Hetty Feather is a British children’s drama series that features the life of Hetty Feather, played by Isabel Clifton, who lives at the Foundling Hospital after being abandoned as a baby.
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Hetty Feather Axed by CBBC – No Series 6
Current Show Status
Hetty Feather Series 6 — Canceled
Latest EpisodeAired Fri 4/10/2020The Final Chapter: Part ThreeSeason 6: Episode 3
Next EpisodeSeries ended56 episodes total
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Cast member Fern Deacon confirmed that the sixth series, accompanied by a feature-length special, would be the final series
I have watched all the episodes and absolutely loved all of them. They were all such great actors particularly Hetty! There are some brilliant programmes on CCBC - much better than the grown-up rubbish that is on most nights. I can say this confidently because I am 72 !
Look Forward For Hetty Feather Series 4 Comes Out In May 2018. Hetty And Her Friends Will Make 10 More Episodes In There Upcoming 4th Series. (It's The Last Series!)
:-) hi plz plz plz tell if there will be series 3 i love the story it tells of hetty feather and i want to see more if possible so plz plz plz tell if there will be a season 3
I'm so excited I have resently read hetty feather the book and now on sapphire battersea witch is her new name after she found out the kitchen maid Ida was her real mother it's so amazing and I can't wait to get emerald star either
I really hope this isn't the case, otherwise will be no point in watching the second series, as from the story so far catch up looks like the main aim is to find her mum, I really hope you haven't ruined this for a lot of people.
Not impressed! I love Hetty Feather but knowing this has ruined the series for me, and you're to blame!! Hope you are happy with yourself. I came looking for a release date, not the spoiler for the whole series!
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