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On Monday, Joe told fans on Instagram that last week’s finale of Little Women: Atlanta likely concluded “all things ‘Little Women’ on the Lifetime network.” (Source:
This show was in my top 5 favorite reality shows I would watch this if they stayed on forever I love it it was very relatable for any size person please bring it back lifetime it was the best lifetime series of all time at least give the twins a spinoff
watching this program it's one of the best programs I have ever watched has brought me to an understanding about people living with disabilities and accepting them and you just treat them like another individual as a person from God
I started watching the little women of Atlanta just by a fluke I had turned it on just to have noise in the background. And I was hooked. I am an empty nester so I was used to noise. I love the show I think it's great. And opening up your life to the world I'm sure isn't easy. I really want to see what happens with Abira and Bumpman, cute couple I think. So fingers crossed there will be a season 7!!!!!
I hope you let season 7of little women Atlanta be on lifetime it is fun to see Amanda andrea.miss juicy, monie,abira tammy.morlin, Jordan,Chris Tamara,
I love Little Women of Atlanta,,,I live in south Georgia, and cant wait for it to come back on.. It is so real about their lives We need more real on TV. I dont like the cussing, but hey everyone does it now on T.V. Please hurry and bring it back...Real life and people that don,t mine shreing it......Love the twins.............................
Ok so it's not just me! Ep 9 really is MIA...why do they do this to us!?!?? This is not the first time this has happened with the Little Women series.. We have been fans from day one and even our 3yr old grandson is now wanting to watch Little Women, he gets a kick out of seeing them drive cars ? Like Ms. Juicy says " Get it together Ya'll!"
Don't hate cause miss juicy and monie is outspoken sometime in life that's what all of us needs to do they would be the perfect match together on Little Women LA to handle Terra Jolie with her crooked self land Tanya who think they are so bad and everybody is scared of them let's get it.
Yes it's coming back on and I don't know why they did not even have a reunion hope it's not the end for them I love watching all the little women shows.
do you know when it is coming back? because i read somewhere that they didnt plan to make another season but that maybe in the future it will come back.
lol i feel sorry for Atlanta if ms juicy baby is there queen lmao I just hope there are more shows and they dont have the money hungry Tarra Jole on it any more
I watch all of the LP shows but Little Women Atlanta is my favorite ? , Just finished watching the Season 3 Reunion part 1 and I can't wait for Tanya to drop that baby so Minnie can whup her a** ? Tanya is a fake, a liar, and a scorned woman. All of which accounts for the way she lied on and continues to lie on Nico and uses Devon. Really don't understand why Tarra Jole is hosting the show... she is just as big of a liar, schemer, and hypocrite as Tanya. Ms. Juicy Baby needs to get a new life because her old one is fading away and she is openly hostile and jealous of Minnie. And then there's Sam who is the scorned jilted lover in Tanya's bisexual games who feels the need to go for Nico's jugular just because she is the jilted one ? .If you haven't guessed it by now, my favorites are of course Minnie, Monie, and the Twins. Looking forward to seeing season 4.
Minnie is a jealous lying fake she always wants to apologize to ms juicy or whomever she has got [censored]ed at.. always wanting to move forward until she is with her mother and then somehow she gets brave and runs that lying mouth because knows her mother is there to argue and fight for her where her mother should one time hide and watch her evil daughter one time then she would know why no one should have anything to with her and shame on her for giving her mother a deadline to get out of her apartment when Minnie sponged off her mother or anyone else she could suck up to for as long as she has ... Minnie acting like a mother hen to some of those girls and dishing out the worthless so called advice to them is a sickening example of her lack of intellengence ... Minnie can't be called arrogant because she is to ingorant to know how to be arrogant and needs not only to be put off that show but should be run all the way out of Atlanta
Well I think moni and juicy make the show mini is a lot over the edge cry every five seconds and always got her mom in something smh anyways juicy and moni make the show with out them there is no show
Money need 2 realize that juicy is constantly f*** with Minnie she need 2 realize that the red she see in her heart n eyes really isn't anger it the queen of atlanta juicy's hair.. cause I feel money is n was hurt no 1 is perfect she pop off on every1 bad but minnie how can she keep goin bak n forth 2Minnie then juicy money u lie if u didn't how did u do food stamp fraud,, yet Wat u Said that was the past ,, either she yo friend r foe money can try to seem like a victim n juicy study slick picking n f%€&_ with Minnie even involved her pastor but that should tell every little women of Atlanta that if she a lie to god Wat u think she a do to a person that don't control her life.. I apologize 4 long state but that reunion 2 was jacked up the black Ballon means death she must wish death on Minnie n money wen juicy pour her bitter juice on u then wat
I think if you get rid of juicy and monie you will have a show being Minnie brought in monie and juicy when the end of season 1 so those two trashy rachet people who think they are something now because of show. They don't belong on this show.
I don't understand why this season everybody is kissing moni ass like she's some big shot on this show and she's not !!she needs to learn to speak proper English. Moni needs to go please.
if they take away juicy n money the show will become boring as some of the others thats why the ratings r way up ms juicy n monie help to keep it interesting cant wait to see a new season come ps if u dont like them change the channel
and u might need to start thinking more clearly shes a dwarf and if u didnt kno now you do that with dwarfnisum speech impairment is a factor in some way r another duh and aint no one kissin monies ass hell she taller than them with her kind of dwarfness she has a better advantage over them but in sure they dont wanna be a dumb b--- and pay fines to fight with her simple ass does that answer ya silly remark of them bein scared of monie hope so
I absolutely love this show. It's fun, entertaining, at down right hilarious! I hope it lasts. How refreshing to watch something on a diverse group of people sharing their everyday lives- and funny to boot! Beats the violence, rape, torture, bombings, ect which seems to be the norm these days on television. Sad times we live in. Wish we had more shows like this! Little Woman Atlanta you all rock it out!
Comments 55
because i read somewhere that they didnt plan to make another season but that maybe in the future it will come back.
Bri and Emily are moving back to TX and will he the main stars.
Can't wait!