Doctor Dee: Alaska Vet
Animal Planet
2 Seasons
18 Episodes
(71 votes)

Doctor Dee: Alaska Vet Season 3 Officially Cancelled

Current Show Status
Doctor Dee: Alaska Vet season 3 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Sat 10/1/2016 Battling FIV Season 2: Episode 11
Next Episode Show ended 33 episodes total
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Show concept and information

Dr Dee: Alaska Vet is an American real-life television series airing on Animal Planet. The show focuses on Dr. Dee Thornell's veterinarian practice in the Animal House Veterinary Hospital in Fairbanks. The series, which debuted on November 7, 2015, consists of 8 one-hour episodes. The second season debuted on July 16, 2016.

Dr. Dee Thornell's hospital practice is often interrupted by an urgent need to fly out to a remote area on an emergency call. Alaskan veterinarian's patient roster definitely has an interesting edge to it – Dr. Dee regularly treats moose, bald eagles, bears, beavers, sled dogs and other creatures not typical for other areas of the country. Rescuing an injured horse on a helicopter and examining a black bear who's just woken up from winter hibernation and is unlikely to be in the best of moods are only a start, and who knows what might come next.


Season 2 Season 1 Specials
#NameAir Dates
1Socked In & Stranded Jul 16, 2016
2On the Edge of Nowhere Jul 23, 2016
3High on the Hog Jul 30, 2016
4Against All Odds Aug 20, 2016
5Critical Condition Aug 27, 2016
6Down to the Wire Sep 3, 2016
7Farm Frenzy Sep 10, 2016
8Raging Bull Sep 17, 2016
9Operation Baby Owl Rescue Sep 24, 2016
1040 Snakes and Counting Oct 1, 2016
11Battling FIV Oct 1, 2016
#NameAir Dates
1Taking Flight Nov 7, 2015
2Laundromat Surgery Nov 14, 2015
3Don't Mess with Mama Nov 21, 2015
4Raging Horse Dec 5, 2015
5Springing Into Action Dec 12, 2015
6Tis the Season Dec 26, 2015
7Operation Pegasus Jan 2, 2016
#NameAir Dates
1Dee Tales Nov 14, 2015
2Dee Tales 2 Dec 12, 2015
3Dee Tales 3 Jan 9, 2016
4Dee Tales: Laundromat Surgery Jul 16, 2016
5Dee Tales: Raging Horse Jul 23, 2016
6Dee Tales: Springing Into Action Jul 30, 2016
7Dee Tales: Tis the Season Aug 6, 2016
8Dee Tales: Operation Pegasus Aug 6, 2016
9Dee Tales: Socked In and Stranded Aug 13, 2016
10Dee Tales: On the Edge of Nowhere Aug 20, 2016
11Dee Tales: High on the Hog Aug 27, 2016
12Dee Tales: Against All Odds Sep 3, 2016
13Dee Tales: Critical Condition Sep 10, 2016
14Dee Tales: Down to the Wire Sep 17, 2016
15Dee Tales: Raging Bull Oct 1, 2016

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Comments 83

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0 1 Barbara  April 1, 2024
[sad] I have just watched a re run of Doctor Dee here in New Zealand. TV is basically [censored] down under, so many useless Yank 'reality' programmes. Doctor Dee Alaska Vet is an exception. Entertaining, informative and enjoyable. One hopes that those who are the decision makers bring back a new series.
0 5 Joan Zerante  November 13, 2023
I cannot in any way shape or form understand why Dr Dee's series was canceled! One of the best ones on television, it was funny, very informative and clean entertainment! You don't find that anywhere these days.. please bring it back!
0 0 Leslie Egan  October 24, 2023
From what it sounds like Alaska has better winter weather than my previous hometown of Chicago. I remember waiting for buses and freezing my butt off. The best is walking to my job on Lakeshore and the hail pelting me. If you were protected by a building you were okay, but as soon as you turned a corner.
0 6 Leslie Egan  October 24, 2023
Yes, please stop with River Monsters and Bigfoot. Dr. Dee is pure reality and more people have house pets then going up the river on a boat or searching the woods for Bigfoot. I wish they would also bring back Animal Cops. I love the Detroit one. This lady is one tough Michigan chick. My mother's mother was from Upper Michigan and she has the same accent my grandmother's relatives had.
0 7 Debby W.  October 16, 2023
PLEASE Bring back Dr. Dee. She was one of the best shows out there. Enough of Bigfoot and River Minsters!
0 4 Debby W.  October 16, 2023
PLEASE Bring back Dr. Dee. She was one of the best shows out there. Enough of Bigfoot and River Minsters!
0 4 Bonnie  July 30, 2023
[smile] Dr. Dee's show exemplifies how excellent women bring exceptional services to the world. What a role model!
This show is timeless and timely. Ask her if she will do another 2 seasons and show you're all about ANIMALS.
0 10 Peggy Parks  July 1, 2023
ANIMAL PLANET.....Live up to your name! Listen to the People! Bring back Dr. Dee. Dr. Dee is inspiring, a kind human being, not only a vet, but a pilot. She goes to the people that need help with their animals and she even trades with them.She is a wonderful example, not only of veterinarians, but a human. Please consider bringing her back not only for the humans that love to watch her but for the extra mile she goes to help the animals that desperately need her.
0 6 Wendy E.  June 30, 2023
I cannot say anything more than those below have already expressed. Who knows why veterinarian shows lose out to monsters and ghosts. The number of people in the United States who have four-legged family members is worth having shows that teach about the importance of keeping your furry family members healthy.
0 11 Nancy B  June 28, 2023
I've been watching reruns of Dr. Dee, but nothing was new. Now I see why--the show was cancelled. Such a mistake by Animal Planet. I enjoyed Dr. Dee's humor, teaching style, and dedication to helping animals. She is a role model to aspiring women who want to be vets and own their own business. What are the producers thinking anyway? Correct your mistake and take Dr Dee back on.
0 5 Jesus Perez  April 20, 2023
That is what usually happens, you love a show and will be cancelled. Cann't believe she had lower ratings than the other vet shows.
0 2 Lana Lorenzen Jesus Perez  June 25, 2023
I would agree: You love a show and then it's cancelled, or worse, you watch the first year of a series and then you have to subscribe to another online service to watch the remainder seasons. That was the case with the English show, Vera, when Amazon only allowed the viewer to watch one season and then had to rent BritBox for the rest. This is my last month with that evil, nasty corporation. Anyway, of all the vet shows this was my favorite.
0 3 Martha Jesus Perez  June 27, 2023
Every time there’s a show worth watching it gets canceled. Ready to get rid of my televisions!
0 1 Martha Jesus Perez  June 27, 2023
Every time there’s a show worth watching it gets canceled. Ready to get rid of my televisions!
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0 8 Nancy  March 5, 2023
Hi I too enjoyed watching Dr dee.when my mom was alive & I lived with her we always on the weekday put on animal planet on& watched her show while having my mom who I lived with for 54 years is deceased I really miss her I always loved the winter climate for health reasons feel a lot healthier in cold weather wish I could move to Alaska hardly any winter here it's very depressing brings me down.just wanted to say I miss Dr dees shows I get to see beautiful Alaska scenery.animal planet please bring back Dr dee Alaska back& air her shows I would humbly appreciate it thank you I have to agree with these who posts she has a very sweet personality and she goes out of her way to aid sick& injured animals and she also flies to remote parts of Alaska to help people who have no food she is very good hearted& an angel God will bless her .Dr dee takes caring for injured & sick animals very seriously
0 0 Leslie Egan Nancy  October 24, 2023
She lives in Alaska, but she has that Michigan accent that my grandmother's people had.
1 14 Donna Bauer  September 30, 2022
This was such a good show I am so saddened by not being on I record them all and I have them but I was hoping that we get more
1 26 Dorri  May 7, 2022
Looking forward to AP bringing back Dr. Dee. This is a wonderful series for everyone. She is funny, courageous, family oriented and adventurer.
1 23 Jan Levy  March 27, 2022
I always enjoyed watching Dr. Dee on Animal Planet. You never knew what animal or bird, domestic or wild, she was going to see next. Please bring it back.
2 22 Pete pery  February 8, 2022
:(((: Why in the world is animal planet showing finding bigfoot and river monsters. When Phil Robertson of duck dynasty has a big foot mounted on his wall then I will believe in them and if river monsters finds any more than a big catfish I would be surprised. Who are the stupid producers of this trash or the stupid executives of animal planet who authorized them Idiots
1 33 Drop  December 8, 2021
Oh my word! Just started watching Dr. Dee over a week ago and have watched both seasons and all the episodes already! Was looking for Season 3 and found out it was cancelled!!!! WHAT???? It is such an interesting program and was soooo saddened that it was cancelled. Sure hoping it comes back on! It is one of my favorites now! SO BUMMED!
1 26 Beryl Watts  December 6, 2021
I have just started watching Dr Dee don't know how I missed it!
I was inspired and touched by such a strong, clever and brave woman. I fell in love with the show, the content was amazing. Nothing else like it anywhere on TV. Dr Dee has raised awareness about animal welfare, and educated me about tge animal world, a fascinating programme, with some strong characters. Please consider bringing it back. There is so little worth watching on a lot of channels, most are vacuous and downright insult our intelligence. Please don't dumb down with pointless empty programmes. Dr Dee has such a lot to offer us all.
0 37 Pam DeWitt  October 27, 2021
I can’t believe you cancelled Dr. Dee’s show. A woman heading up a huge practice, flying a plane to reach remote areas, being of service, wonderful home with those crazy goats. Never gets old always something exciting to watch. She shows that girls do science and she was a body builder too. You have done a disservice to all.
0 46 Karo  May 14, 2019
Please bring back Dr.Dee. I really enjoyed her show. It is so interesting to see how she plain Alaska. Really love her personality. Loved hearing about her mom too.She is such a talented vet and so down to earth. I’m like these other people. How many tree houses can you see! Plus enough with the river monsters! I would watch your channel more if you would show more shows like Dr Dee and Dr Jeff.
0 20 Amber Bauman Karo  May 7, 2022
Animal Planet is becoming like MTV?,WHICH USED TO BE MUSIC!! I totally agree with other's comments.. for crying out loud ENOUGH with these stupid shows that have ZERO to do with animals!! Idc about pools, fish tanks, tree houses, bigfoot, etc.... We miss you, Dr Dee!! [censored] job , Animal planet!!! ??????
0 28 Lucie Trudeau  March 8, 2019
We miss Dr. Dee! Bring her back!!! Plus I also like the Animal Cops, all of them. What's going on with those shows?
0 39 Mary Diaz  February 21, 2019
I can't believe AP has cancelled Dr Dee, yet renew others such as Finding Bigfoot, River Monsters and its other siblings by different names, Tree Houses, aquarium shows and ad nauseam. One of your truly best shows showing such diversity of animals and locations in Alaska, a truly fantastic and accomplished Vet, fun, caring and professional. What your criteria is for such a bad decision and choice is beyond us. Bad decisions can be undone, and can show that there are still good, wise people behind them that care about the quality of programming, which, in the end, is what's lasting and enduring.
0 34 Nina Vigano-Rudolff Mary Diaz  February 25, 2019
Love these vet shows- Dr.Dee is such a character- love her- same with Dr. Jeff In fact they are all great- river Monsters suck! Not only are these vet programs interesting they are very educational-
0 26 Big Dan  February 14, 2019
Please keep our Vet shows coming, there really isn't much else worth watching, and these are the best.
0 28 Leslie Solomon  January 10, 2019
I llove watching Dr Dee
.please renew her show. Also enjoy dr jeff. If im not home i am always reording thier shows so i don't miss them
1 32 Patsy  December 16, 2018
Bring back Dr. Dee! Enough of treehouses and Bigfoot.

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