Henry Louis Gates takes stunned celebrity guests on a journey into their past and introduces them to surprising facts, mysteries and ancestors they didn’t know they had
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PBS Announced Season 11 Release Date for Finding Your Roots – January 7, 2025
Current Show Status
The release date for Finding Your Roots Season 11 — January 7, 2025
Professor Gates is an amazing teacher and researcher. This program offers the viewer a novel way to look at history; through the lives of the people he has as guests. As a result, there are often surprising stories and unanticipated twists and turns that demonstrate a living history that breaks through stereotypes and is always revelatory.. Gates is a national treasure.
Inspired by Dr. Gates I started looking into my family's genealogy and was doing fine....then I took a dna test. Lordy what a surprise. I found my Dad is not my father, I am more Irish than English though I was born in England. I went from an only child to the oldest of 11 and found such a wonderful "new" family. Born in January '45, conceived in April '44, Mom was just 17 and England was awash with American servicemen. It was wartime and norms are set aside in order to get through the day, so no judgement from me or from my new brother and sisters. What a trip! Thanks Dr. Gates.
I love this show. Such a great host. I learn about so many things from the research and how it is presented. Please make a Season 9! My husband was adopted and this inspired us to find his birth mother. They have developed a special relationship.
Finding your Roots is the best show, and Henry Louis Gates is the perfect host with his knowledge, compassion and his presentation. please keep it on the air. i did a couple dna tests and found out of the genealogists on the show is my cousin.
This show just captivates me! What an impact some people have made "just living their lives." I was adopted. I know a bit of my biological mother since I met her in 1985. She has since died, but I still have a 4 half siblings. This show makes me realize what can be uncovered by history and DNA.
What if you can document your line going back 3000 years.i am a grandson of Judah on my grandfathers side and on my grandmothers side I am a grandson of king David. King Heromon and Tia Tephia
I've enjoyed searching for my roots for years. The way Professor Gates presents the information found allows for people to see past events in the context of the times they originally occurred. ( I have often met people who look at their family history as if it just happened now and are very critical of their ancesters. I feel like they are missing the point...we all got here because of those imperfect people who lived their lives in their time as best as they could. Their lives offer us so much about ourselves. EAGER FOR SEAON 5 !
I enjoy EVERY episode of Finding Your Roots and look forward to each new season. It’s a jewel in your Crown of shows for your viewers. Keep them coming and Thank You!
Finding Your Roots is the most fascinating compelling show I've ever watched. Professor Gates and his seeming legions of researchers come up with incredible documents. The premise of the program, that our personal histories show how much more complex and fascinating real history is than the "official" histories of the textbooks, is exactly right. I think this show is doing a lot to change how we think of racialization and prejudice in America, to shine a strong light on the compartmentalization of people into "races" as a flat-out mistake. And I have learned a lot about doing genealogy, which I am interested in. Great, great program!
I have found my files containing the original documents that gave me the information to write "There Were Three Brothers" and produce the charts that accompanied the article. However, I have misplaced the name and phone # of the person who called me. I will be glad to share them with you if this letter reaches your personnel. Carolyn H. Jett
We love Finding Your Roots. It is so interesting and informative. Please keep it on the air. Henry Gates is such a pleasure to watch as he guides his guests through their history. Nobody should be ashamed of their history, whatever it is. So I say, "shame on Ben Affleck".
I love watching Finding Your Roots and Henry Gates presents it informatively. I have to agree if you agree to come on the show to reveal your family roots good or bad, it should be told thats what makes the show interesting with each guess. Thats what makes the past "History" and not to repeat it today.
Need to consider a mix of celebrities and a non celebrity to give us hope as well. I've been named black, Negro, African American, colored, indigenous, Creek, muscogee, mende, temne, ewondo... be nice to know who my ancestors are.
I agree with this comment. I am currently doing research into my family ancestry as I do not know who my parents. Ancestry has been a very big help in this and do wish that Dr. Gates' show could be of more people like me. He is a wonderful host and I enjoy his program very much.
Please don't cancel Finding Your Roots, it is a very informative show and very entertaining. I have been doing my family history since 1977. I enjoy this show so much and it gives me ideas that helps in my research. Henry Gates, Jr is a fantastic host and he gives the show its spark. His way of telling the stories makes the show come alive. Canceling the show would be such a waste.
I love the show FIND YOUR ROOTS with Henry Gates. It is so interesting, informative and inspiring to some of those who are trying to find our own roots!! I sure hope PBS will renew this wonderful series for the 4th time. Pleeeeze!! Marianne Parks
Comments 28
the perfect host with his knowledge, compassion and his
presentation. please keep it on the air. i did a couple dna
tests and found out of the genealogists on the show is
my cousin.
Mr. Gates makes history personal & interesting through genealogy. His kindness and intellect is obvious and an asset for this show.
Please keep this show on-the-air.
Thank you,
Linda Gaunt