Cedar Cove
3 Seasons
36 Episodes
(34 votes)

Cedar Cove Canceled: Hallmark Says No to Season 4

Current Show Status
Cedar Cove Season 4 — Canceled
Latest Episode Aired Sat 9/26/2015 Getting to Know You (2) Season 3: Episode 11
Next Episode Show ended 36 episodes total
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Cedar Cove is an American/Canadian drama-romance TV series that is based on the book series by Debbie Macomber. Starring Andie MacDowell, Dylan Neal and Tery Rothery this series revolves around the life of Olivia Lockhart – Cedar Cove Municipal Court Judge. The third season of the show premiered in the US on the Hallmark Channel on July 18, 2015. Outside the US, the series also airs in the UK, Greece, Turkey and Germany.

Being the Municipal Court Judge of a small town like Cedar Cove isn’t easy, because everyone looks up to you for advice and thinks of you as the community’s guiding light. Olivia Lockhart definitely has the character to be that light, although at times it’s difficult for her to balance her public, work and personal lives. Especially since her love interest is a bad-boy, recovering alcoholic, tell-all journalist, Jack Griffith.

In the two-part third season, Jack’s past becomes an issue for Olivia when she learns that her lover had a relapse not too long ago. Meanwhile, her role as the community leader is tested with issues thrown at her from every which side by her family and friends. The series has enjoyed some of the highest ratings of all Hallmark Channel’s shows. It is romantic, uncomplicated and warm, and gives viewers a sort of bead & breakfast feeling. Although the network has not released any official news on the fate of the show, we are sure that its popularity will warrant its return. Hopefully, we will see Cedar Cove Season 4 some time in the upcoming year.

Updated December 4, 2016: As the third season of Cedar Cove, a Hallmark Channel drama and romance came to an end, an official announcement of a cancelation of further production was released. The drama, Hallmarks's first attempt at a scripted series, has received generally favorable critic reviews, but the ratings of this uncomplicated and not very engaging series have steadily declined over the three seasons. Subscribe to our automatic notifications and be informed if there is a change of plans for Cedar Cove.


Season 3 Season 2 Season 1
#NameAir Dates
1Hello Again Jul 18, 2015
2A Helping Hand Jul 25, 2015
3Something's Gotta Give Aug 1, 2015
4Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Aug 8, 2015
5Civil War Aug 15, 2015
6Batter Up Aug 22, 2015
7Runaway Aug 29, 2015
8The Good Fight Sep 5, 2015
9Engagements Sep 12, 2015
10Getting to Know You (1) Sep 19, 2015
11Getting to Know You (2) Sep 26, 2015
#NameAir Dates
1Letting Go (1) Jul 19, 2014
2Letting Go (2) Jul 26, 2014
3Relations and Relationships Aug 2, 2014
4Old Wounds Aug 9, 2014
5Starting Over Aug 16, 2014
6Trials and Tribulations Aug 23, 2014
7One Day at a Time Aug 30, 2014
8Something Wicked This Way Comes Sep 6, 2014
9Point of No Return Sep 13, 2014
10Secrets and Lies Sep 20, 2014
11Stand and Deliver Sep 27, 2014
12Resolutions and Revelations Oct 4, 2014
#NameAir Dates
1Pilot Jul 20, 2013
2A House Divided Jul 27, 2013
3Reunion Aug 3, 2013
4Suspicious Minds Aug 10, 2013
5For the Sake of the Children Aug 17, 2013
6Free Spirits Aug 24, 2013
7Help Wanted Aug 31, 2013
8And The Winner Is… Sep 7, 2013
9Old Flames, New Sparks Sep 14, 2013
10Conflicts of Interest Sep 21, 2013
11Stormfront Sep 28, 2013
12A New Life Oct 5, 2013
13Homecoming Oct 12, 2013

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Comments 182

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0 0 Dianne  January 21, 2023
Very disappointed that Cedar Cove Season 5 wasn't renewed. The producers left all of it's viewers hanging as to what was going to happen with Paul & Olivia, Luke & Justine & Olivia's & Jack's relationships. I loved the series & looked forward to it every week. It's typical of a small town.
Please bring it back.
0 0 Cheyl Kelsay Dianne  March 13, 2023
I got hooked on Chesapeake Bay then Cedar Cove. And enjoying Way Home please restart the first two. Sincerely
0 0 Gwendolyn Gray  April 19, 2022
The TV stations really need to keep the wholesome TV shows on TV everything I see on TV now is about sex murder and anything else that they can find especially reality shows Cedar Cove definitely needs to come back on air and so does Chesapeake Bay
0 0 Repe  October 1, 2021
More Cedar cove, please.
0 0 Mop  April 8, 2021
I am now getting to the stage I will not be watching anymore TV series unless I know it has an ending. Ive lost count of series like Cedar Cove that I have invested my time in, for them to be discontinued with some vague reason. Invasion, V and Moonlight all spring to mind. Films for me for now on. If they can spend money on reality rubbish, they can spend money to make a programme that would tie up loose ends for people.
0 2 Carole Teague Mop  April 8, 2021
I agree 100 percent. So disappointing to watch so many episodes and then they just drop it. I think they could at least offer enough episodes to let loyal views have some closure for these characters.
0 2 Keith Mop  April 9, 2021
Cedar Cove is a great show! Worth watching, even though it ended prematurely. I love the beautiful, on-location setting in the Pacific Northwest. I fell that most TV Series usually start to get tired around the 5 to 6 season mark (ie Breaking Bad was 5 seasons, Sex and The City 6, so there is still alot to enjoy here.
0 9 America callahan  October 6, 2017
Very sad about season 4. Loved the show, very disappointing. Please bring it back
0 12 Knoellec  May 11, 2017
So sad Cedar Cove is cancelled There are very few shows left to watch that are clean & have a good story line I hope Hallmark changes it's mind & returns it At least do a final show letting people know how it ends
1 6 Arlene Knoellec  May 11, 2017
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
I agree as many of us do. TV stations just want reality shows. They are cheaper to make. Plus make the shows with nothing but junk that should be offensive to any of us. Even Toy Box for kids had a totally inappropriate comment made by the host.
ABC also just cancelled Tim Allens, Last Man Standing. In spite of good ratings.
Until viewing audiences take a stand and stop buying the advertised products the junky shows advertise and we turn off our TV when those shows are on it will never change.
0 6 pd Knoellec  July 19, 2017
You said it perfectly , American viewers want trash, smut,filth sells, even kids watch it in their own homes.Morals and family values went out the window when some parents forgot their children for their own smut and party hardy.I see enough reality in my neighbor hood,why do I want to watch it on T.V.You all have a blessed day,
0 2 Chris Froelick Williams Knoellec  July 19, 2017
Maybe Pureflix should start making some series programs like Netflix does. This is a pay service, like Netflix, Hulu, etc. but they are good, clean movies. No filth, good morals, good lessons to learn for all, just good family films.
0 7 gordon  December 17, 2016
Rather disappointed. One of few newer series worth watching
1 10 Deanna Goff  November 10, 2016
It really sucks that Cedar Cove was cancelled with a ton of unanswered questions. If you're not going to renew it, at least write or do something that gives the viewers some answers. I want to know what happens!!!
0 7 Dail Deanna Goff  July 14, 2017
I hate that Cedar Cove canceled I loved it. I guess I need the finish the books now. ? Hallmark has really let us down
0 3 Dail Dail  July 19, 2017
Unfortunately this petition has been closed, we need to open a new one
1 2 Tammie Nixon  August 30, 2016
My mom liked the show alot. Sucks it was cancelled. Hopefully they will make it more interesting and maybe bring it back. I didnt get into the show but my mom rarely finds something she likes.
5 0 Cheryl Webb  August 22, 2016
Poor Cedar Cove. I never thought it would make it as long as it did. Unfortunately, I feel most people were in love with the idea of Cedar Cove rather than the show itself---such as the setting of a beautiful small town with a small town atmosphere and where everyone knows everyone else. But, the "idea" did not live up to what was expected from such a great setting because the script and actors were all very week. Jack was whiney and boring; Olivia was mundane with a daughter who had no substance to her at all and was expressionless --a horrible actress for that part. Cedar Cove appeared to have novice actors with a boring and unbelievable script. Hope Chesapeake Shores is much better.
0 1 Dail Cheryl Webb  July 19, 2017
I have just watched all of Chesapeake Shores 1st season and I did love it. The 2nd season starts in august we hope but I loved Cedar Cove because I read the books.
0 3 Sheila Wallace  August 20, 2016
So fed up with this practice of networks showing a few seasons, getting people hooked then just dropping a show. Basically television sucks. They ask viewers for an allegiance then [censored] them. Television for the most part is connected to the sewer pipe, set up for [censored]s who love to watch the same [censored] they can witness on any street corner.
4 0 Barbara Dill  August 20, 2016
I enjoyed the show but I felt the main character Olivia was weak very unlike the character in the books. I like Andie MacDowell as an actor but I felt that she was not a good fit for this part. All the other characters were exceptional and endearing while the character of I Olivia seems cold and unemotional. Sorry. I really love the Hallmark channels.
0 1 Rose Delloye  August 16, 2016
I read the article it states ratings and viewership declines, the way seasons are structured it is so hard to figure out when the series start dates are..... Sad Cedar cove is gone, but thinking viewership declines are due to people missing episodes accidentally.
0 6 fariha haider  August 13, 2016
I am very disappointed with Hallmark for leaving the fans hanging without an end. I binge watched on Netflix and loved the show. So bummed :sad: :sad:
0 4 Fran  August 12, 2016
So disappointed that this is cancelled! I have been watching for the return for nothing..you could have at least closed the story lines with one more season!
0 6 Dee  August 10, 2016
Bring back Cedar Cove!! Can't imagine why you would cancel without closure of the story lines. Not fair to your loyal Hallmark fans to leave us hanging.
One of the reasons I watch Hallmark.
Please reconsider this action.
0 4 Claudette Winegar  August 9, 2016
I'm with Jennifer. They need to bring the show back and tie up the loose ends. One thing I hate is an unfinished story. I need to see what happens to everyone. Pleases bring the show back.
0 5 Jennifer Tiscareno  August 9, 2016
I just watched all 3 seasons of cedar cove on netflix i cannot believe that the hallmark channel cancelled this show! And left things they way they did its not fair they need to tie up loose ends or bring it back!!!!
0 3 Mildred Toungate  August 4, 2016
Please, please, please continue it. Why was it cancelled?
0 4 Shirley Roberts  July 31, 2016
I am so disappointed that Cedar Cove will not return. This was one of my favorite shows.
0 1 Connie B Shirley Roberts  February 22, 2018
Watched all three seasons on Netflix and enjoyed them all, but now discover that it will not be returning. Really bummed out over this. Every time I find a good show i want to follow, it is cancelled.
0 1 Dail Connie B  February 22, 2018
I know, I read all the books and loved them was watching the shows, can't believe the cancel this and play absolutely nothing on there now. I only occasionally watch now.
0 4 Theresa  July 27, 2016
I can't believe this show was canceled!! It's a disgrace ... One of the only channels that shows non violent wholesome television and they cancel my favorite show!! I agree that the cancellation can't be from ratings because everyone I know also watches this series and talk about it the next day!!! I am so mad that I am boycotting the hallmark channel and will not watch another program on it again until you get it together and start listening to your faithful viewers!
0 4 Hank  July 25, 2016
Real disappointed in Hallmark for cancelling this show without tying up the individual character's stories! At least on Hart of Dixie when they knew the show wasn't coming back they did an ending show to tie up the loose ends. Hallmark should have done the same thing with this show, too. How about a two hour movie to end it?!!!
0 3 Andrea  July 24, 2016
I am very unhappy this show was cancelled. It is one of the best shows on. I just watched the whole series on Netflix. I was looking forward to the next season to find there is not one. It was refreshing there was a show on that did not have violence, cussing, and all the other bad stuff that continually plays on TV now days.
0 3 azctzn  July 24, 2016
I truly would like to know who they are polling on these ratings, everywhere I look and all the people I know religiously watch this show each week , so the cancellation due to ratings does not seem true to me and I certainly disagree. It needs to be put back on..
0 4 Trish  July 21, 2016
I'm upset to see that season 4 of Cedar cove was cancelled I love watching this show I so hope 2 see season 4 n more to come

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