CoComelon Lane
CoComelon's new dialogue-driven series explores important developmental milestones like getting a first haircut, visiting the dentist, experiencing a friend's dinner invitation, and learning about pet care through engaging stories and songs.
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Netflix's preschool lineup is expanding with exciting new series, including "CoComelon Lane," which is a new dialogue-driven show from Moonbug Entertainment.

This marks CoComelon's first-ever dialogue-driven series, featuring new storylines and songs that cover important developmental milestones such as getting a first haircut, visiting the dentist, and more intimate moments like being invited to a friend's house for dinner and learning how to care for a family pet.

Fans will get to know JJ and his friends in a whole new way as they explore the idyllic world of CoComelon Lane, experiencing life's special milestones along the way. The series follows JJ and his best friends as they celebrate the big moments in life, from exciting new experiences to some of the scariest challenges.


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