leah  March 2, 2021
Our crew of 10 fanatics of the deep are hoping season 4 comes soon but know it takes time and doesn’t always come out on schedule! Hoping with you!

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2 9 Super saeed  March 6, 2019
Pls pls pls make season 3 I watched the trailer and it was cool I wish season 3 is here
1 25 DoeringFam  February 12, 2019
What do I love most about “The Deep”?! Everything of coarse!!! When was the last time you actually saw a whole family work together as a team? Sadly, Most cartoons never even show the parents! This cartoon truly is unique in that it crosses over to all ages! My 8 amazing kiddos love it, my husband and I love it, and have never had a person over yet who didn’t enjoy watching the deep. When you can watch a season over again (both seasons for us) you know the storylines are rich with depth of character and intrigue, full of fun and laughter, and have enough of learning something new or refreshing you with something you already learned but loved being reminded of! I love that they present a family that actually love and care about each other as they go on adventures worldwide! The creators and production company who put this together are phenomenal and can’t wait to see what they do next...we are sitting at the edge of our seats waiting actually...impatiently so most days :)
1 16 Snuggles  February 4, 2019
I love this show, I appreciate the fact that it appeals to all ages; I'm 61 years old. I have watched seasons 1 & 2 over and over while waiting for season 3 to roll out. Please hurry I'm not getting any younger.
1 7 fan  August 30, 2018
I love this show my grandson is 2 he just sits and watch it with me Netflix keep this show on the air all ages like this show thank you cant wait for season 3 ❤ ❤
1 11 Bricky  May 1, 2018
Marti...and so much more than feeling like a kid again. Remember this program is not produced by kids, therefore there is some, ( my opinion ) degree of education and emotion for kids of all ages! I love when I actually feel like I should Google something I just heard, just to check it out. I've never been disappointed and encourage my "tween" Granddaughter to watch it. I'm told Season 3 starts in August, not sure of the exact date and if you Marti or anyone out there has a more succinct time and date, I'd appreciate giving me a Hollar!
2 14 Rhia  April 4, 2018
OMG! i love this program at the end of season 2 i was like screaming cuz it ended on a really good cliff-hanger. i cant wait for season 3 and i really hope Finn and fontaine get together ?
2 8 Ron101770  March 14, 2018
I'm very happy to hear the is going to be a season 3 of The Deep. I enjoy watching it as much as or than my two boys. Lol... I give "The Deep"???? and ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
2 14 Bricky  February 16, 2018
? ? ? ❤ ? ? Brilliant!! 70-year young alone~ NO excuses I love this program. Cable is such a waste of time...I feel refreshed, I laugh, I focus, and Love The Deep.
Kudos to the writers and production editors!
0 11 Marti Bricky  May 1, 2018
Honey I'm 50 and I totally get where you're coming from. It's like I'm a kid all over again. Most of the shows that come out now a days ain't worth a flip. I soon watch a good cartoon. Kinda brings back memories I had once forgot. Anyway, we are never too old to watch or do anything that a kid can do.
2 12 Oma  February 13, 2018
Love this show! I'm 58 and have no kids at home as a cover to watch it. lol
Beautifully done. My 10 yr old grandson does turn off his YouTube and requests to watch it with me when he visits. I have enjoy watching the series over again with him. We are very eager to see season three!
0 2 William kopko Oma  July 8, 2021
What a great show iam 56 love it’s about a family working together exsporing. Like robenson family.
1 9 Hamza Ali  January 31, 2018
best kids show ever! from a 5 year old boy and a 35 year old dad. ? Love The Deep just because it's so beautiful and mysterious.
2 7 Soda  January 21, 2018
My kids discovered this show recently in Netflix and LOVE IT!! I certainly hope it comes back in the US
2 7 CheekyAngel  January 10, 2018
I absolutely LOVE this show!! I'm twenty three and the Deep is a gem. It's my favourite thing ever to watch it with my family before bed...its clean, funny, witty and smart, entertaining and pure quality. Even my mum (who hates all things cartoon-y) adores the show and all the characters. I feel like I'll die of anticipation waiting for the new series to come out....MAKE IT FAST!!

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