Dr. Wolf
In "Dr. Wolf," viewers will follow the journey of innovative neurologist Oliver Wolf, portrayed by Zachary Quinto, and his group of interns. As they delve into the complex landscape of the human mind, they also navigate their own personal relationships and mental well-being.
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Dr. Wolf Season 1 Got the Green Light from NBC

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Produced by Berlanti Productions, Fabel Entertainment, and The Imaginarium in association with Warner Bros. Television and Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group, "Dr. Wolf" is inspired by the life and work of neurologist Oliver Sacks.

The series follows the revolutionary neurologist Oliver Wolf, portrayed by Zachary Quinto, and his team of interns as they explore the human mind while dealing with their own relationships and mental health.

The cast includes Zachary Quinto, Tamberla Perry, Ashleigh LaThrop, Alexander MacNicoll, Aury Krebs, Spence Moore II, and Teddy Sears. The series draws inspiration from Oliver Sacks' books "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" and "An Anthropologist on Mars."

(Source: deadline.com)

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