Counting On
11 Seasons
93 Episodes
There is a lot of hype out there about this spinoff series featuring the younger generation of the Duggars, but not all of it is to be believed
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Counting On Season 12 Officially Cancelled

Current Show Status
Counting On Season 12 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Tue 3/30/2021 A New Life Season 11: Significant special
Next Episode Show ended 111 episodes total
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TLC has cancelled the 19 Kids & Counting spinoff Counting On after 11 seasons, our sister site Variety reports. The cancellation comes after 19 Kids star Josh Duggar was arrested for possession of child pornography. (Source:


Season 11 Season 10 Season 9 Season 8 Season 7 Season 6 Season 5 Season 4 Season 3 Season 2 Season 1 Specials
#NameAir Dates
1La La Land Jul 7, 2020
2Beverly Hills Duggars Jul 14, 2020
3A Duggar Bachelor Pad Jul 21, 2020
4The Duggar Dash Jul 28, 2020
5A Baby Girl For Joe & Kendra Aug 4, 2020
6A Beautiful Miracle Aug 11, 2020
7Highs And Lows Aug 18, 2020
8The Best Duggar Christmas Pageant Ever Aug 25, 2020
9Meet Gracie Duggar Sep 1, 2020
10From Snow To Sand Sep 8, 2020
11Jana's Secret Garden Sep 15, 2020
12A Quarantine Courtship Sep 22, 2020
#NameAir Dates
1Who's the Most Romantic? Oct 15, 2019
2The Vuolos Take LA Oct 22, 2019
3Count Your Blessings Oct 29, 2019
4Kendra's Got A Secret Nov 5, 2019
5The Great Duggar Campout Nov 12, 2019
6Baby Number Two... But Who? Nov 19, 2019
7Marriage Bootcamp Nov 26, 2019
8Five Pregnancies And Counting Dec 3, 2019
9A Surprise Delivery Dec 10, 2019
10Grandma Duggar Remembered Dec 17, 2019
#NameAir Dates
1Love Is in the Air Feb 11, 2019
2Jinger Has a Baby Feb 18, 2019
3Sleepless in Laredo Feb 25, 2019
4Love and Loss Mar 4, 2019
5The Abbie Gown Mar 11, 2019
6To Grandmother's House We Go Mar 18, 2019
7A Bachelor No More Mar 25, 2019
#NameAir Dates
1It's All Greek to Me! Jul 30, 2018
2Make Room for Baby Aug 6, 2018
3Unexpected Aug 6, 2018
4Jinger and Jeremy's Little Secret Aug 13, 2018
5An Explosive Reveal Aug 20, 2018
6Josiah Pops the Question Aug 27, 2018
7A Birth-Day and a Birthday Sep 3, 2018
8Thrift Store Date Night Sep 10, 2018
9Lauren Finds Her Dress Sep 17, 2018
10Jinger's Double Surprise Sep 24, 2018
11Kendra Has a Baby Sep 24, 2018
12Josiah and Lauren's Prank-Less Wedding? Oct 1, 2018
#NameAir Dates
1In Love in Switzerland Feb 26, 2018
2The Vuolos Buy a House Feb 26, 2018
3Spurgeon's First Haircut Mar 5, 2018
4Kendra's Birthday Surprise Mar 12, 2018
5A New Bundle of Joy Mar 19, 2018
6Joe and Kendra Say I Do Mar 26, 2018
#NameAir Dates
1A New Courtship Sep 11, 2017
2Let Them Eat Cake Sep 18, 2017
3Finding Joy's Dress Sep 25, 2017
4Joy and Austin's Camping Trip Oct 2, 2017
5Tomboy Joy Oct 9, 2017
6Joy and Austin Tie the Knot Oct 16, 2017
7Joseph's Wedding Oct 23, 2017
#NameAir Dates
1Joy's Wedding Jun 12, 2017
2Triple Date Night Jun 12, 2017
3Spurgeon's First Birthday Jun 19, 2017
4A New Baby Jun 26, 2017
5A Boy or Girl for Jill? Jul 3, 2017
6Joy Gets Engaged Jul 10, 2017
7The After Show Part 1 Jul 17, 2017
8The After Show, Part 2 Jul 24, 2017
#NameAir Dates
1The Jinger Gown Jan 16, 2017
2Could It Be Twins? Jan 23, 2017
3Bachelor Pad Makeover Jan 30, 2017
4The Bachelor Party Feb 6, 2017
5All About Jinger Feb 13, 2017
6The Big Day Feb 20, 2017
7A Honeymoon and a Courtship Feb 27, 2017
#NameAir Dates
1A Courtship Begins Aug 30, 2016
2It's Official! Sep 6, 2016
3Duggars in the Wild Sep 13, 2016
4Meet the Parents Sep 13, 2016
5A Big Surprise Sep 20, 2016
6The Big Event Sep 27, 2016
7Guys' Guide to Courting Oct 4, 2016
8Proposal in the City Oct 11, 2016
9Jessa's Announcement Oct 18, 2016
10The After Show Oct 25, 2016
11Duggars at the Altar Nov 1, 2016
12Courting Jinger Nov 8, 2016
13Jinger's Wedding Nov 15, 2016
#NameAir Dates
1At Home & Away Mar 15, 2016
2Date Nights & Bright Lights Mar 22, 2016
3Jinger Flips Mar 29, 2016
4Surprise! Apr 5, 2016
5Ben Drops Beats Apr 12, 2016
6Girls Hit the Road Apr 19, 2016
7Family Reunion Apr 26, 2016
8Israel Meets Spurgeon May 3, 2016
#NameAir Dates
1A New Chapter Dec 13, 2015
2Baby Shower & A New Home Dec 20, 2015
3Counting One More Dec 27, 2015
#NameAir Dates
1Countdown to the New Season Aug 23, 2016
2Joe & Kendra's Wedding Sep 17, 2017
3Joy & Austin's Baby Mar 12, 2018
4Joe & Kendra's First Baby Jun 28, 2018
5Josiah & Lauren's Wedding Jul 17, 2018
6Jinger & Jeremy's First Baby Aug 7, 2018
7John David & Abbie's Wedding Nov 20, 2018
8Countdown to the New Season Feb 11, 2019
9A Baby Girl for Jessa Jun 25, 2019
10Joe and Kendra's Baby Girl Nov 26, 2019
11Josiah and Lauren's Baby Dec 9, 2019
12John and Abbie's Baby Feb 3, 2020
13Duggars in Quarantine Jun 30, 2020
14Duggars By The Numbers Jul 21, 2020
15How To Have A Duggar Wedding Jul 28, 2020
16Babies On Board Aug 4, 2020
17Another Girl For Jinger Dec 20, 2020
18A New Life Mar 30, 2021

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0 1 Long  March 27, 2021
Counting On

Season 12

I Love it
0 1 Chrisey Long  July 2, 2021
Why is the season cancelled because of josh Duggar! The rest have to suffer because of that perv!
3 9 Hisbeka  January 12, 2020
☺ I live this show!!! Such an offset of all the reality show trash that is out there! Very Refreshing ! Gotta have something g for those of us who don’t want to put that housewife junk in our heads! They have old school morals & they go to church I love that! Can’t wait for the new season!
3 8 IDK  May 3, 2019
This is something that me and my mom can have some girl time! Pleeeeaaassseee make a season 10, I don't know what I would do if you did not. I have always wanted to be in a big family, and I feel like I am apart of the family watching this!
2 9 Keith IDK  May 20, 2019
I'm a guy and I love counting on! It's a great family oriented show that I would absolutely let my kids watch. It teaches morals and good family values.
3 20 Tammey  April 14, 2018
Counting on is the best reality show on today's TV!! Please do not remove this show! I enjoy watching this family grow. I love watching this family showing their love for our God! I love they're committed attitudes and hearts and standards that they strongly believe in and uphold. I can't wait for season 8!!! Come on season 8!!!!
2 11 LONG  April 10, 2018


jULY 30, 2018

1 0 Brittany Reid  February 21, 2018
I’m confused about joy and Austin due date
0 0 Susan S Brittany Reid  February 24, 2022
Like we want to see more of 90 Day Fiancé, every which way, but in Antarctica!!! Oh, Wait??? Another Brilliant Idea for TLC! ??.. ALL the shows TLC produces and airs, and Counting On is the problem?.. PLEASE!!!! Perhaps some new material for the show, along with marriages and having kids, and it would be great! The only reason that TLC is canceling, can't be because of Josh Duggar, because their moral compass makes NO SENSE, WHATSOEVER, IF the shows they air, are any indication of that fact! It has to be for publicity and viewer audience.. and how many more fans they can entice! Face it, TLC, Counting On, is STILL the most wholesome, family values, show you have.. Josh hasn't been on it, in years! Even the Duggar Children are not praising their brother's behavior, and while still loving their brother, have chosen to speak against it, on numerous occasions.. So why punish them? Personally, I would FIRE TLC, NOT the other way around!!!
15 4 Elsa  February 20, 2018
I think despite all the back and forth about what Josh did, etc. the point some people are making is that enough is enough and they have had enough of the Duggar family. It's almost a joke anymore to just guess how soon after the wedding night they will announce their pregnancy. It's just getting old and too bad that it goes on and on. Really, is TLC going to follow this family until their little Josie is pregnant? They had their time in the limelight and some viewers would love to see their time slot filled with something new and different.
3 0 Brittany Reid Elsa  February 21, 2018
I’m confused about Joy Anna’s due date
2 3 Sarawaters Elsa  February 25, 2018
Who cares -get off this thread ?
2 10 Tammey Elsa  April 14, 2018
I strongly disagree with you. I cannot wait for season 8 is by far the best reality show on TV!!
Show 1 more replies
4 6 Jo  February 6, 2018
Yes the morals of the family are a little old but that is their belief and no one should criticize them. Everybody makes mistakes and NO ONE is perfect. Every family has their "bad seed" and everybody makes mistakes. I have not heard of the comments that Derrick made about I am Jazz. I myself think that is a weird show and I do not watch it. The same as the show that has Bruce Jenner in it when he was a women. I think that is not something that needs to be put out in public. There are shows out there when these kids are less than 15 and state they are a boy or a girl when their born sex was the opposite. I think those shows are stupid and should not be made into a sitcom. Everyone is so quick to judge other people and not try to understand their values. There are a lot more families out there that have the same values as the Duggers but they are not TV shows so no one criticizes them.
5 22 Kathy Huth  December 13, 2017
I absolutely love counting on and the Duggars. Please please please please bring them back as soon as possible!!!
18 7 Elsa Kathy Huth  December 13, 2017
Great role models they are, right? WRONG!!
They've had their time in the public eye and the limelight! It's time for TLC to break ties with them and move on to something else. They are much too judgemental of other people and having a public platform allows them to share their bias with the world. They say they are Christians yet they are not tolerant of others and their beliefs. I thought we as Christians are called to love one another and to love our neighbor as ourselves! Their influence and judgement runs so much deeper that just the television show.
6 6 Sarawaters Elsa  February 25, 2018
No one cares about you
2 8 LizyETC24 Elsa  March 28, 2018
Elsa it’s not about what they have done wrong, and you may have an opinion about them and I respect that. What is wrong is when we talk about others and criticize them and judge them. That is not our place at least they had the courage to confront their mistakes and move forward. The Bible shows us a women that made a mistake, she laid with another man (meaning not her husband) and the lord told the people that took the women to her if their any here that has not sin be the first to throw the stone. I ask you if you are free of sins be the first to throw the stone towards the Dugger... and before you answer me check your life. I hope we see more of the Duggers because being a Christian does not mean that we are perfect we all lack perfection. It means being human and giving our since to God.
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4 15 Vickie Ray  December 3, 2017
Please renew counting on I love the Duggars and I love to watch their family as it grows and they move on the children marrying and having children you have to renew this show ❤ ?
4 12 Jessica C  November 23, 2017
I believe that had they the Duggar family not been in the public eye we never would have heard about what Josh did as he was a minor when the incidents occurred. He was a confused curious boy,was he wrong yes, but we would not be able to judge him , just as we cannot judge any of you for playing house with your neighbors at 14. As far as the Ashley Madison website we only heard the celebrity names because money could not be made off of the regular Joe's that were members of that site. It is nobody's business how many children someone else has, and have you ever thought the people that leaked a police report about a minor were the one trying to exploit the Duggar. Find someone else to pick on, or here's a thought try loving people the way Jesus did.
4 6 Annabilly Jessica C  February 20, 2018
He was 15. He was not confused. He forcibly molested one sister and inserted his fingers in his five year old sister. I bet if he did that to your daughters or l Type girls you know he would have been in prison in a heartbeat.
There are hundreds of thousands of teens in prisons for crimes far less henious than incest. So if all any teen has to do is be a Christian find god again and ask his victims for forgiveness there should be no jail time for them either. Jimbob wanted all and any incest and sexual abusers be put to dearth. Our society would fall apart if no one has to be charged because they are teens and confused. He was confused five times. I bet if a teen moved beside someone you know with little girls knowing he molested four of his sisters you wouldn’t like it. Or would you invite him to babysit.
6 18 gloria mae  November 22, 2017
Really tired of all the negative talk about the Duggars. If more women would value being a stay -at-home mom and homemaker and spend as much time nurturing their children and giving them a solid Christian foundation we wouldn't have so many [censored]ed up kids. They all seem happy and well -adjusted, secure in who they are. 2 thumbs up on the upcoming? season.
5 4 Annabilly gloria mae  February 20, 2018
I bet if josh molested little girls you know or your daughters you would sing a different tune. He inserted his fingers in one and forcibly molested another. He was 15. His parents lied minimized and covered it up. While jimbob went on public record stating that all and any incest and sexual abusers be put to death. No exceptions.
5 6 Starbuck3614  November 19, 2017
Please do some research on the Duggars. You say everything bad said about them is a lie, but there are police reports and town and state documents that tell the truth about them. They have publicly said they follow Bill Gothard, ATI, IBLP, and Pearl's book on disciplining children "To Train Up a Child". They say others should follow these people and organizations as well. Are you familiar with what these organizations and people are? If you don't believe me, do some research yourself. You may think I am a hater, but I am here to speak up for the innocent women and children victims of abuse in the so called religion that they follow. It is possible for people (the Duggars) to deceive people for power and money. If you haven't done your research, you can't really be sure in your belief that they are good people. How can you even take the slightest chance that innocent children and women are suffering? How can you turn a blind eye?
10 5 Elsa Starbuck3614  November 20, 2017
I agree with you and it's unsettling to me that TLC gives them a public platform AND pays them!
TLC should seriously consider canceling their show once and for all, rather than weeding them out one at a time.
1 6 LizyETC24 Elsa  March 28, 2018
Ok then if emorality is what you are talking about then why does TLC not cancel Sister Wife which is an act that is iligal in this country. How about the show about teen age pregnancy that I think is affecting instead of helping other teenagers follow in their foot prints. At least the Duggers are getting married and have an education before they have kids. They get married with one person instead of three or four. Why don’t you comment about those shows, I bet you enjoy those shows right...

It’s good to judge but do you like being judge
6 1 Elsa LizyETC24  March 28, 2018
You should spend more of your time learning proper English and Grammar.
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4 12 Jonna  November 16, 2017
Please don’t take off the duggars. They are an important part of my life. I follow them on Pinterest and watch their show every week. It’s one thing I have to look forward to. Every one makes mistakes and no one deserves a second chance but through god we get more the an second chance. You are no better than they are. And we are no better than them. So quit picking on them. There are millions af people who love their show. If you don’t like it. Don’t watch it, but don’t take it away from the people who love it. Thank you for your consideration if you may. ? ??
0 1 Sarawaters Jonna  February 25, 2018
7 4 Elsa  November 13, 2017
TLC, seriously? You chose to separate from Mom and Pop Duggar and Josh. Now, it has been decided that TLC will disassociate from Derick Dillard. PLEASE, I wish you would seriously reassess whether TLC really needs to have anything to do with any of the Duggars moving forward. You needn't think that any of them feel the least bit differently than Derick is bold enough to speak. Their actions don't match up with their words. They confess to be such a Christian family yet they take every opportunity to judge and condemn others. And TLC gives them a public platform from which to do it.
1 3 LizyETC24 Elsa  March 28, 2018
Are you a Christian
3 3 Elsa LizyETC24  March 28, 2018
I most certainly am a Christian.
I believe and confessed that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior, that He died on a cross to save me from my sins and I have a personal relationship with Him.

Christians believe in justification by faith - that through their belief in Jesus as the Son of God, and in his death and resurrection, they can have a right relationship with God whose forgiveness was made once and for all through the death of Jesus Christ.
0 4 Lizyetc24 Elsa  March 29, 2018
Yeah but you read the Bible half way because He our Lord and Savier is the only one that should be doing judgement on others. Who are you to judge others when the Bible states in Matthew 7 “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye” if you don’t know what this means you need to look at your own life and check if you are free of any sin and still who are you to judge others. You say you are a Christian well The Lord told is to love our enemy... and to lift the one who has fallen not to step on them. But is really nice to say we are Cristiana and step on others when they are down.
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3 11 shay williams  November 12, 2017
please continue with the duggar family i love them and they show dont cancle it because of derrick
4 13 nanette  November 10, 2017
I love watching the Duggars. They are a awesome family that exhibit love and commitment and loyalty. I know Joshua made very bad choices. Every family has had their issues. No family is perfect. Judge not that you be not judged. Love me the Duggars for their commitment to family.
4 11 Sarawaters  November 9, 2017
So many people in this world are disgusted by goodness and Godliness. Counting On is a wonderful show in a world that has so many ugly things going on.
Josh is not on the show and never mentioned! Done end of story!
Are you actually going to pick on the rest of the family?? Leave them alone and leave us alone! We all love the Duggars! So many people do!
4 13 Jackie340  November 8, 2017
Despite of all the negative things that everyone is saying here I love watching counting on. It's one of the shows that I really look forward to watching every week. No one in this world is perfect & for all those people saying all those stupid comments they shouldn't be talking or saying things like that cause to start off that was a rough stage in their life's that they had already went through when it first occurred & for someone to bring it out years after it happened was not right. This is why we see alot of bad things that are happening in this world of people hurting others on purpose just to feel better about themselves. It's just devastating seeing how much all this has affected this family, but they are strong & they will get through all this & all these rude & inconsiderate hurtful people that are here making all these uncalled for comments should just shut up & do something better with their life's & let the rest enjoy the show.There's alot of us that love the show.
9 5 Elsa Jackie340  November 8, 2017
I for one am not focusing on the past transgressions of this family. I just feel that their prime television is past and TLC would be better served to provide their viewing audience with something new and fresh. It could be wholesome as well. I think it's just time for the Duggar's to go about their lives but not in the public eye. Too many people are just tired of anything having to do with the Duggar clan and showing the world their continuation of reproducing. TLC doesn't need to follow this family until Josie is married and giving birth. All they are really interested in anyway is the hefty paycheck that airing their daily lives provides.
1 0 LizyETC24 Elsa  March 28, 2018
I believe that you just need to keep your comments to your self
0 3 Giselle LizyETC24  March 28, 2018
If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Sounds like you've met your match! And this forum is open to anyone who wants to comment regardless of whether you like what they have to say or agree with it.
So I believe everyone has a right to comment.
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23 9 WakeupTLC  October 22, 2017
It is time for TLC to get professional and cancel any shows pertaining the Duggars. They are the reason we stopped watching TLC channel in our family all together.
There is no reason to have that many children. They should of been focusing and using their time on teaching and establishing a good foundation and good moral character in their first three or four children and NOT trying and consuming time in bringing a herd of children into this world. Having that many children and doing a television series is obvious that some of these kids if not all could fall from grace due to lack of nurture and neglect.
But gotta have that money!! Money the root of all evil. Very "christian" there!! WAKE UP WAKE UP TLC!!!!
19 6 Elsa WakeupTLC  October 22, 2017
Very true and you have summed it up in one short paragraph. I would think that since the ratings have dropped off, TLC would be looking into other options. I believe a lot of viewers would return to TLC if they broke all ties with anything to do with any of the Duggars. Anymore it's just courtships, weddings, labor and screaming kids. We'e seen enough of their breeding and brainwashing.
4 21 Rebecca1976 WakeupTLC  October 26, 2017
So many people have an opinion about the show Counting On if you don't like it then don't watch it bottom line. I enjoy the show it's different and entertaining. I hope they do have a season 7. And those of you that don't stop watching it then. TLC please bring back counting on with the older kids, there family's and we're they are now.
2 6 sherrylee WakeupTLC  November 8, 2017
They are honestly not the only family that has that many children, they chose to have as many children as God saw fit for them to have. Are you saying that if you have more then 3 or 4 children there is something wrong with you? Not sure which show you were watching but none of these kids looked like they lack nurturing or neglect.

Oh and if your gonna quote the Bible perhaps you should read it first:
1 Timothy 6:10: For the LOVE OF money is the root of all evil
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23 6 Elsa  October 22, 2017
PLEASE take this show off the air. TLC can do so much better!! And I am disappointed that the parents were not supposed to be part of the show when it became Counting On, yet they are still there. Enough is enough and a lot of people have had enough. They are hypocrites and give Christianity a very bad name.
2 6 Sarawaters Elsa  November 11, 2017
You sound crazy
1 6 LizyETC24 Elsa  March 28, 2018
If you don’t like what you see don’t watch it...
3 2 Elsa LizyETC24  March 28, 2018
Oh believe me, I don't watch it. I did in the early years but it has gotten old and I personally would like to see TLC find something else to put into their programming time slot.
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15 8 Janis  October 21, 2017
Then we have the one son-in-law and his constant grifting for money campaigns for things like his "personal development" and their living expenses, despite probably getting a fairly hefty check for appearing on the show. These people are nothing but frauds and liars and hypocrites and PARASITES. Other shows have been yanked for less - such as Honey Boo Boo. The Duggars need to be taken off the air; let them go out and get JOBS.
14 9 Janis  October 21, 2017
Hopefully TLC is finally waking up to the TRUTH about this cult, as well as all the sponsors who have jumped ship, and will do the right thing and yank these trashy people off the air. It is appalling to any decent person that they continue to give these hateful bigots a platform from which they can spew their hatred and bigotry. This cult also called incestuous child sexual molestation "normal" and "no big deal" and the parents KNEW Josh was molesting his sisters, and had molested at least one other non-related little girl, and they did NOTHING for almost a year and a half.
4 17 Daisycow  October 21, 2017
Love watching Counting On and look forward to it every week and I wished they show reruns of 19 Kids and Counting it's a great show. You can't blame one person mistakes on the whole family, yes Josh made mistakes but he and God will deal with that, it's not up to anyone else but his wife and family. I really wish they would make the show a year around show, I love watching it and know of others that also do. The rating may be down because a lot of people don't get the TLC channel, I see alot of people complaining that they can't watch now because they don't get the TLC channel. I also love watching Bringing Up Bates, another good family show.
13 3 Elsa Daisycow  October 21, 2017
You have got to be kidding!! Have you any knowledge whatsoever of the scandal in the Bates family? If not, check out the dad!
I am so tired of hearing about anything that has to do with a Duggar. Really, it's just one family continuing to propagate. You'd think they believe that a woman's worth is determined by the number of children she gives birth to. In their minds a woman should be barefoot in the kitchen and pregnant. We've heard about that family enough. We do NOT watch it in this house and won't even watch the commercials promoting it. Those people who don't get TLC are fortunate. They don't have to hear the Duggar name all the time.
TLC has so many other good family shows that are much more pleasurable to watch and do not have skeletons in the closet!
4 0 Elsa Elsa  October 21, 2017
OOPS, sorry. I confused the Willis family with the Bates family. I've never watched Bringing Up Bates, so maybe they actually have a good show. I watched the Willis Family too and actually enjoyed it and then when the Dad is charged with child rape, I am blown away that they've received all this attention and money to promote their singing careers and airing their day to day family interactions. Fooling the public until they get caught.
6 3 Denise Cook Daisycow  October 21, 2017
Those were not mistakes that the PIG did. They were felony crimes and he should have been thrown in jail along with his despicable parents.
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14 5 Giselle  August 4, 2017
Now we see just another example of how judgemental this family is............if you have not already, please checkout the latest news about Derrick Dillard and his unnecessary comments about Jazz Jennings.
This family needs to be stopped. They love to put others down and they pass judgement on anyone who does not agree with their lifestyle and their beliefs.
Last time I read my Bible it says not to judge others and that we are called to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. We don't have to necessarily agree with another person's life choices but we most definitely don't have to condemn them publicly and bully them.
It bothers me that TLC continues to give Counting On the platform to come across as this Godly, Christian, wholesome family unit yet they never cease to dishonor others.
They've had their day in the limelight and many of us are tired of anything to do with this Duggar clan.
1 8 Sarawaters Giselle  November 11, 2017
Change the channel if you don't like it ?

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