1 Season
20 Episodes
(16 votes)

Dickensian Won’t Return for Series 2, BBC One Decided

Current Show Status
Dickensian series 2 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Sun 2/21/2016 Episode 20 Season 1: Episode 20
Next Episode Series ended 20 episodes total
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Production information and plot

Dickensian is a new British historical drama series that premiered on BBC One on Boxing Day, December 26, 2015. It was produced by Red Planet Pictures, written by Tony Jordan, Sarah Phelps, SImon Winstone, Julie Rutterford & Justin Young and consists of twenty 30-minute parts. Polly Hill and Tony Jordan serve as executive producers for the program.

Charles Dickens' best-loved characters come together in the authors' attempt to re-imagine the classic novels for a new century. A lighter look at the world inhabited by the characters of very serious works is aimed at attracting a whole new generation of people who might not even be familiar with the plots of the novels. There is a wealth of characters from Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol, Bleak House, Oliver Twist, The Old Curiosity Shop – and that's not even a complete list – all craftily picked out of their elaborate stories and woven into a different one. The story does get a bit murky from the abundance of characters with rich backgrounds of their own.

Current season and renewal predictions

The series is among the most ambitious works ever undertaken by BBC, and there was a whole block of 27 two-story buildings built to house all of the characters as well as the Three Cripples Pub and Old Curiosity Shop. This large-scale production's two-episode premiere excelled with a 5 million audience and a 25% share for the first episode, and 4.3 million viewers and a 20% share for the second one. If the series doesn't lose its momentum over the course of a rather long season, a renewal should be in store for the program.

Latest news

UPDATED April 21, 2016: Some unfortunate news for the fans of the period BBC drama Dickensian, who were hoping for more. The network has confirmed the cancelation of the series after the first chapter, adding that it was a difficult decision to make and that they were indeed very happy with the first series. Dickensian is one of the largest-scale projects ever undertaken by BBC, but the viewership has fallen throughout the course of the first series from 5 million viewers for the premiere to 2 million by February, aking the production budget very burdensome.


Season 1
#NameAir Dates
1Episode 1 Dec 26, 2015
2Episode 2 Dec 26, 2015
3Episode 3 Dec 27, 2015
4Episode 4 Dec 27, 2015
5Episode 5 Jan 1, 2016
6Episode 6 Jan 6, 2016
7Episode 7 Jan 7, 2016
8Episode 8 Jan 13, 2016
9Episode 9 Jan 14, 2016
10Episode 10 Jan 21, 2016
11Episode 11 Jan 22, 2016
12Episode 12 Jan 27, 2016
13Episode 13 Jan 28, 2016
14Episode 14 Feb 4, 2016
15Episode 15 Feb 5, 2016
16Episode 16 Feb 11, 2016
17Episode 17 Feb 12, 2016
18Episode 18 Feb 18, 2016
19Episode 19 Feb 19, 2016
20Episode 20 Feb 21, 2016

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Comments 169

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0 1 Rod Ivall  April 12, 2022
Agree with all of the above (over 5 years later !)
0 2 Mary Louise Usher  March 23, 2022
Agree with all the comments here.
Great shame that [censored]ensian has been shelved as there's many volumes to go with this very cleverly woven omnibus of [censored]ens' works. I'm not certain it's all of them but more than enough, or a perfect balance of the best known and loved ones, that is, and perfect acting too boot.
Typical, that something this well done gets the ol' heave ho!
Bring it back and on wi'it! [thinking]
0 9 Coni  January 27, 2022
The best scriptwriting & acting I've seen for years. Why is it they keep the bad language & other R-rated issues, but not the good things!

At least make Season 2 available on DVD so we can watch the endings of the many intertwined stories.
2 6 Deb Tomchik  November 1, 2021
This was excellent in ever way! I can’t believe it is canceled!!! They need to do a few more episodes or at least one to tie up the loose ends!!!
0 5 Judith Sinclair  July 16, 2021
I couldn’t stop watching on iview gripping show but disappointing there is no second showing. I was also disappointed about home fires not continuing
0 8 Linda Buehler  May 12, 2021
Maybe you may not do it immediately, but please, make a series 2. It was wonderful, so engaging. I didn't know much of [censored]ens but watched Scrooge every year at Christmas from when I was a child. Recently my mom (in the USA) and I did a watch together of Scrooge on YouTube on our iPads. She's in the US and unfortunately I couldn't share [censored]ensian via Australian ABC IView ?, sad.
0 4 Misty2882  May 10, 2021
Im Sooooo sad to see this show go! It was the best show ive seen in a really long time!!! Bring it back bbc!!!
0 9 THOMAS RICKARD  May 28, 2019
❤ Like all the others, best bit of TV i have seen,fortunately i watched the whole series on Nexflix 50/60 minute episodes, Come on BBC shape up, or let the show go to a company that will continue it,and the cast are still with us.
0 10 Jerym eedy  March 28, 2017
This was certainly some of the very best television for a very long time in absolutely every department but some idiot chose to schedule it in such a ridiculous haphazard manner many people just gave up and by default the viewing figures dropped.
0 7 Therese Ní Loideáin  November 29, 2016
Therese, west of Ireland. Christmas is coming and I have been eagerly awaiting for return of [censored]ensian all year. Was looking for its Broadcast date and am Bitterly disappointed to read it has been shelved by the BBC. An absolutely brilliant series and the acting is second to none. Please, please reconsider and re-install it for 2017. Please sir!
0 5 Trek  November 13, 2016
Where in November...... the weather is of the type you feel cosy and looking forward to Christmas and sit infront of the tv log fire watching [censored]ensian it was amazing !!!!! I was positive series 2 would be coming in December but as there had been no adverts about the series thought today I would google it and to my massive disappointment there isn't one BBC was massive diapointed viewer !!! Ps if you had put the show on up to Christmas and for an hour at a time I think your 5 million viewers would of still been watching it!!! It was one of the cleverest series I have watched but also gave you a sense of nostalgia and Christmas feeling such a shame
0 6 Sharon Coate  October 27, 2016
Oh no was looking was forward two series 2
0 9 Jo Price  August 28, 2016
Please don't do this BBC! I absolutely loved this show along with hundreds of others by the looks of it. [censored]ensian was one of the best things on tv in a long time & me my friends & family couldn't wait for series 2. Just can't believe this decision!!
If there's a petition then count me in!
0 7 Melanie  August 12, 2016
The reason given by the BBC for not commissioning series 2, was the viewing figures were not high enough in comparison to the cost. The quality of the magnificent 1st series was not questioned.
it is likely that the published viewing figures do not take account of the vast number of people who recorded each episode and watched later, mainly due to the abysmal scheduling by BBC. There was no consistency which resulted in viewers missing episodes and then giving up. The 1st series deserves a repeat on BBC2, preferably with 2 episodes shown back to back, once or twice a week, but with the same timings. A petition also sounds like a good idea.
0 7 Annmarie  July 29, 2016
Lived the series of [censored]ensian total gutted there will not be a second one bbc seem to cancel all the good stuff and leave the tv licence payer with utter rubish
0 8 Isabela  July 16, 2016
I can believe it they canceled a season 2 of [censored]ensian! I haven't seen a long time such a great job!! PLEASE we would like to have a season 2!
0 2 Isabela Isabela  July 16, 2016
Sorry...I can NOT believe it.......
0 8 Tom  July 1, 2016
Very sorry to hear. BBC is becoming more and more of a disappointment as the years go by. This decision to cancel [censored]ensian series 2 is probably the worst they every made. Need to replace those in charge, they are entirely out of touch with today's audience and rely on antiquated methods to determine who is watching.
0 5 GEORGEANNE Edgar MEL  June 19, 2016
The BEST TV I have seen in years, Superbly done, Charles [censored]ens would be proud.
I am extremely sad to find out this terrible news. Please bring it back. :sad:
1 3 ann  June 18, 2016
Gutted :sad: , the best thing on the BBC in a long long time in my opinion apart from River, the BBC scheduling of the series was however erratic as I had to search for the next episode, the acting was superb and re-educated my [censored]ens knowledge. how very sad ..........................
0 3 Annette  June 15, 2016
Such a shame the BBC have decided to cancel second series, the first was absolutely brilliant. It's about time the TV bosses realised that not all their viewers enjoy smutty reality TV shows time and time again. Don't we deserve some cultured programmes such as this and the same goes for Home Fires on ITV and Indian Summers on channel 4. All have such brilliant performances!!
0 3 Jeanette barr  May 28, 2016
Bring [censored]ensian back couldn't keep my eyes off it fantastically written exellent acting bye all sad it's cancelled
0 1 Jennifer  May 27, 2016
30 minute programmes were to blame, along with scheduling. This was an excellent series and to cancel it ranks as the most stupid, alongside the decision to cancel Home fires on an alternative channel. Listen to your license payers and reinstate this brilliant series.
0 2 Damo  May 22, 2016
I was one of the unfortunate ones who didn't get to see all the episodes when they were on tv, I saw the first five or six episodes but then the times they put them on were too random to keep up with. I missed a few episodes (not by choice) and then I decided rather than being confused of what I'd missed I would instead wait for the dvd to come out and I'd see them all in order. Now I have the dvd, and I find out it's been decomissioned! WTF?! This has been the best show since the Doctor Who revival and Sherlock, how dare it be cancelled?!! Bring it back BBC!!!
0 3 Jacqueline  May 12, 2016
Totally agree with all that has come before. Crying shame and a very poor decision. :cry:
0 2 Mike S  May 11, 2016
Very sad news. I agree with other comments: Why spend so much on a fantastic huge production and split it into stupid short 30 minute episodes randomly shown on random days at the wrong time of day?

The fault of diminishing viewers lays firmly at the BBC's door for their antiquated idea of scheduling. Woe betide the British public would have to concentrate on something over 30 minutes long!!!

The BBC should apologise for the [censored]-up and get season 2 underway... this time, properly!

Thank you. Bemused BBC viewer.

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