A spin-off of the incredibly popular American franchise, The Real Housewives of Cheshire first debuted on January 12th, 2015
(16 votes)
The Real Housewives Of Cheshire Series 17 is yet to be announced by ITVBe
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The Real Housewives Of Cheshire Series 17 — not renewed yet
Latest EpisodeAired Mon 3/24/2025Never Have I Ever...Season 18: Episode 4
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I love the programme, but think it would be great storyline, for you to introduce, a everyday working class person can, achieve the goals they have, give them hope and inspiration, of what the cast has achieved
Keep the glamour, but introduce what a working class person can achieve, to give them an incentive of what they can achieve, I think this will give a lot of hope for people, you may not agree, but people building up to the life they live
I think they are all pretty awful - “common as muck married money” Their mouths are like sewers including Dawn who you all seem to think is wonderful. When she is annoyed her mouth goes into overdrive “effing” and she has a distinctly bullying attitude. Their hair seems largely fake extensions along with other faked parts and Rachel’s long thin straggly locks look awful - but when she has it in an ‘updo’ is much better. Sophisticated they are not! Despite their obvious wealth most of them are cheap and nasty. I still watch it though rather like people who can’t take their eyes off snakes even though they can’t abide the creatures.
When does season 6 start Love dawn Tanya Peekaboo should leave dawn alone My view is she's jealous of dawn #teamDawn Leanne what's happend to you ,looks like the vile Ampki has truly got her claws in you
Looking forward to series 5, I love this show,watching this show is better than corrie and emmerdale!. My two favourite housewife's are Dawn and Tanya they both down too earth girls who work hard and play hard, I like the fact that they say it how it is, however I do think Ampika is jealous of dawn and always tries to cause trouble, Leanne has been completely manipulated by ampika and am surprised that she has turned on Dawn some friend eh! .. MrsBucket aka Stacey is nothing more than a snotty stirrer who likes causing trouble amongst the group she's another one jeolous of dawn.. I love watching this show but definitely TeamDawn And Tanya... X
Can't wait for series 5 to start. Dawn and tanya are brilliant and down to earth,no airs and graciesocial just being themselves.ampika is so fake she needs to learn to be more of a lady.she can be annoying with ere comments. Well what can I say about leanne,if she as been dawns friend for so many years she sud give dawn a break.
I've loved the series but they should give Dawn a break. Ampika is a vile creature and jealous of Dawn as is Leanne. Leanne is two faced and is treating Dawn very badly and Dawn hasn't done anything. Dawns not a nasty person but has to stick up for herself. Stacey is a complete trouble maker. She needs to keep her opinions to herself and stop thinking she's the educated one because she's not. I love Tanya she's so natural and her and Dawn should stick together& let Leanne go with Ampika. As they are both green eyed monsters where Dawns concerned Hurry up back ladies
I can't wait for series 4 of housewives of Cheshire. I am awaiting the time when all the housewives realise how mean and jelouse missee really is. I can't believe they haven't all seen this already. Her and her nobody husband are trouble makers. Ampika and Leanne in fact everybody except missee and Tanya at the moment ! Are all fantastic. Very entertaining. Dawn needs to let Leanne talk, in fact everyone. And free herself from mean New friend!.
I've really enjoyed the series it has been hilarious I absolutely love Tanya and missé and I think everyone needs to give dawn a break it wasn't nice leaving her out and I think Leanne is really two faced she plays the innocent one that doesn't know who to side with when really she's only friends with ampika cause she took her to Paris and ampika thinks she can buy her friendship as well as her love and sugardaddy.
Comments 11
Their mouths are like sewers including Dawn who you all seem to think is wonderful. When she is annoyed her mouth goes into overdrive “effing” and she has a distinctly bullying attitude.
Their hair seems largely fake extensions along with other faked parts and Rachel’s long thin straggly locks look awful - but when she has it in an ‘updo’ is much better.
Sophisticated they are not!
Despite their obvious wealth most of them are cheap and nasty.
I still watch it though rather like people who can’t take their eyes off snakes even though they can’t abide the creatures.
Love dawn Tanya
Peekaboo should leave dawn alone
My view is she's jealous of dawn
Leanne what's happend to you ,looks like the vile Ampki has truly got her claws in you
Hurry up back ladies