Life Below Zero is a US documentary television series. It's produced by Adjacent Productions and filmed in Alaska, as it follows the lives of six people living under the most extreme conditions imaginable above the Arctic Circle.
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Life Below Zero Season 21 is yet to be announced by National Geographic
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Life Below Zero Season 21 — not renewed yet
Latest EpisodeAired Tue 3/4/2025The Last SnowSeason 23: Episode 20
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All these spin-offs of LBZ are a joke! Actually quite boring in comparison. Now you're considiering Port Protection part of the spin-offs. Then to top it off, if one wants to watch the original LBZ when the new season starts broadcasting, one has to pay extra by watching it on youtube TV, or Disney + to see it! There are other shows I like on the National Geograpgic channel, but it certainly went down down a peg or two for me. (May 10, 2023) Sandi W.
If you are that bored there are many other challenges you can watch. I myself find Port Protection LBZ first Generation and LBZ are very interested I never thought of how these people live. We are very Spoil we need food we go to the Grocery store if is dead of winter we to turn our heater up. We have it to easy. My niece went to Alaska lived in a Community took care of Husky dogs for her room and board as she went to college the stories that she had to tell was exciting. I know I would never make it with the temperature being -50° bear country 10 ft of snow to walk in.
It is now fall 2021. I can't figure out what NatGeo is doing. Every Tuesday night a 2-hour episode comes on and afterwards a separate 1-hr episode. On the 2-hr episode, the first half is Next Generation, and the second half is original LBZ. In the listings, it tells the name of the Next Generation episode but not the original LBZ episode that comes on right after it. WTF! On November 9 i watched the Next Generation episode but missed the original LBZ that came on right after it, and since they don't say the NAME of the original LBZ episode, i couldn't even go back and watch it because i had no idea the name of the episode to look for.
I LOVE THAT SHOW, I don't have nat geo. However, I found it somewhere on my phone. But, of course I can't find it now!! Love you BTW: one of my favorite ? people!!
so far LBZ is a waste of time to view. we can't tell what is new and what's a rerun. all the episodes are advertised as new and that is totally a lie. i'm about to flush this series down the toilet and move on.. there is nothing new to watch. we're not idiots.
Negative people are what is so sad ... go outside, don't watch TV at all if you are going these lengths to give an attack on a television show 🙄 Hope you have peace in your negativity and justvwonder what other show you are picking on now 😂 No life person
We love this show!! Jessie and Sue along with the Hailstones are truly bad ass!! I do have a question what happens to the dogs that Jessie does not take with him ? Who feeds and takes care of them?It just seems so cruel to leave them all by themselves.just wondering. Thanks. Carol Coleman
He has handlers that live there and take care of the dogs and help train them. They are also learning and becoming mushers. One of them is Julie Ahnen and she was in the Iditarod this year. She dropped out early in the race and didn't finish. She has been running races for 3 years.
It's now April, 2021 and I believe Season 16 is coming up for Life Below Zero. Is it true that Nat Geo is abandoning it? When will the latest season (16) be aired on TV and on what channel, if National Geographic is bowing out of the picture? Does anyone who writes questions like these ever get answers from anyone? Sure would be nice HELLLLO OUT THERE!!!! ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING? ANYONE WANT TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FOR ME AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS ASKED?
I agree on spin offs. So far the are doing north and south and showing clips of old shows. WTH..... If I wanted to watch the spin offs, I would. But don't try to force us. I can just stream the old LBZ Shows and watch them without port protection or the next generation. Nothing will compare to Sue and The Hailstones.
I only like Life Below Zero also… but I can’t stand Andy Bassage. I just started watching LBZ and I didn’t like the way he treated his GF Denise. I wondered if he was maybe abusive to her. I looked the show up online and found out that he had been to his former girlfriend Cate!!! I wish he wasn’t on the show!!!
I agree with Holli. I don't care for Andy at all. He grabs things from Denise. He blames any of his mistakes on her. He makes her haul all the heavy stuff. He drops things on her head. She is so nice and when she asks him a question, he either ignores her or grunts some answer. She is the show. He is the blow hard. Don't care for him at all. He treated his ex wife like a dog. Maybe Denise should hit the road too. He is already doing it to her.
Today is March 11, 2021 When will new episodes of life below zero coming back ? I do not watch the spin off, can't hold a candle to LBZ. If anyone knows, please let me know.I don't want to miss it. Thank you
Life Below Zero is a great series ,watching it now .reminds me of [censored] Proeneke who made a life in Southern Alaska during the 1960s .70s and 90s ,Alone in the Wilderness .
I am a 78 yr. old female who absolutely LOVES LBZ! I have never missed an episode. This is the best show on TV...……...keep up the good work. I love Sue because she thinks like me and acts like me. I am a farm gal from Kansas who hunted, etc. and I relate soooooooooooo much to the cast members. Let's get the show on the road!
Glenn sent a message that was posted on our FB LBZFans group. He contacted NatGeo for a status update and was advised they had no plans to film him for future LBZ episodes. He was not given a reason. My “best guess” is that his travels through that gorgeous, mountainous area of the Brooks Range were very difficult for the crews. I very much hope NatGeo will work with Glenn again in future seasons. You are one of MANY fans who miss his segments.
I can‘T imagine how many more adventures he could have. Unlike the others who struggle to survive, Glenn seems like he’s more on vacation when he at his cabin without his partner and kids. I do love his optimistic attitude, but I guess I would be that way too if I was young, strong and didn’t have to work a job and could up and leave his family whenever, but I will miss him if he is dropped, he was comic relief.
I think that LBZ represents a little bit of what we ALL would like to do!! The hunter gatherer instinct is still prevalent in all of us, even today. Given the frenetic lifestyles that many of us lead, with far too much technology complicating matters (apart from Amazon, which is my best friend!!), the idea of living a simple life, sourcing food from the land, sky and water, is very appealing. I find this show absorbing, restful and exhilarating and I love seeing how the different individuals and families live. I would like the show to continue until I am at least 100 years old (I am 56!)!!
Today is 3/22/18 episode polar express supposed to be first day it aired watching it right now pretty sure I’ve seen this episode wtf it’s happened a few times now
He has several friends who live near by, he isn’t as isolated as some of the others. So I sure his friend cares for them, I was wondering the same thing
Hi great show but I have a worry about Jesse dogs who looks after the dogs that don't go with him when he camps out or going on his racing adventures please? I love the show also good luck to all regards lady mollie.
Chip went to jail for Perjury. His daughter was being harassed by a law officer and some how he gave false information about that and a Judge sent him to jail for it!
I am looking for a recipe for salve that sue was making, it had twigs from some kind of tree and then used oil and beeswax for her shoulder pain. I would appreciate the recipe if u can find it, thx and a great show, hope it comes back
So disappointed in Nat Geo Canada for abandoning such a wonderful show guess I am going to cancel my subscription to the Nat Geo Channel since I have to watch all my favorite shows especially LBZ on my Android box
they should just let her go..she mostly complains about everything. I love this show and would rather see her and her drama gone and let the show begin for 2018!
Because chip had to leave to serve his sentence of 13 months in jail, I ind it unfair that the show would stop before he returns to his family and they are reunited. I have enjoyed the hailstone family watching the kids grow up and the very real respectful relationship they have for each other, there is so much love in that family you can't make up or,FAKE IT. Please don't end with out a family reunion. I personally think his charges were bogus and the sentence to harsh!! But if you want to make an example of how hard the cops, and court system is in Alaska an on the towns ppl! Then they made it quite clear. And not in a good way to represent there state! And Agnes's is already such a hard working devoted loving mother. She is doing her best to provide for her girls. I would like to see her son's helping out while chip is away like with the firewood and fixing the snowmobiles. She needs help! Hugs to all! Cast an crew a loyal fan ?
I have been waiting for season 9 to air in Canada. From what I understand Nat Geo Canada has abandoned the show so I have been following it on my android box. So disappointed in Nat geo Canada.
Comments 90
Hope you have peace in your negativity and justvwonder what other show you are picking on now 😂 No life person
When will new episodes of life below zero coming back ? I do not watch the spin off, can't hold a candle to LBZ. If anyone knows, please let me know.I don't want to miss it. Thank you
Jim Keller
This is a great show, the hailstones are my favorite. I hope it will be a new season soon.
And Agnes's is already such a hard working devoted loving mother. She is doing her best to provide for her girls. I would like to see her son's helping out while chip is away like with the firewood and fixing the snowmobiles. She needs help! Hugs to all! Cast an crew a loyal fan ?