The Fear
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The Fear Series 2 Dropped by BBC Three

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The Fear Series 2 — Canceled
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The Fear is a new British entertainment and competition reality TV series that follows amateur filmmakers as they try to break into directing the next big horror flick. Produced by Studio Lambert, series one of the show premiered on BBC Three on October 19, 2015.

The Fear invites amateur directors to submitted short horror films to be judged by a live audience. In each episode the audience selects the scariest movies, and finalists are critiqued by renowned film director Eduardo Sanchez. The six part series showcase the best homemade psychological dramas, thrillers and spooky ghost stories from around the U.K. Fans have staged a warm reception to the otherwise steely show in which every episode pushes the boundaries and has audiences grabbing for the edge of their seats.

Given the developing trend of programing that have audiences on pins and needles, The Fear has all the elements of a suspenseful series and the winning recipe for entertaining competition. With many positive reviews and viewer ratings, BBC Three is likely to renew the show for another season.

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