The Little Couple
Bill, Jennifer, William and Zoey are back with yet another heartwarming and exciting installment of the sweetest family on television
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There Won’t Be The Little Couple Season 15 on TLC

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The Little Couple Season 15 — Canceled
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The Little Couple has had a fantastic run throughout its 14 seasons, with fans eagerly anticipating its 15th installment for a long time. But if the latest developments are to be believed, the show might not see the light of the day following Jennifer Arnold and Bill Klein's legal issues with their producers. (Source:

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Comments 37

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0 0 Patricia Schultz  November 21, 2022
0 0 crown  September 22, 2021
Is coming back soon
0 0 Bobo20  July 31, 2022
Bad news the little couple isn’t coming back
0 2 Nina Sheeley  February 26, 2020
love watching will eat1 LOL!
0 3 Nina Sheeley  February 26, 2020
please renew the little couple very soon wholesome entertainment!!! love them it is now feb.20/20
0 12 Suzanne Devenney  May 23, 2019
Please bring this show back on TLC. I agree with the reviews. Nothing much to watch. This is a wonderful family and brings good entertainment.
0 3 Linda from London UK Suzanne Devenney  July 24, 2019
Absolutely love this programme, can't wait for its return on August 6th ❤️❤️??
0 10 Marion Hamilton  October 8, 2018
I love ❤️ there show it is the best family on tv so glad they brought it back or else I wouldn't never watch TLC again so happy thanks can't wait
0 14 Wendy Tasker  October 3, 2017
In the UK , we have been waiting for the return of the little couple. It was scheduled to show from 27th September 2017 onwards and I set up the series to record. It didn't show on 27th but the next one for 3rd October was still scheduled. This has now been dropped and in fact the whole series has been dropped. Can anyone tell me and all the other UK viewers why ?
1 2 apollo13ps  April 16, 2017
This is old news. They are on season 12 now
0 1 Brittany Reid apollo13ps  April 12, 2018
Yes I know
1 1 Brittany Reid apollo13ps  September 16, 2018
No season 13 is not renewed yet for the little couple
0 1 Brittany Reid apollo13ps  September 28, 2018
I know
0 7 Ruth  April 14, 2017
This show is so much better than the garbage out there. Tired of the Duggars and the stupid
Kardashians. Don't even get me started on Mama June!! This is what television should be about
real life.
2 0 debbie foote Ruth  May 1, 2019
I really enjoy watching The Little Couple, my only complaint is the lack of disipline, I know when you're in your 40s you have more patience, but while out in public, they should control their behavior a little more they're 6 and 7, that's old enough to show self control
0 10 Charlesanna Anthony  November 23, 2016
Jen and Bill, and their adorable children are a class act! I feel as if I know them from watching the program. Can't wait to see them again! Hope it's soon!
1 9 Barbara, San Antonio  November 23, 2016
Please. we need more of The Little Couple. This show is so educational and offers so much for people with conditions such as theirs. They have proved they can get an education, have a career, welcome a marriage, become a homeowner, and become parents!!!! They are a wonderful family and go through the same we do as parents; Illness, surgeries, parenting obstacles etc...,
My mother and I have been watching since the beginning.
We can hardly wait for the new season to air.
Please bring them back soon!!
Barbara, San Antonio, Texas
0 9 Janis Simonic  November 22, 2016
So glad this intelligent, fun , loving, family will be coming back to share their lives with us!
0 5 marvin davis  November 17, 2016
i enjoy the show very much and the chilren are so cute
0 4 Carole Wrightson  November 11, 2016
Every time I see something about this show, I write. I keep hoping it will come back on TLC in Canada, well to be more specific, to Courtenay, Vancouver Island. BC, Canada. But nothing happens. I found this show on TLC years ago, it would disappear and I would find it again. Finally it came on weekly. I managed, maybe 2 season, and now it is gone again.
I do not understand why GREAT shows are removed in favor of garbage.
PLEASE bring it back to BC, to the island.
0 5 Phyllis  November 11, 2016
My daughter and I enjoy this show so very much. The children are adorable. Cannot wait for a new season.
0 4 Laurie Bor  November 11, 2016
:lol: Can't wait for this beautiful family to come back . They show us & our children what family is all about and we need all that back for sure our world is falling apart. So I will be watching my email for the date of the show to air !!!!!! WELCOME BACK
0 4 Eileen  November 7, 2016
Has anyone seen such a sweet smile in their life but on little Will. He is so sweet!
1 5 Sheri Deen-Brightwel  October 24, 2016
This Family is awesome, though I am not a little person I love watching this Family series, please keep the episodes coming
0 3 Joy hearn Sheri Deen-Brightwel  November 2, 2016
I so love this show Dr. Arnold cared for two of my grandbabies in the nice at TCH I love this family.cant wait for next season to start
0 5 Leeno  October 23, 2016
I absolutely love this show and enjoy watching this beautiful family share special moments with their fans! They are very inspiring and a role model for all familes. I pray TLC will bring this show back!!
0 3 Jan Butler  October 21, 2016
I enjoy the show very much. Such a wonderful powerful family. I've learned so much from them. I also really enjoyed their two books.
0 4 Barb  October 19, 2016
I miss the most wonderful family show, one of the only shows I really enjoyed watching. All the other shows are violence, sex, and dirty language. This one is clean and clear of all those negatives. I wish they would return to TV to brighten my day. Please!
0 4 punitha  October 12, 2016
love watching this awesome couple and their 2 children. my lil gal 8 loves zoey so much and wants to meet her one day.... she loves her cuteness n enjoys watching this programme pls come back soon we are waiting .....
0 4 Ellen Starling  October 1, 2016
The little Couple is the BEST show on tv....I could watch it every day. I have a lot of respect for this sweet and smart couple and we love the cute and smart kids.... Please bring back very soon. I love clean and entertaining shows. Thanks
0 4 rainey  September 29, 2016
I hope thay bring the little couple back soon. I as a rule don't like reality shows, but I love this show. Bill and Jen are genuine, loveing, and just an all around great family. I love seeing the kids grow and learn. The kids are so precious, and Jen and BIll make the best parents ever
0 6 Susan  September 28, 2016
I love the the Little Couple show, which is a little strange since I hate reality shows. But what I like about the show is that they are a real family, with values and integrity. Most of these type of shows the members sit around arguing and disagreeing on everything. These two people have a real love and respect for each other and their children and families. There should be more men out there like Bill and women like Jennifer. I hope TLC brings the show back real soon.

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