3 Seasons
22 Episodes
In his quest for true love, Dylan found chlamydia. Joined by friends Evie and Luke, he relives past encounters as he notifies all his former partners.
(38 votes)

Lovesick Season 4 Officially Cancelled by Netflix

Current Show Status
Lovesick season 4 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Mon 1/1/2018 Evie (Part 2) Season 3: Episode 8
Next Episode Show ended 22 episodes total
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Season 3 Season 2 Season 1
#NameAir Dates
1Andi and Olivia Jan 1, 2018
2Bonnie Jan 1, 2018
3Abigail (Part 3) Jan 1, 2018
4Evie Jan 1, 2018
5Martha Jan 1, 2018
6Queen of Cups Jan 1, 2018
7Tasha Jan 1, 2018
8Evie (Part 2) Jan 1, 2018
#NameAir Dates
1Frankie Nov 17, 2016
2Agata Nov 17, 2016
3Amy Nov 17, 2016
4Liv Nov 17, 2016
5Isabel Nov 17, 2016
6Emma Nov 17, 2016
7Jonesy Nov 17, 2016
8Abigail (Part 2) Nov 17, 2016
#NameAir Dates
1Abigail Oct 2, 2014
2Anna Oct 9, 2014
3Cressida Oct 16, 2014
4Jane Oct 23, 2014
5Bethany Oct 30, 2014
6Phoebe Nov 6, 2014

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Comments 25

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0 0 Ramon Silva  June 26, 2017
0 0 Krishna  June 16, 2017
Absolutely adore this show and hope to see MANY seasons to come! The characters are very well developed and the comedy in the series is magnificent. Please release season 3 soon!
0 1 Luvenure  April 27, 2017
I am an older viewer and I absolutely love this show. I came across it by accident and watch both seasons. I'm so glad that Netflix picked up the third season . I'm also hoping they all come back it's amazing writing and chemistry. Best show ever!
0 0 chasus  April 14, 2017
Love this show it is original and funny. Glad to see it renewed for a 3rd season. Hopefully Dillon and Evie finally come together on the same page they are so perfect together. I cant wait to see the rest of their story play out.
0 1 Sticky fingers  March 29, 2017
? can't wait for season 3!!!!
0 2 dddi  December 26, 2016
We are waiting for a 3rd season! :D
0 2 Space Cowboy  December 6, 2016
Just finished watching the show! Not normally into this type of show but i really enjoyed it. I will be highly disappointed if they don't make a Season 3 to Lovesick. So make Season 3 pls!
1 1 Hailey  December 3, 2016
I waited so long for a second season and it was everything I had hoped it would be. This is my favourite show by far. There has to be a third series!
0 0 m3lickshma  November 30, 2016
THEY MUST Make the 3rd Series!!!!! PLEASE and Thanks!
peas and Tanks ;)
Dill and EVIE
0 0 phil lee  November 27, 2016
enjoyed the second series of Lovesick. hope there will be a 3rd series soon! Luke and Nicole should be an item, how would he cope in a proper relationship?! she's a stunner too
0 0 Desi  October 7, 2016
I literally just finished this show... I cried like a baby thinking that I had to wait another yo year. But I'm so glad I only have to wait a month. Might take forever but I'm super stoked...
0 0 Brenda Carey  September 8, 2016
LOVE this series!!!! Can't wait for season 2!
0 0 Samuel  July 8, 2016
Why release in North America before uk?
0 2 Randy Wood Samuel  August 31, 2016
Because we are the world's police and we need a laugh more than you.
1 0 brenda hodgdon  May 16, 2016
:D more episodes please
0 0 Cheryl Fortman  May 13, 2016
Loved the 6 shows- can't wait for season 2!
0 0 Fa Ba  May 4, 2016
I felt suspicious when I saw the buildings like in Glasgow. Then when I saw Kelvingrove Cafe, I was amazed! Then I was so excited to see Glasgow Uni in the last episode! Go Glasgow!
0 0 kathryn  April 28, 2016
PLEASE PLEASE make another season!!! I need to know what happens between Dylan and Evy!!
0 0 Ian  April 27, 2016
Stumbled across Scrotal Recall earlier today and managed to watch all 6 episodes, great show. Very funny and emotive, very glad I get to find out what happens next.
0 0 Michelle  April 26, 2016
Brilliant series. Can't wait for season2
0 0 Carie  April 8, 2016
This show has me crying, laughing out loud and hanging onto every word and face expression. At this point I cannot decide who my favorite character is. They all are absolutely genuinely amazing. I was addicted before the 1st episode ended. I truly truly pray that they continue to make more than one season. I'm in love.... :P

0 0 Desi Carie  October 7, 2016
I have to agree with being addicted before it even ended..
0 0 Andy  April 6, 2016
I thought this comedy was original, and very funny. I came across it by chance, and in the end, had to watch all 6 episodes of the first series over a 2 day period. I am really looking forward to the second series ! :lol:
0 0 Ryan  March 29, 2016
So glad this show's been renewed, best new sitcom I've seen in a while. Great writing, fleshed out characters, brilliant casting, and a fun concept. It's a shame there aren't more people out there who know about it, but hopefully with this new deal and a solid marketing campaign that might change.
0 0 Rich  February 29, 2016
Scrotal Recall is one of the greatest recent shows I've had the luck to view. Funny and modern in ways that are probably uncomfortable to some older viewers, this show really gets it right. And it has good heart, which I feel is part of what makes it so good, not to mention the perfect casting. Please, please renew it and do season 2! (and 3 & 4 & ....)

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