Rich Famous Latina
Luzelba Mansour, Sandra Vidal, and Mayeli Alonso made a comeback to the show, whereas Niurka Marcos, Mimi Lazo, Ninette Rios, Scarlet Ortiz, and Patricia De Leon did not return. Instead, the cast welcomed newcomers Marcela Iglesias, Mariana González, and Kimberly Flores.
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Rich Famous Latina Season 6 Renewal Ordered by Roku

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Rich Famous Latina Season 6 — officially renewed
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After a hiatus spanning four years, the upcoming season delves into the lives of six affluent and socially prominent Latina women, spanning the vibrant cities of Los Angeles and Mexico. Their world is one of opulence, extravagance, and excess, where bubbles, Botox, and bling are just the tip of the iceberg. In this sixth season of Rica Famosa Latina, audiences can anticipate the return of familiar faces, including Mayeli Alonso, Luzelba Mansour, and Sandra Vidal, as well as the introduction of new cast members Mariana Gonzalez, Kimberly Flores, and Marcela Iglesias. As the season unfolds, viewers will witness whether these strong-willed Latinas rekindle old alliances, friendships, and shared moments or forge new connections.

Behind the wheel of Bentleys, residing in Bel-Air mansions, and jet-setting to Aspen for vacations, these successful Latinas epitomize the American dream. Yet, beneath the veneer of prosperity, they remain deeply connected to their Latin roots, sharing the bond of having shattered the glass ceiling of immigrant success.

While their lives may appear idyllic, these beautiful and accomplished Latinas perceive the world through different lenses, leading to a dynamic interplay of perspectives and experiences. Rica Famosa Latina, which first premiered in 2014 on EstrellaTV and enjoyed five successful seasons, makes a triumphant return, promising more drama, intrigue, and the unapologetic celebration of Latina culture.


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